Broken titanium clavicle plate

Broken plates are common in Orthopedics. The job of the hardware is to stabilize the bone while it heals. Bone heal requires "micro motion" so the Dr. Had to find tune his plate and screw construct to allow the right amount of micro motion and stimulate bone growth. A construct that is to rigid wont allow the body to lay done new bone for healing. Eventually that rigid construct will break under the forces of our own movements. If the construct is not rigid enough the bone will now heal either and of course the construct will fail again. There is no material strong enough to replace our own bone. Keep in mind we are constantly remodeling our own healthy bones when we put them under forces. Man made materials like stainless steal and titanium can be weakened through cyclic loading and eventually fail. Don't assume that plates and screws will heal your fractures. You have to take it easy until your own bone can heal and bear the loads.