Been away for a few years, glad (irony) to see that things haven't changed much. Anyway. Grrr... I hate (old) trolls.
We have not reach the point of doing our season "post mortem", but I've experienced with a rider (serious master level) that highest possible CTL doesn't guarantee the highest possible performance level. As if passed a certain point, the "cost" of maintaining this CTL would outweigh the benefits it can bring.
Last season we went up to 105 tss/d roughly. This altitude would provide us with (surprisingly) stable performances. Rider would respond remarkably well to tapers (big and small), and would bounce back after key events, avoiding instability often associated with tapering/peaking. At some point I'd scratch my head wondering "em I training this guy hard enough?".
This year we went up to almost 120tss/d. Though we made some gains compared to last season, this came at the price a some instability.
Important disclamour though, I still don't know how to fine tune ATL/CTL metrics, and preferred to leave them by default. However it's as if last year, the 7d constant was too much, and this year (at close to 120tss/d), it wasn't long enough. I donno.
Our most important (and most complex) taper is yet to come (Worlds Master Track in Manchester), but we already question the idea of flying so high next season, and will probably going to aim for between 105 and 110, i.e. just enough above 100 to account for CTL loss associated with tapering.
Been away for a few years, glad (irony) to see that things haven't changed much. Anyway. Grrr... I hate (old) trolls.
We have not reach the point of doing our season "post mortem", but I've experienced with a rider (serious master level) that highest possible CTL doesn't guarantee the highest possible performance level. As if passed a certain point, the "cost" of maintaining this CTL would outweigh the benefits it can bring.
Last season we went up to 105 tss/d roughly. This altitude would provide us with (surprisingly) stable performances. Rider would respond remarkably well to tapers (big and small), and would bounce back after key events, avoiding instability often associated with tapering/peaking. At some point I'd scratch my head wondering "em I training this guy hard enough?".
This year we went up to almost 120tss/d. Though we made some gains compared to last season, this came at the price a some instability.
Important disclamour though, I still don't know how to fine tune ATL/CTL metrics, and preferred to leave them by default. However it's as if last year, the 7d constant was too much, and this year (at close to 120tss/d), it wasn't long enough. I donno.
Our most important (and most complex) taper is yet to come (Worlds Master Track in Manchester), but we already question the idea of flying so high next season, and will probably going to aim for between 105 and 110, i.e. just enough above 100 to account for CTL loss associated with tapering.