Thank you. Very helpful. I guess I was just worried that people would see this plate bulging out and say "What is that?!"

Oh also another question.. for you or anyone who has a plate.. did you get a special note from your doctor indicating you have a metal plate in your body? Any problems so far going through metal detectors or airport security?

Originally Posted by tdonne2 .

To answer some of your questions, I am approaching 3 weeks post op, and my scar looks like a small line at this point. Aside from my shaved chest in that areas(haha), i dont think many people would even notice it with my shirt off. My plate definately protrudes an extra few millimeters from my bone and is noticeable to the touch, but not from just looking at it. I have significantly more muscle and probably fat than you though, so yours should be slightly more noticeable.

In my opinion, letting the clavicle heal on its own when its displaced will compromise the integrity of the bone since it no longer has the same flexing properties. When it heals at a different angle(out of alignment), new pressure points are created. Aside from deformity, that would be my biggest concern. The size of your scar is completely dependent upon your own healing abilities, and how they stitch you up. I was just telling my girlfriend that i wont even have a cool scar to go with my story since its healing so well.

My break was much more severe than yours, but I would still go through with the surgery looking back. Goodluck.
Thank you so much. I didn't realize the bump would cause much pain even after it completely heals. If it is causing you discomfort, I hope you get it taken care when you get a chance. These things shouldn't take over our lives.
My surgeon did suggest having the plate done. He said I can go either way with it but if I don't, the bump will never go away. I guess I will live with the scar than a bump. He said it would be a few inches and he's using dissolvable sutures. Right now my surgery is scheduled for early next week. Very very nervous about what to expect after. I can imagine the pain will be excruciating. :(

Originally Posted by bridsmath .

Quote: Originally Posted by NeedAdviceNow .

Ok so it seems my first post didn't post so I will try again. First off, let me state that I don't cycle. I came across this site on google and saw this thread. So last week, I broke my clavicle in three places. Xray number 1 on Monday was bad and Xray number 2 on Wednesday was worse. The bones had gotten farther apart as opposed to closer together. This is xray number 2.

The orthopedic surgeon felt on Wednesday that surgery might be a good idea but he explained some people heal fine on their own. My concern is the bump on my shoulder now. I am a female so perhaps I am self conscious by nature and I don't like the bump. But compared to other pictures I've seen on google.. it is not as bad. My dad who is a physician told me to not have the surgery and let the bones heal on their own and overtime, when bones fuse together, the bump will go away. I know this isn't always the case. He feels I don't need the surgery. My mom tells me not to get the surgery because the bump is not noticeable. My friend who is a physican tells me to get the surgery because if I let it heal naturally, I may have problems later on... and she said it looks really bad.. the bump. So I'm getting conflicting advice.

These are the pics she saw: and

Questions for you guys and girls.. 1) will the bump get larger? I'm concerned with the surgery. 2) If I decide to go with it, how big will the scar be? I would imagine if I wear low cut shirts, it will be noticeable. 3) Also will the plate under my skin be visible to others? My dad says I will be able to feel the plate if I touch my skin. Is this true? So I'm very torn on what to do. I hate this. Tomorrow is my next appt with the surgeon and he will take new xrays and see how I am progressing.

Any advice? Did you guys have a noticeable bump as well?
Hey there,

I'm not too sure if you have read much of the previous posts in this thread, but most of my posts would probably catch your attention. I am not a girl, and call me vain if you wish, but I was also concerned with the appearance of my broken collar bone. I am a thin man and my clavicles are very apparent, even with a t-shirt on. At the time of my break (over a year ago) I was not presented with the option of surgery. I saw 3 surgeons who all recommended not having the plate installed. One surgeon told me that if I was concerned about the bump that he could do a minimally invasive operation to smooth the jagged edge pointing up as a result of the break. I still have not gone through the procedure because I am waiting for the school year to end, but will be having this done for not only aesthetic reasons but also because it is a constant pain and discomfort for things in my every day life such as backpacks, guitar straps, heavy leather coats, seat belts, massages, hugs, hockey equipment etc. The scar will be smaller than the ORIF surgery scar would be and I will not have any hardware installed.

If it comes down to it and you decide to let it heal naturally, you do have options! I recommend bringing this up to your surgeon if he thinks it will heal on its own. I am not a medical professional, but judging by your x-rays I think that having the plate and screws installed may be a better option for your case, but it's impossible to tell until you give it time to try to bond. The reason I say this is because of the overlap that your break has caused. It's best to discuss everything on your mind with an orthopedic surgeon.

I wish you the best of luck with everything. Everyone in this thread can sympathize with each other. As stated by someone earlier, I would NEVER wish this injury upon anyone! It's a life long injury that will stay with your for the rest of your life whether it be pain and discomfort or just seeing it in the mirror every morning! :(
It's been eight weeks since I broke my collarbone. Should I go skiing?
I saw my doctor after 5 weeks, and the fibrous tissue was showing. It looked like a dark glob in the x-ray.
I did not have surgery. Healing the old-fashioned way.

I can't ride my bike in this weather. I really want to ski./img/vbsmilies/smilies/redface.gif

To the guy above me: Nobody cab really answer that question for your besides your dr. But, if it were me, if i could prove to myself that i could comfortably lift weight over my head and/or do a pullup or something of that nature, I would feel comfortable strapping into my snowboard. Injuries like these are all about confidence when it comes down to getting back into the sport. If i felt injured and was constantly thinking about how i shouldnt fall, im probably gonna fall. Anyways, goodluck and take it easy on the slopes.
Originally Posted by NeedAdviceNow .

Thank you. Very helpful. I guess I was just worried that people would see this plate bulging out and say "What is that?!"

Oh also another question.. for you or anyone who has a plate.. did you get a special note from your doctor indicating you have a metal plate in your body? Any problems so far going through metal detectors or airport security?

Quote: Originally Posted by tdonne2 .

To answer some of your questions, I am approaching 3 weeks post op, and my scar looks like a small line at this point. Aside from my shaved chest in that areas(haha), i dont think many people would even notice it with my shirt off. My plate definately protrudes an extra few millimeters from my bone and is noticeable to the touch, but not from just looking at it. I have significantly more muscle and probably fat than you though, so yours should be slightly more noticeable.

In my opinion, letting the clavicle heal on its own when its displaced will compromise the integrity of the bone since it no longer has the same flexing properties. When it heals at a different angle(out of alignment), new pressure points are created. Aside from deformity, that would be my biggest concern. The size of your scar is completely dependent upon your own healing abilities, and how they stitch you up. I was just telling my girlfriend that i wont even have a cool scar to go with my story since its healing so well.

My break was much more severe than yours, but I would still go through with the surgery looking back. Goodluck.

My Dr. hasnt mentioned anything about a card, but I imagine we will all need to have one. I dont think airport security is into the old "It isnt a gun...its a plate for my clavicle" line these days. I dont mind carrying a card, we are in good company...Tony Romo, Lance, Terminator...etc.

I dont think anyone is going to notice it unless you regularly have people staring at your clavicle. It is most definitely not true that the bump will never go away if you let it heal naturally. My bump went away. It took 8 years or so, but it def flattened out. Like I said before, the only real problem I encountered with my surgery was some nerve pain. But after you get through that its smooth sailin(all relative, of course) I'm at 3 weeks exactly, and can lift my arm straight over my head pain free.

And if your really worried about the scar, just follow what everyone else was saying about the anti-scar cream and vitamin E and all that. I know a girl that was in a car accident 5 years ago that left her with double digit broken bones and plates to align them, and I bet a medical examiner would have a tough time finding most of her scars. So to reiterate my strong, one-sided, biased, no phd view on what you should do.....get the surgery and be walking around like normal a month from now.
Thanks for all the good information everyone. Broke my collarbone and a couple of ribs on 11-18. The break was near the AC so the dr. recommended surgery. I'm 6 weeks post op and just this week started pendulum exercises. Any movement more than that is quite painful. I'm curious to know more about physical therapy. I'm hoping that in one week I'll be able to ditch the sling (only wear it outside the house) and start some more aggressive physical therapy. For those of you who had very little range of motion when starting PT how long did it take you to regain 50%, 75%, 100% ROM? Also, when you do the exercises how much pain do you experience? Are you supposed to feel quite a bit and push through it or stop when you feel pain? Guess I'm a little nervous about it. Thanks in advance.
Good luck to all of you. I posted one page back with a five month non-union. I have since had this plated with seven screws two weeks ago. I continue to be amazed with the disparity of diagnosis and post operative treatment of these injuries. I see some in a sling and immobilized four weeks post surgery. I was put through full range of motion the day after surgery, and not required to use a sling since. I do full PT three times per day and the only real restriction imposed was no lifting greater than a can of soda with the affected arm until the six week X-ray. If there is healing then it's full speed ahead with rehab. Please, I am not saying this applies to all injuries or surgeons, as I said, they all seem to have their opinion. The surgeon who repaired mine is a sports guy who does motocross racers and the have an aggressive return to function philosophy. The scar is long, as I imagine the plate is, and so are the screws. The positive, the pain wasn't that bad, and it already feels way better. The shoulder no longer droops and I'm now symmetrical again.
Hey Craig:
From West Palm Beach, Florida. Broke my left clavicle Jan 2/11. Typical stupid bike fall...front wheel to rear wheel. I am very active too. Everyday 2-3 hours and long weekend rides, swimming and running. Broke in the midle and a 1.8cm bone separation. There are other small separations in other sections too. I'm very glad I had the surgery and I have my bone back like it was when I was born. The Dr was the best and did a work of art. I felt the difference right away. I am in the recovery process but again, I feel that will be better off: Strong again soon, no left bone shorter than right (if you don't do surgery, bones will heal in the place where they are now and will stay there forever), no infection, no movement limitation. I can move my arm now in all directions now with no pain or cracking noise. Dr recommends not to lift heavy weights for another 2-3 weeks but I will after. Surgery will not accelerate healing. Dr puts bone together with a small plate but still bones need to heal. No bump at all. Surgery was $5.5K. Insurance covered $5K.
Originally Posted by Carlos Arturo .

Hey Craig:
From West Palm Beach, Florida. Broke my left clavicle Jan 2/11. Typical stupid bike fall...front wheel to rear wheel. I am very active too. Everyday 2-3 hours and long weekend rides, swimming and running. Broke in the midle and a 1.8cm bone separation. There are other small separations in other sections too. I'm very glad I had the surgery and I have my bone back like it was when I was born. The Dr was the best and did a work of art. I felt the difference right away. I am in the recovery process but again, I feel that will be better off: Strong again soon, no left bone shorter than right (if you don't do surgery, bones will heal in the place where they are now and will stay there forever), no infection, no movement limitation. I can move my arm now in all directions now with no pain or cracking noise. Dr recommends not to lift heavy weights for another 2-3 weeks but I will after. Surgery will not accelerate healing. Dr puts bone together with a small plate but still bones need to heal. No bump at all. Surgery was $5.5K. Insurance covered $5K.
You are inspiring to me. I broke my left clavicle in a downhill accident (I guess stupid is no accident!). I'm having the VA do surgery on Feb. 2nd and I have alot at stake here. I just got suspended from my job until my doctor tells me I'm "100%". In their eyes "100%" is equal to me being able to safely climb a scaffolding ladder. I have about 10 days after the scheduled surgery until the money runs out and I need to go back to work. Do you think it's possible to get the doctor to write me off so early? Is it safe? I'm an inspector at a nuclear facility and am away from home so I'm pretty much screwed if I can't get back to work. What a way to start a new job huh, been on it for a whopping 3 days. My break is toward the shoulder and is a clean 45 degree single fracture. No pieces floating around or anything. The bones are poorly aligned and there is a small gap between. I plan on soaking in fresh comfrey to speed the knitting process (look it up folks! COMFREY). Any input is appreciated here.

On a side note it would be pretty cool to have some hardware sticking up under the skin. I like piercings and tattoos so this will compliment what I have already I think. Maybe I'm just being stooopid again.

Let the jokes fly for the VA now.
Hi. I am in the same situation as you. Did you get the surgery? It is 7 months for me, and non-union. Waiting to see a surgeon now. Exact same break, good range of motion now, and not too much pain....But, really active and want full use of the arm.
Originally Posted by ncycle .

Hi. I am in the same situation as you. Did you get the surgery? It is 7 months for me, and non-union. Waiting to see a surgeon now. Exact same break, good range of motion now, and not too much pain....But, really active and want full use of the arm.
I'm in the same boat, but at month 2. My bones looked straight and healing until checkup last week, when a 15 degree angled shot was taken. WOOPS! So here's the shot of how I'm 'healing. The weird thing is that I think most of my range of motion has returned, no pain, and I'm feeling stronger all the time like it's getting back to normal. So the question: surgery? I have a follow up in a month to see how the bones are 'unioning', after which we'll decide for surgery or not. I'm almost leaning towards 'if it feels like it ain't broke, don't fix it'. But I'm super active, and seriously, look at this (!!):

I am scheduled for surgery at the end of April. This is after 9 months of hoping the bone would heal. Every break is different, and I would recommend that you see an ortho doc for opinion. It may suck waiting, as you are active, but if you can avoid surgery by natural healing, that is best. Good luck to you.
I had a screw put in mine two days after my crash, 3 months now and I have a non union. Too many puffs I think. ;-(
Now I need a bone graft and then they'll remove the the scerw and put a plate on. I'm gonna ask about a bone marrow injection to see if that'll start the healing process. Don't like the sound of bone graft.....


  • Clav1.JPG
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I am in the biggest dilemma possible regarding surgery on my right collarbone and I really would love some advice!

Ok so I bust my collarbone around 5-6 weeks ago. I was told back then there was a small chance of surgery, but then after being checked 2 weeks later, that wasnt the case.
It stayed in the sling since the break for around 2-3 weeks, and I was told I can take it out when the pain eases off, which it did around the 2-3 week period as things got better and I thought it was going well.

I then had a checkup around the 4 week mark and there was signs of slow healing. The doctor wanted to check again in 2months and see if surgery may actually be needed. Ok so heres where it gets complicated.

I am due to study abroad next year starting August 22nd, the date today is 17 of June so thats roughly 8 weeks time.
I saw the hospital today and there not that pleased with the speed of my collarbone's healing. There should be new tissue which apparently there isnt which means its not healing and isnt progressing all that much, the collarbone could be moved about by the doctors hand and my shoulder blade relevant muscle was in a lot of pain due to the extra stress its currently under. I was then given 2 options ....

1. Give it another 6 weeks and see if its healed/progressed on its own, if so, surgery isnt needed and its just been a slower break to heal (however the longer after a break, the smaller the chance of successful healing gets), if it doesnt heal/progress then surgery will be needed and will commence 2 weeks before im due to leave for the US, meaning I wont get any checkups incase the metal plate isnt right or gets infected or any other problem. I wont have the cover abroad either and things could be very problematic, plus ill be very sore and not able to truly get out and see the US.

2. Take the surgery in 3 days time, regardless if it might not be actually necescary, and then 7 weeks worth of healing and care to see how it gets on, with the hospital nearby to sort anything out for the most 'raw' weeks post surgery. However its taking surgery when it may actually not have been needed. Surgery also always presents the possibility of nerve damage and vesell damage. But by having surgery now, I will be far more able to take the US head on, and play sports there and be active to a certain extent.

Fellow broken clavicle owners past and present, please help me with this god awful situation!!!
I am in the biggest dilemma possible regarding surgery on my right collarbone and I really would love some advice!

Ok so I bust my collarbone around 5-6 weeks ago. I was told back then there was a small chance of surgery, but then after being checked 2 weeks later, that wasnt the case.
It stayed in the sling since the break for around 2-3 weeks, and I was told I can take it out when the pain eases off, which it did around the 2-3 week period as things got better and I thought it was going well.

I then had a checkup around the 4 week mark and there was signs of slow healing. The doctor wanted to check again in 2months and see if surgery may actually be needed. Ok so heres where it gets complicated.

I am due to study abroad next year starting August 22nd, the date today is 17 of June so thats roughly 8 weeks time.
I saw the hospital today and there not that pleased with the speed of my collarbone's healing. There should be new tissue which apparently there isnt which means its not healing and isnt progressing all that much, the collarbone could be moved about by the doctors hand and my shoulder blade relevant muscle was in a lot of pain due to the extra stress its currently under. I was then given 2 options ....

1. Give it another 6 weeks and see if its healed/progressed on its own, if so, surgery isnt needed and its just been a slower break to heal (however the longer after a break, the smaller the chance of successful healing gets), if it doesnt heal/progress then surgery will be needed and will commence 2 weeks before im due to leave for the US, meaning I wont get any checkups incase the metal plate isnt right or gets infected or any other problem. I wont have the cover abroad either and things could be very problematic, plus ill be very sore and not able to truly get out and see the US.

2. Take the surgery in 3 days time, regardless if it might not be actually necescary, and then 7 weeks worth of healing and care to see how it gets on, with the hospital nearby to sort anything out for the most 'raw' weeks post surgery. However its taking surgery when it may actually not have been needed. Surgery also always presents the possibility of nerve damage and vesell damage. But by having surgery now, I will be far more able to take the US head on, and play sports there and be active to a certain extent.

Fellow broken clavicle owners past and present, please help me with this god awful situation!!!
Hi Alex

I was told by hospital doctors that surgery wasn't needed my mum is a GP and after seeing my x-ray she was doubtful and we got a second opinion from a sports surgen who did recommend surgery. I Had the surgery on Monday and am recovering now luckily he didn't need to take a bone graph from my hip as there was fragments from collarbone in there so in a sling but no crutch. The physio said I shouldn't type on with bad arm so one handed typing! I would recommend you go ahead with surgery because at least its a conclusive end to your problem albeit with an extra week in a sling. I had my original accident in Sept and spent 6 weeks going in and out of hospital having x rays and stuff and then I was told it was starting to mend and I didnt need to go anymore but after 10 weeks it was still sore with certain movements and thats when I met with the Surgen I'm a student to so had to wait till summer for surgery. If I could have had the surgery directly after the accident I would have! So if you have a chance do it man! I have another 4 weeks in sling but at least its fixed now at wont flare up again.

hope it help and good luck with recovery or surgery!
Thanks pal, your reply was ace ..

So do you have any problems regarding movement or restrictions after surgery? How many 'checkups' and aftercare did you need after? I live in Spain but the op will happen in England so im curious how much flying I have to do. Also, was there much physio after it?

I hope you find time to reply, cheers matey!

I hve no idea why it posted, I was trying to edit my last post. I'd kill to have surgery, but they wont let me do it for whatever stupid reason. If I was you I'd do the surgery.
Checkout my post page 40, 13 Nov 2010, good luck.

Originally Posted by Alex Fruhauf .

[SIZE= 22px][COLOR= #ff0000]I am in the biggest dilemma possible regarding surgery on my right collarbone and I really would love some advice![/COLOR][/SIZE]​

[COLOR= #ff0000]Ok so I bust my collarbone around 5-6 weeks ago. I was told back then there was a small chance of surgery, but then after being checked 2 weeks later, that wasnt the case. [/COLOR]
[COLOR= #ff0000]It stayed in the sling since the break for around 2-3 weeks, and I was told I can take it out when the pain eases off, which it did around the 2-3 week period as things got better and I thought it was going well. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= #ff0000]I then had a checkup around the 4 week mark and there was signs of slow healing. The doctor wanted to check again in 2months and see if surgery may actually be needed. Ok so heres where it gets complicated.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= #ff0000]I am due to study abroad next year starting August 22nd, the date today is 17 of June so thats roughly 8 weeks time. [/COLOR]
[COLOR= #ff0000]I saw the hospital today and there not that pleased with the speed of my collarbone's healing. There should be new tissue which apparently there isnt which means its not healing and isnt progressing all that much, the collarbone could be moved about by the doctors hand and my shoulder blade relevant muscle was in a lot of pain due to the extra stress its currently under. I was then given 2 options ....

1. Give it another 6 weeks and see if its healed/progressed on its own, if so, surgery isnt needed and its just been a slower break to heal (however the longer after a break, the smaller the chance of successful healing gets), if it doesnt heal/progress then surgery will be needed and will commence 2 weeks before im due to leave for the US, meaning I wont get any checkups incase the metal plate isnt right or gets infected or any other problem. I wont have the cover abroad either and things could be very problematic, plus ill be very sore and not able to truly get out and see the US.

2. Take the surgery in 3 days time, regardless if it might not be actually necescary, and then 7 weeks worth of healing and care to see how it gets on, with the hospital nearby to sort anything out for the most 'raw' weeks post surgery. However its taking surgery when it may actually not have been needed. Surgery also always presents the possibility of nerve damage and vesell damage. But by having surgery now, I will be far more able to take the US head on, and play sports there and be active to a certain extent.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= #ff0000]Fellow broken clavicle owners past and present, please help me with this god awful situation!!![/COLOR]