I went just yesterday to my surgeon and he said the union looks very good and I asked him about the "displacement" or better said why did it move a little and he said it's the same as before the only thing that changed is the angle from which the x ray has been taken...Originally Posted by bridsmath .
Yeah that should have been plenty of time.
He recommended another 4 months of PT that means doing my exercises until it feels like before the accident (well he meant as normal as possible because it will never be like before that's for sure) and also I should start swimming...which I like.
I asked him about the problem with the frozen shoulder, because when I stretch out my right arm it doesn't look like a right angle, it's kinda stuck there and he said to continue with the exercises so that the muscles and the joint won't be allowed to freeze so to say..
BTW: I knew something was wrong with your username...u always signed Brad and I assumed it was the same person from the context and all....