Originally Posted by pnkcoral
Trucker 77,
It has been just about one year now, since I broke my clavicle in a high speed car crash. I too went through some anquish over trying to decide if I should have surgery and a plate installed. My break, though a clean one in the middle area, turned out to be about 140% displaced. My surgeons were adamant and insistant on the surgery but due to some 13+ broken bones from the accident I was to sick to proceed. Once I was healthy and fully aware of the possible complications, I decided to just let it heal naturally. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.
Now, if I had had mutiply breaks in the collar bone, an over-lapping or shredded break, or perhaps some other anomaly, then my decision my have been different. But, for normal breaks in a healthy person, my experience and numerous studies say that the best course of action is to let it just heal on its own. The most important thing (IMO) is to be patient because the whole process takes a lot of time. Fortunately, I was flat on my back for the first two weeks and then I used a sling while walking and getting around in public. It seems funny now, but, I remember I was all concerned that it wasn't healing and I went out and got a an xray at about four weeks. But, at that time period the break is just putting out fibers to calcify. And, it really takes months for a more permanent calcification of the bone. At six weeks I was back swimming in a new hot springs pool and at 3 month I was back training in a pool.
This weekend I swam in a meet down in Salt Lake. I dove off the starting blocks numerous times putting a ton of pressure and torque on the break and shoulder areas. I then swam some butterfly races. I can' think of anything that puts more pressure on the collar bone than butterfly..except maybe lifting heavy weights. I must admit the next day I was a little sore in the shoulder muscles but no pain radiated form the clavicle break.
Today, the thought of having to deal with all the possible complications from surgery, if I had taken another course of action send chills up my spine. Nope, not only has the clavicle fused together nice and strong but all the other bones have mended too. I consider myself one lucky dude.
Good luck with your journey..