Bush biking toward nowhere?

On 18-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]>

> If David Duke agreed with me because of an anti-Semitic stance I took, I'd
> deserve to be painted with a pretty harsh brush.

Only a dumb ass equates criticism of Zionist conquest with prejudice against
Jews in general.

Besides, if you weren't ignorant, you would realize that the Palestinian
Arabs are also a Semitic people. Duh!

Sock Puppet

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On 19-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> No one is better off with only half the story.

It is obvious that Hickey is only getting the republican propaganda portion
of the story. What else is new (except $100 price increase for his frames -
must be reduced shipping costs from all the cheap oil we are getting from

Sock Puppet

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On 21-Aug-2005, Blair P. Houghton <[email protected]> wrote:

> How about we just blame Bush for not listening when
> the CIA said it was a bad idea to lie to start a war?

bush is not to blame. That lump under his jacket is a control device, and
**** cheney is holding the remote.

Sock Puppet

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On 23-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> Yeah, never mind the results of the bipartisan commission that went
> over the handling of pre-war intelligence with a fine-tooth comb
> DURING an election... I'm sure the Democrats participating were
> helping GWB cover up doing what you claim... right?
> If you can imagine THAT happening, then you'll pretty much believe
> anything.

Why not. With a few exceptions, the congresscritter democrats feed at the
same campaign donation hog trough as the republicans.

Don't rock the boat!

Sock Puppet

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On 19-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]>

> Wow. So those 17 UN Resolutions (or was it 21?) were just Cliff Notes?

What about the US enforcing the UN Resolutions against the Zionist
colonization/conquest/kinder-gentler ethnic cleansing of the West Bank of

Sock Puppet

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On 19-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> At the time, I could imagine NO reason to trust a despot who'd already
> tried to assassinate a US President, openly supported terrorists, and
> who had admitted having vast stores of WMD years earlier (and had used
> them years prior to that).

United States: Has attempted/succeeded in assassinating/removing leaders of
other countries on several occasions.

United States: Has supported terrorists attacking the governments of Cuba,
Nicaragua, etc, not to mention supporting domestic terrorism committed by
government backed military/paramilitary forces in many South/Central
American, African and Asian countries.

United States: Largest nuclear weapons arsenal on the planet, and
significant chemical and biological weapons programs/capabilities.
Incinerated 150,000+ Japanese CIVILIANS with nuclear weapons after learning
the Japanese were willing to Surrender as long as the Emperor could remain
as a powerless figurehead.

Why do they hate us?

Sock Puppet
On 22-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> OK, let's say your neighbor goes out and holds up a convenience store
> using two shotguns, three handguns and a case of hand grenades. He
> gets identified, and the cops tell him to give up his weapons. He
> makes a big show of crushing one of his handguns in public and tells
> the cops he got rid of the rest of the weapons, but just didn't keep
> any notes as to how.
> Your'e gonna believe him?

If dozens of police descend on his property and perform an exhaustive search
and find nothing, then I am willing to believe that the weapons are no
longer on his property.

Face it, the whole WMD story was a scam to sell the war of conquest. We will
accept your admission that you were wrong when you argued otherwise in 2002
and 2003.

Sock Puppet

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On 17-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> The nation is so polarized and rude because waaaaay too many people on
> the right and on the left believe all the nonsense their respective
> talking heads feed them (that should be obvious reading these
> threads).

Coming from knee-jerk republican-regressive Hickey, this is hilarious.

Sock Puppet

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On 18-Aug-2005, Stephen Harding <[email protected]> wrote:

> The US gets about 1/4 of its oil from all Middle East sources combined.
> Saudi Arabia is a large provider, but so is Canada, Mexico, Venezuela
> and Nigeria.
> I haven't heard plans to invade those countries to control their oil,
> but perhaps that's because they're already US lackies?

The US backed the failed coup to remove THE DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT
of Venezuela, because he believes in using oil profits to help the common
people, not to enrich foreign oil companies.

bush has failed to repudiate republican backer pat robertson's call for
assassinating Hugo Chavez.

Sock Puppet
On 18-Aug-2005, Stephen Harding <[email protected]> wrote:

> > Nice sidetrack, but not pertinent. The invasion was sold based on
> > WMDs. Many people, myself included, said there were no WMDs. And now
> > we see there were, indeed, no WMDs. You can't pretend that this
> > invasion and conquest was not based on deception.

> WMDs which he was known to possess. No one (except political Lefties)
> doubts he had them. The question is, what happened to them?

THE DOG ATE THEM! Just like your elementary school homework.

Sock Puppet

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On 19-Aug-2005, Stephen Harding <[email protected]> wrote:

> But alas, all I can ever really be here is just a dogmatic, right
> wing neo-con, hoping to make the world a lot poorer so I can become
> a little richer while keeping my Saudi friends living lifestyles of
> the rich and famous while suppressing their own citizens and blowing
> up buildings filled with people in the US.

Finally, some honesty.

Sock Puppet

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On 24-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:

> The market *will* adjust demand relative to supply via price (as it's
> doing now, though I'd argue that there really isn't a supply problem
> at all). And as the price goes up, the supply will increase as it
> becomes more feasible to gear up new production.
> We've been hearing theories that we'll run out of oil in X years for
> X+ years now. The bottom line is, that we still don't really know HOW
> much oil is still available, but it's clear we're not going to run out
> any time soon. We've had these "oil crises" about every 20 years, and
> they're always solved "by the market" (increased production to meet
> demand). This glitch shouldn't be any different.

Hickey, Are you one of those wackos that thinks there is a huge pool of oil
being created near the center of the earth that will replenish all the oil

Sock Puppet

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On 18-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]>

> From Power's account:

> Halabja was the "most notorious and the deadliest single gas attack
> against
> the Kurds," killing 5,000 civilians. But as Power notes, it was just one
> of
> some forty chemical assaults staged by Iraq against the Kurdish people.

The first poison gas attacks on the Kurds were by the British in the 1920's.

Sock Puppet

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On 18-Aug-2005, Robert Uhl <[email protected]> wrote:

> You're right, but we didn't start it. The Islamists started this war;
> we don't have any choice about that. But we're going to finish it.

Who is we, neo-con man?

Sock Puppet

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Sock Puppet wrote:
> On 23-Aug-2005, Mark Hickey <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Yeah, never mind the results of the bipartisan commission that went
>> over the handling of pre-war intelligence with a fine-tooth comb
>> DURING an election... I'm sure the Democrats participating were
>> helping GWB cover up doing what you claim... right?
>> If you can imagine THAT happening, then you'll pretty much believe
>> anything.

> Why not. With a few exceptions, the congresscritter democrats feed at
> the same campaign donation hog trough as the republicans.
> Don't rock the boat!

Some of your posts are almost funny, but that one is just wrong. Partisan
politics is all about POWER. The dems would have given /anything/ to prove
that GWB manipulated or fabricated the intelligence. (Hell, they still
CLAIM it all the time -- except for Bob Beckle of all people, who actually
concedes that Bush's intentions were genuine.)

Their donations would have gone thru the roof if they'd been able to make
that case.

Gepetto Bill
Sock Puppet wrote:
> On 18-Aug-2005, "Bill Sornson"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> If David Duke agreed with me because of an anti-Semitic stance I
>> took, I'd
>> deserve to be painted with a pretty harsh brush.

> Only a dumb ass equates criticism of Zionist conquest with prejudice
> against Jews in general.

Read some of her comments, anonymous mouse potato troll.

".(Sheehan) voiced vaguely anti-Semitic rhetoric when she alleged that the
Iraq War was all about protecting Israel, i.e. a Jewish conspiracy (a
similar opinion is frequently expressed by David Duke and his ilk)." - From
the Lonestar Times August, 13, 2005

There's lots more if you care to Google...but what do Jews know about
> > It's always been a rough area to ride from what I've read.
> Yeah, if you think dealing with horses on the trails is bad, try


According to a book I read once "Bicycling and the Bush", a history
of cycling in Australia, apparently camels, unlike horses, improve a
trail for bikes when they walk on it.

Apparently Australia, in about the 1890s, went through a period when
it was like the wild west, but mounted on bikes. Bikes were the
quickest way to rush your gold claim to the office, didn't eat
strange poisonous plants and die, etc. etc.

Jeremy Parker
"Sock Puppet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 19-Aug-2005, Dane Jackson <[email protected]> wrote:
>> BFD, as a matter of fact I can. I'd be a lot more impressed if he wasn't
>> on his *50th* vacation of his presidency.

> In my job, I take 50 hours of vacation PER YEAR.

From reading your posts, the reason for that is obvious: it would be too
expensive to retrain you if they gave you more than a few hours off at a
"Sock Puppet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 21-Aug-2005, Blair P. Houghton <[email protected]> wrote:
>> How about we just blame Bush for not listening when
>> the CIA said it was a bad idea to lie to start a war?

> bush is not to blame. That lump under his jacket is a control device, and
> **** cheney is holding the remote.

Who controls the lump on top of your neck?