That's a serious story of breakage pnkCoral, yikes! Congrats on the healing and yeah, you can't operate on all those places, amazing to let the body heal. How are you knees afterwards?
DaneGirl, you got surgery but still need a sling after a few weeks? I've read around that the sling is almost always just for a comfort thing, that it's pretty much holding up the arm such that less strain is put on the ligaments that are shortened/stretched/twisted around from the break. With surgery the ligaments maybe are back in place but a bit damage from the surgery, so maybe the healing surgery vs no surgery is an apples and oranges comparison. That makes sense to me, my experience now is similar:
So I'm just over 3 weeks, no operation, and find that I don't need the sling any more, but like to bring with me if I plan to walk long distances or be up and about without a table/chair/cushion to rest it on occasionally. I wore the sling to bed every night until probably 2.5 weeks, then experimented without it, and now I don't need it to remind me not to flail around and tweak the arm. But I'm a pretty sound/still sleeper, it's more the waking quickly and trying to hop out of bed without thinking about it was risky. My deltoid gets really sore still if I walk around for long without the sling. I have a rotator cuff injury from earlier in the year (trauma from snowkiting) that I think got aggravated again with this collarbone snap. I don't remember banging it much in the crash, but the extra load put on it while the collarbone heals really aches if I don't give it a rest...
I also started exercising again lightly, which consists mostly of sitting on a recombinant bike (with the armrests, is that what they're called?), and walking on a treadmill. Yesterday I got adventurous though (3 week anniversary) and decided to try running. I'm generally a relatively fast runner and minimalist/barefoot so I'm used to running lightly, having good form, and minimizing the head bobbing. I started at 6.0mph but that felt a bit slow to get good form. 6.5 and then up to 7.0 ended up being perfect for light running, good form and I was able to 'float' along per se. My arm was in sling and still at my side the whole time, and this caused my left (good) arm to swing a bit less I think. Form compensates, and I ran a mile with no pain or strain feel on the arm, that made me super excited (and wanting to join some friends in a marathon in 2 months haha, though I'd at least only do the half).
The last bit I'll add is something I wouldn't take as advice, but just into consideration. My second break doc gave me literally no advice on when to take off the sling, when to start exercising, etc. Granted I didn't ask, and I've been through this before I guess was the reason. My first break doc, however did give me advice: since I was generally active and fit, my PT regimen should be me working back towards being normal as before. No special training needed, just what felt right for slowly building back up, stopping short of overdoing it (it's quite easy to tell when you're overdoing it with a clavicle break), testing range of motion, etc. I think that's towards the general notion that clavicles do pretty well healing back on their own. Anyway, here's a pic as of today, still a little discoloration from the original injury, and a knot from my fully recovered left clavicle (holding camera in pic), but not too much looking weird on the right side