A.R.B.R. ain't dead yet??????

"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>>>...I approve of killing terrorists. No apologies. Never will be.
>>>>>>The more we kill, the better....
>>>>This is quite silly. You worry about electrical wires connected to bars
>>>>of soap, lapdances, and panties worn as hats whlise casting a blind eye
>>>>on what Castro has done to democratic dissidents in Cuba for two
>>>>generations. What sort of moral high ground do you think you're
>>>>standing on?
>>>When did I even claim Castro was a model of human rights leadership?
>>>Never, of course.

>> I said you cast a blind eye, which your very next statement reveals as
>> accurate.
>>>(But of course Castro is still better than the fascist Battista would
>>>have been.)

>> I rest my case. Castro has killed at a rate at least an order of
>> magnitude greater than Batista, not to mention the fact that during that
>> regime people were free to emigrate. Not even a close call. Although
>> authoritarian regimes of the right can be brutal, their murdering ways
>> don't hold a candle to the record of tyrannies of the left. A recently
>> published book on the Stalinist era speculates that the reason why his
>> excesses were never equated with those of ****** was that the left was
>> embarassed by them, and there were few pictures to hold their feet to the
>> fire. But as everyone knows Stalin murdered five times as many people as
>> ******. (And no, this doesn't excuse Nazism, it indicts the left. Big
>> difference.)

> And exactly how was the Soviet Union "communist"? The number of worker run
> enterprises was approximately zero. And if all on the political left are
> equivalent to Stalin, then all on the political right must logically be
> equivalent to ******. Like than comparison?

This is the new razzle dazzle, I guess. None of the Marxist-inspired
totalitarian kleptocracies were "true Marxism." The notions of right and
left that you presume are meaningful simply aren't. To the modern left John
Locke is on the political "right," and logically part of a continuum leading
to fascism and nazism.

The fact is that fascism and nazism are ideologies of the left, not the
right. They diverge from Hegel in a slightly different direction than did
Marx, but they're only "right" in the lexicon of the left. They're all
terms of convenience. The "third way" states of continental Europe have a
chronic unemployment rate of around 10%, and it'd be higher if they weren't
free-riding on the US military. But I'm not too worried that they'll become
totalitarian, because they're probably not going to attempt "true Marxism."
But we'll see. I could be wrong.
> There is much more to it then the number of people murdered. Under the
> fascist regimes such as Battista's, life is a living hell for most people,
> as they are effectively economic slaves worked relentlessly by the elite
> in return for bare subsistence wages. And just where could they emigrate
> to where they would have a better life?

Again, we supported these regimes as a result of a misguided concept of
stability and because we know that the Marxist "alternative" was worse. But
watch how quickly Cuba changes once that old theif is dead.

>>>Typical right-wing tactic - accuse people of supporting a position they
>>>have never taken.

>> Er, precisely what *you* did, my friend. I just said you cast a blind
>> eye on Castro, and you've proved my point.

> I am not your friend.

Didn't mean to confuse you. It's just a figure of speech, buddy. Er, Elmo.
> Why blind eye? By implication, I stated that Castro's human rights record
> left much to be desired.

How much? Again, according to Freedom House it's one of the ten most
repressive regimes on earth. Yeah, that leaves a little to be desired.

> Do you disagree with that, and believe Castro is a human rights exemplar?

I disagree with it only in the sense that it's "praising with faint
damnation." Now, if you'd said Saudi Arabia is worse I'd have been
compelled to agree outright. Although, truth is, it's not much worse.

Oops, I just checked the scores I had for 2001 and Cuba (at 6.88) was the
fifth most repressive regime on earth, after Iraq, Burma, N. Korea and
Afghanistan in that order. It just barely beat out Saudi Arabia which was
sixth, at 6.83. This is a computed composite score which rescales the press
freedom index (normally scaled at 0 to 100). I haven't done that rescaled
composite recently, but Freedom House has a composite score for civil and
political freedom (excluding press freedom) for independent countries as
they enter 2005, and Cuba and Saudi Arabia are tied at 7 (the worst score
you can get) along with Turkmenistan, Syria, Sudan, N. Korea, Libya and
Burma. Note that Afghanistan and Iraq are no longer in that category.

And it's sure nice to have a burgeoning democracy right next door to a
couple of those regimes, to put a little pressure in the right direction
don't you think?

I mean, seriously.

I honestly don't think you need to give up your principles to be on the
right side of history, on this stuff. But I could be wrong.

>>>I could just as well ask. "Why do you support crushing puppies and
>>>kittens, Mr. Talkington?"

>> Ah well, because there are just too many puppies and kittens, of course.

> So you believe the puppies and kittens should be killed in a manner that
> causes a great deal of pain. I am glad we clarified this matter.
> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
By the way, you can download the Freedom House Civil and Political scores
yourself, here:


Note that Russia has been downgraded recently from "partly free" to "not

"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>>>...I approve of killing terrorists. No apologies. Never will be.
>>>>>>The more we kill, the better....
>>>>This is quite silly. You worry about electrical wires connected to bars
>>>>of soap, lapdances, and panties worn as hats whlise casting a blind eye
>>>>on what Castro has done to democratic dissidents in Cuba for two
>>>>generations. What sort of moral high ground do you think you're
>>>>standing on?
>>>When did I even claim Castro was a model of human rights leadership?
>>>Never, of course.

>> I said you cast a blind eye, which your very next statement reveals as
>> accurate.
>>>(But of course Castro is still better than the fascist Battista would
>>>have been.)

>> I rest my case. Castro has killed at a rate at least an order of
>> magnitude greater than Batista, not to mention the fact that during that
>> regime people were free to emigrate. Not even a close call. Although
>> authoritarian regimes of the right can be brutal, their murdering ways
>> don't hold a candle to the record of tyrannies of the left. A recently
>> published book on the Stalinist era speculates that the reason why his
>> excesses were never equated with those of ****** was that the left was
>> embarassed by them, and there were few pictures to hold their feet to the
>> fire. But as everyone knows Stalin murdered five times as many people as
>> ******. (And no, this doesn't excuse Nazism, it indicts the left. Big
>> difference.)

> And exactly how was the Soviet Union "communist"? The number of worker run
> enterprises was approximately zero. And if all on the political left are
> equivalent to Stalin, then all on the political right must logically be
> equivalent to ******. Like than comparison?
> There is much more to it then the number of people murdered. Under the
> fascist regimes such as Battista's, life is a living hell for most people,
> as they are effectively economic slaves worked relentlessly by the elite
> in return for bare subsistence wages. And just where could they emigrate
> to where they would have a better life?
>>>Typical right-wing tactic - accuse people of supporting a position they
>>>have never taken.

>> Er, precisely what *you* did, my friend. I just said you cast a blind
>> eye on Castro, and you've proved my point.

> I am not your friend.
> Why blind eye? By implication, I stated that Castro's human rights record
> left much to be desired. Do you disagree with that, and believe Castro is
> a human rights exemplar?
>>>I could just as well ask. "Why do you support crushing puppies and
>>>kittens, Mr. Talkington?"

>> Ah well, because there are just too many puppies and kittens, of course.

> So you believe the puppies and kittens should be killed in a manner that
> causes a great deal of pain. I am glad we clarified this matter.
> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
"skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Freewheeling wrote:
> >
> >> ...About Iraq, I *was* right....

> >
> >
> > --
> > Tom Sherman - Earth
> >

> I'm not a military scientist, but I have seen a lot of old B&W war movies,
> as well as the Lord of Rings trilogy, and the Achilles flick. What I know
> from all this is that one element of warfare that comes with a huge
> advantage is the sneak attack.

That has to be one of the funniest things I've read all week
This missing isn't posted under Tom's post, because something in the header
of that post is apparently corrupted. So I'm trying to post it as a reply
to my message instead, to see if the NNTP server will take it. Probably
won't work, but worth a try.

>>>However, there are numerous cases of the use of excessive force in
>>>unjustified wars by the US resulting in the deaths of millions of
>>>civilians (e.g. southeast Asia), not the mention the many governments
>>>that the US has supported that use terrorist tactics against their own

>> Millions of civilians? But even if these allegations were true, the
>> justification for them within the context of the Cold War (whether the
>> left deliberately killed not just millions, but hundreds of millions) was
>> the policy or "realpolitik" and "stability" which your sound now tacitly
>> supports as the alternative to the stated Bush policy of democratization.
>> By adopting the position you decry, you've sacrificed any moral high
>> ground you might have claimed.

> If Cheney/Rove et al truly believe in freedom and opportunity for all, the
> moon is made of green cheese. I am not that gullible.

I'll be honest with you, Tom, I don't really give a damn what they believe
in. I don't demand that people do the right thing for the right reasons.
I'm just not that pure.

>>>All societies at all times have been the same. There is a small group of
>>>people with great avarice that attempt to exploit the remainder of the
>>>population. If you can not see who they are in the US, and how they
>>>effect their policies, then you are either ignorant, stupid, or willfully
>>>not looking.

>> I might be open to some actual proof of this, were not your proposed cure
>> so discredited. If I had to choose between the corruption and avarice of
>> the Politburo and that of the US Congress and Executive together with
>> "big business" the choice wouldn't be a difficult one to make.

> What do you suppose my proposed cure is?

Some sort of heavy confiscation and redistribution through taxation, I
imagine. Of course heading ultimately in the direction of a pure form of
socialism, where private property is, at best, subject to some severe

> Typical right wing - anyone who disagrees with Rove/Norquist/Strauss et al
> is a supporter of murderous, totalitarian, command economy regimes
> exemplified by Stalin and Brother No. 1.

Strauss is dead. I don't think Rove is a Straussian, and I don't think
Norquist is all that trustworthy. But I'm chiefly concerned that we have a
foreign policy commitment to the "Sharansky Test," though I hope we're a
little pragmatic about how we implement it.
> Have you noticed how all the people in Scandinavia and Benelux are living
> miserable lives in abject poverty surrounded by violence? Yes, I am a
> horrible person for wishing the living conditions in those countries on
> other people.

Actually the suicide rate in Scandinavia is very high, but that may or may
not be due to socialism. (It's probably a combination of unemployment and
the weather.) They have a high unemployment rate, though. The best thing
they have going for them, at least until recently, was *lack* of diversity.
They were extremely homogeneous societies. That has been changing a lot,
with the influx of people abandoning the Ummah, and it is creating serious
tensions. Again, I think the answer for Europe is probably to improve
conditions in the Ummah so that people aren't so anxious to emigrate.
>>>And if you want to post your apologies for their actions in a public
>>>forum devoted to something else, don't complain about the reactions you

>> Why would I apologize for someone else's actions over whom I have little
>> control?

> I was using apology in the sense of providing support for a position.

Fair enough.
>> The avarice in western society is circumscribed, and you have both a vote
>> and political voice to oppose it (if you could figure out how to do so
>> effectively and convincingly). Those who live under the avarice of
>> leftist totalitarian regimes are not so lucky.
>> It's not that I'm in favor of the avaricious and opposed to the poor.
>> It's that your diagnosis and proposed cures are worse than the disease.
>> Demonstrably, a lot worse. But believe it or not, I do understand your
>> anger. I just don't think you've accurately assessed the situation at
>> all.

> You of course deliberately misrepresent what my "proposed cure" is. And
> you were the one to whine about debating tactics.

I don't misrepresent it. Granted, I don't know it. I'm assuming it's some
form of needs-based socialism, though. Right?

> If you haven't figured it out by now, I really don't care what you think,
> and have no interest in changing your mind. But I am happy to fling the
> **** right back when someone else dumps it in an inappropriate space. So
> if you don't want to see any more political posts from me, two solutions
> are really obvious.

I'm somewhat interested in changing your mind, because I think you're wrong
about a lot of stuff and I still have respect for human intelligence. I'd
rather you were right. I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly
wrong, but then I probably haven't considered all the ramifications.

And I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly anti-Bush. He's never
going to run for anything again, after all. You'd actually be better served
being anti-Governator, or anti-Giulliani, or maybe anti-Rice. I don't know
who the Republicans have that could beat Clinton, but she doesn't agree with
you about Iraq anyway. I think it'd be a hoot to see a Clinton vs. Rice
race, but not having previously run for elective office would be a big
disadvantage for Rice. Maybe she could handle it though.

> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
This is a test.

"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Freewheeling wrote:
>> >
>> >> ...About Iraq, I *was* right....
>> >
>> > THAT
>> >
>> > --
>> > Tom Sherman - Earth
>> >

>> I'm not a military scientist, but I have seen a lot of old B&W war
>> movies,
>> as well as the Lord of Rings trilogy, and the Achilles flick. What I
>> know
>> from all this is that one element of warfare that comes with a huge
>> advantage is the sneak attack.

> That has to be one of the funniest things I've read all week
Well, that's damned strange. I don't seem to be able to send a reply to any
of Tom's messages, but the reply to this worked fine. I get a message that
"line 3 is too long" replying to Tom, even if I delete everything in the

Well, I'm not sure this applies to all of his messages, but it applies to
the one posted at 10:30 and to another one posted more recently. Very

"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Freewheeling wrote:
>> >
>> >> ...About Iraq, I *was* right....
>> >
>> > THAT
>> >
>> > --
>> > Tom Sherman - Earth
>> >

>> I'm not a military scientist, but I have seen a lot of old B&W war
>> movies,
>> as well as the Lord of Rings trilogy, and the Achilles flick. What I
>> know
>> from all this is that one element of warfare that comes with a huge
>> advantage is the sneak attack.

> That has to be one of the funniest things I've read all week
Nope, I tried to post a reply to Tom's most recent message and got the same
error. Here is the error message, verbatim:

Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'Re: A.R.B.R. ain't
dead yet??????', Account: 'A Berlin News', Server: 'news.individual.net',
Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Line 3 too long', Port: 119,
Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

But I apparently don't get this error replying to anyone else.

"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Freewheeling wrote:
>> >
>> >> ...About Iraq, I *was* right....
>> >
>> > THAT
>> >
>> > --
>> > Tom Sherman - Earth
>> >

>> I'm not a military scientist, but I have seen a lot of old B&W war
>> movies,
>> as well as the Lord of Rings trilogy, and the Achilles flick. What I
>> know
>> from all this is that one element of warfare that comes with a huge
>> advantage is the sneak attack.

> That has to be one of the funniest things I've read all week
Freewheeling wrote:

> ...
> And I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly anti-Bush. He's never
> going to run for anything again, after all. You'd actually be better served
> being anti-Governator...

Well, there is a precedent for a mediocre actor becoming Governor of
California and then a mediocre US President.

> or anti-Giulliani,...

Bernie Kerik, enough said.

> or maybe anti-Rice....

Then the race based Republican "southern strategy" goes out the window.
More likely the powers that be in the Republican Party will select Jeb
Bush as the anti McCain.

Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
Testing, using a different NNTP server.

"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>In all seriousness, Tom is full of ****. Reasoning with him doesn't
>>>>accomplish much. He believes American forces are terrorists. What more
>>>>is there to say?...
>>>That of course is a misrepresentation (well DUH!).

>>>However, there are numerous cases of the use of excessive force in
>>>unjustified wars by the US resulting in the deaths of millions of
>>>civilians (e.g. southeast Asia), not the mention the many governments
>>>that the US has supported that use terrorist tactics against their own

>> Millions of civilians? But even if these allegations were true, the
>> justification for them within the context of the Cold War (whether the
>> left deliberately killed not just millions, but hundreds of millions) was
>> the policy or "realpolitik" and "stability" which your sound now tacitly
>> supports as the alternative to the stated Bush policy of democratization.
>> By adopting the position you decry, you've sacrificed any moral high
>> ground you might have claimed.

> If Cheney/Rove et al truly believe in freedom and opportunity for all, the
> moon is made of green cheese. I am not that gullible.
>>>All societies at all times have been the same. There is a small group of
>>>people with great avarice that attempt to exploit the remainder of the
>>>population. If you can not see who they are in the US, and how they
>>>effect their policies, then you are either ignorant, stupid, or willfully
>>>not looking.

>> I might be open to some actual proof of this, were not your proposed cure
>> so discredited. If I had to choose between the corruption and avarice of
>> the Politburo and that of the US Congress and Executive together with
>> "big business" the choice wouldn't be a difficult one to make.

> What do you suppose my proposed cure is?
> Typical right wing - anyone who disagrees with Rove/Norquist/Strauss et al
> is a supporter of murderous, totalitarian, command economy regimes
> exemplified by Stalin and Brother No. 1.
> Have you noticed how all the people in Scandinavia and Benelux are living
> miserable lives in abject poverty surrounded by violence? Yes, I am a
> horrible person for wishing the living conditions in those countries on
> other people.
>>>And if you want to post your apologies for their actions in a public
>>>forum devoted to something else, don't complain about the reactions you

>> Why would I apologize for someone else's actions over whom I have little
>> control?

> I was using apology in the sense of providing support for a position.
>> The avarice in western society is circumscribed, and you have both a vote
>> and political voice to oppose it (if you could figure out how to do so
>> effectively and convincingly). Those who live under the avarice of
>> leftist totalitarian regimes are not so lucky.
>> It's not that I'm in favor of the avaricious and opposed to the poor.
>> It's that your diagnosis and proposed cures are worse than the disease.
>> Demonstrably, a lot worse. But believe it or not, I do understand your
>> anger. I just don't think you've accurately assessed the situation at
>> all.

> You of course deliberately misrepresent what my "proposed cure" is. And
> you were the one to whine about debating tactics.
> If you haven't figured it out by now, I really don't care what you think,
> and have no interest in changing your mind. But I am happy to fling the
> **** right back when someone else dumps it in an inappropriate space. So
> if you don't want to see any more political posts from me, two solutions
> are really obvious.
> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
Freewheeling wrote:

> Well, that's damned strange. I don't seem to be able to send a reply to any
> of Tom's messages, but the reply to this worked fine. I get a message that
> "line 3 is too long" replying to Tom, even if I delete everything in the
> message.
> Well, I'm not sure this applies to all of his messages, but it applies to
> the one posted at 10:30 and to another one posted more recently. Very
> strange.

Try setting your newsreader so it recognizes signature separators - it
is messing up the quoting of anyone using a newsreader that is replying
to your posts.

Tom Sherman – Earth
Alright, I can apparently reply using this NNTP server, but not the Berlin
one. At least, not to Tom Sherman. Anyway, here's the reply I sent to this
post earlier.

"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>In all seriousness, Tom is full of ****. Reasoning with him doesn't
>>>>accomplish much. He believes American forces are terrorists. What more
>>>>is there to say?...
>>>That of course is a misrepresentation (well DUH!).

>>>However, there are numerous cases of the use of excessive force in
>>>unjustified wars by the US resulting in the deaths of millions of
>>>civilians (e.g. southeast Asia), not the mention the many governments
>>>that the US has supported that use terrorist tactics against their own

>> Millions of civilians? But even if these allegations were true, the
>> justification for them within the context of the Cold War (whether the
>> left deliberately killed not just millions, but hundreds of millions) was
>> the policy or "realpolitik" and "stability" which your sound now tacitly
>> supports as the alternative to the stated Bush policy of democratization.
>> By adopting the position you decry, you've sacrificed any moral high
>> ground you might have claimed.


> If Cheney/Rove et al truly believe in freedom and opportunity for all, the
> moon is made of green cheese. I am not that gullible.

I'll be honest with you, Tom, I don't really give a damn what they believe
in. I don't demand that people do the right thing for the right reasons.
I'm just not that pure.

>>>All societies at all times have been the same. There is a small group of
>>>people with great avarice that attempt to exploit the remainder of the
>>>population. If you can not see who they are in the US, and how they
>>>effect their policies, then you are either ignorant, stupid, or willfully
>>>not looking.

>> I might be open to some actual proof of this, were not your proposed cure
>> so discredited. If I had to choose between the corruption and avarice of
>> the Politburo and that of the US Congress and Executive together with
>> "big business" the choice wouldn't be a difficult one to make.

> What do you suppose my proposed cure is?

Some sort of heavy confiscation and redistribution through taxation, I
imagine. Of course heading ultimately in the direction of a pure form of
socialism, where private property is, at best, subject to some severe

> Typical right wing - anyone who disagrees with Rove/Norquist/Strauss et al
> is a supporter of murderous, totalitarian, command economy regimes
> exemplified by Stalin and Brother No. 1.

Strauss is dead. I don't think Rove is a Straussian, and I don't think
Norquist is all that trustworthy. But I'm chiefly concerned that we have a
foreign policy commitment to the "Sharansky Test," though I hope we're a
little pragmatic about how we implement it.
> Have you noticed how all the people in Scandinavia and Benelux are living
> miserable lives in abject poverty surrounded by violence? Yes, I am a
> horrible person for wishing the living conditions in those countries on
> other people.

Actually the suicide rate in Scandinavia is very high, but that may or may
not be due to socialism. (It's probably a combination of unemployment and
the weather.) They have a high unemployment rate, though. The best thing
they have going for them, at least until recently, was *lack* of diversity.
They were extremely homogeneous societies. That has been changing a lot,
with the influx of people abandoning the Ummah, and it is creating serious
tensions. Again, I think the answer for Europe is probably to improve
conditions in the Ummah so that people aren't so anxious to emigrate.
>>>And if you want to post your apologies for their actions in a public
>>>forum devoted to something else, don't complain about the reactions you

>> Why would I apologize for someone else's actions over whom I have little
>> control?

> I was using apology in the sense of providing support for a position.

Fair enough.
>> The avarice in western society is circumscribed, and you have both a vote
>> and political voice to oppose it (if you could figure out how to do so
>> effectively and convincingly). Those who live under the avarice of
>> leftist totalitarian regimes are not so lucky.
>> It's not that I'm in favor of the avaricious and opposed to the poor.
>> It's that your diagnosis and proposed cures are worse than the disease.
>> Demonstrably, a lot worse. But believe it or not, I do understand your
>> anger. I just don't think you've accurately assessed the situation at
>> all.

> You of course deliberately misrepresent what my "proposed cure" is. And
> you were the one to whine about debating tactics.

I don't misrepresent it. Granted, I don't know it. I'm assuming it's some
form of needs-based socialism, though. Right?

> If you haven't figured it out by now, I really don't care what you think,
> and have no interest in changing your mind. But I am happy to fling the
> **** right back when someone else dumps it in an inappropriate space. So
> if you don't want to see any more political posts from me, two solutions
> are really obvious.

I'm somewhat interested in changing your mind, because I think you're wrong
about a lot of stuff and I still have respect for human intelligence. I'd
rather you were right. I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly
wrong, but then I probably haven't considered all the ramifications.

And I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly anti-Bush. He's never
going to run for anything again, after all. You'd actually be better served
being anti-Governator, or anti-Giulliani, or maybe anti-Rice. I don't know
who the Republicans have that could beat Clinton, but she doesn't agree with
you about Iraq anyway. I think it'd be a hoot to see a Clinton vs. Rice
race, but not having previously run for elective office would be a big
disadvantage for Rice. Maybe she could handle it though.

> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
Freewheeling wrote:

> Nope, I tried to post a reply to Tom's most recent message and got the same
> error. Here is the error message, verbatim:
> Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'Re: A.R.B.R. ain't
> dead yet??????', Account: 'A Berlin News', Server: 'news.individual.net',
> Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Line 3 too long', Port: 119,
> Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9
> But I apparently don't get this error replying to anyone else.

Your newsreader failed to honor the signature separator in my posts.
Therefore, when I replied no quoted text automatically appeared, and I
had to copy and past manually. Those are the posts you are having
trouble with.

Tom Sherman – Earth
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> ...
>> And I see no advantage at all in remaining stubbornly anti-Bush. He's
>> never
>> going to run for anything again, after all. You'd actually be better
>> served
>> being anti-Governator...

> Well, there is a precedent for a mediocre actor becoming Governor of
> California and then a mediocre US President.
>> or anti-Giulliani,...

> Bernie Kerik, enough said.

Actually, it's enough that Giulliani is an eastern "progressive" Republican
who favors gun control. That's enough to keep him from getting the

>> or maybe anti-Rice....

> Then the race based Republican "southern strategy" goes out the window.

Assuming there is such a strategy, which of course there isn't. And I just
have a hunch she'd get a few more black voters than Bush ever got.

> More likely the powers that be in the Republican Party will select Jeb
> Bush as the anti McCain.

Jeb Bush says he won't run, and I tend to believe him. He doesn't want to
be president. Can you imagine? As for McCain, damn near every Republican
is anti McCain. There's no way he'll get the nomination. Plus, he's just
plain too old now anyway.

Seriously, I think Hillary has a very good shot at becoming the next
President, but it won't stop the Democrat slide. I have no idea whether
Rice will run, but this picture tells me that if she does... she might be
pretty formidable, even for the Queen Bee.

> --
> Tom Sherman – Pissing Contest Hell
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> Well, that's damned strange. I don't seem to be able to send a reply to
>> any of Tom's messages, but the reply to this worked fine. I get a
>> message that "line 3 is too long" replying to Tom, even if I delete
>> everything in the message.
>> Well, I'm not sure this applies to all of his messages, but it applies to
>> the one posted at 10:30 and to another one posted more recently. Very
>> strange.

> Try setting your newsreader so it recognizes signature separators - it is
> messing up the quoting of anyone using a newsreader that is replying to
> your posts.

I don't follow you. This just started today, and it apparently only applies
to the U. of Berlin server. And it's only relevant to replies to your

What do you mean by "signature separators?"
> --
> Tom Sherman – Earth
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> Nope, I tried to post a reply to Tom's most recent message and got the
>> same error. Here is the error message, verbatim:
>> Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'Re: A.R.B.R. ain't
>> dead yet??????', Account: 'A Berlin News', Server: 'news.individual.net',
>> Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 Line 3 too long', Port: 119,
>> Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9
>> But I apparently don't get this error replying to anyone else.

> Your newsreader failed to honor the signature separator in my posts.
> Therefore, when I replied no quoted text automatically appeared, and I had
> to copy and past manually. Those are the posts you are having trouble
> with.

I'm not sure what you mean by "signature separator." When I reply to your
posts I get automatic quotes. I'm just using IE6. Nothing special.

And again, I don't have the problem using my ISPs NNTP server. Just the
Berlin server.

> --
> Tom Sherman – Earth
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> If we can't agree that it's time to end tyranny and totalitarianism it's
>> doubtful that we'll ever be able to coordinate resolution of any of
>> these other "wicked problems" that face us.

> The real threats are integrated headsets,

Now I'm visualizing a guy pedaling down the road with one of those neato
phone headsets somehow bionically integrated into his scull. That'd be
pretty handy if you were in Special Forces or something, but I can see why
it might be a little threatening.

> ISO 587-mm (700D) tires, and top posting to Usenet groups.
> --
> Tom Sherman - Earth
Subject: Re: A.R.B.R. ain't dead yet??????
Newsgroup: alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
=> Freewheeling <= wrote:

>I'm not sure what you mean by "signature separator." When I reply to your
>posts I get automatic quotes. I'm just using IE6. Nothing special.
>And again, I don't have the problem using my ISPs NNTP server. Just the
>Berlin server.


2.9 My posting is rejected with a "line too long" message. What do I have to
The exact error message is "441 Line n too long" with "n" indicating the
line number of your entire posting (including the header) that violates the
Internet standard's length restriction. The problem will most likely be the
"References" line which happens with some newsreaders when you reply to a
posting that already refers back to numerous previous articles.

You will either have to switch to a newsreader that observes the standards or
edit the line that causes the problem manually.



Remove the snails to email
Someone has way too much time on their hands to make that page, besides that
those pictures don't even show here angry, I doubt if I want to be around if
that ever happens


"G. Morgan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Subject: Re: A.R.B.R. ain't dead yet??????
> Newsgroup: alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
> => Freewheeling <= wrote:
> > I have no idea whether
> >Rice will run, but this picture tells me that if she does... she might be
> >pretty formidable, even for the Queen Bee.
> >
> >http://www.overpressure.com/archives/drrice.html

> You think that's something? Check out these pics:
> http://www.condiriceisangry.com/
> --
> -Graham
> Remove the snails to email
Subject: Re: A.R.B.R. ain't dead yet??????
Newsgroup: alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
=> Mark Leuck <= wrote:

>Someone has way too much time on their hands to make that page, besides that
>those pictures don't even show here angry, I doubt if I want to be around if
>that ever happens

Jeezus Christ Mark --- you look like you just escaped from Huntsville.

http://photos1.blogger.com/img/147/3309/320/Mark looking.jpg



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