"skip" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> "rocketman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:z_USd.43912$tl3.20581@attbi_s02...
>> Wrong newsgroup, pal. Take it elsewhere. Don't bother responding; I
>> won't see it.
>> R
>> <p-p-p-plonkage>
>> "Freewheeling" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> I'm curious as to why you didn't attempt to redirect or hijack the
>>> thread at a point where someone on the left had made some lame
>>> observation about blood for oil, or something? That doesn't seem to
>>> catch your attention.
>>> My point is very simple, and I thought rather nonpartisan. I can,
>>> frankly, find no reason why the notion of national sovereignty seems so
>>> sacrosanct to the left only when the "intruder" is a democratic regime
>>> change, but they apparently haven't raised much of a stink over the fate
>>> of Lebanon all these years, which is, even by their standards, an
>>> illegitimate occupation without even the pretense of national
>>> determination. I've watched various people on the left and it seems to
>>> me that although a very small minority are consistent on this sort of
>>> issue (Kouchner and Hitchens, for example) most are not. Now it seems
>>> to me that if democracy were really as important to the Democracy Now"
>>> folks as they claim, they'd be able to tolerate the kind of intervention
>>> by the US that deposes a tyrant, at least to the point that the citizens
>>> of that country make what appears to be a reasonably uncoerced choice.
>>> But they don't.
>>> And I therefore have to conclude... am forced do conclude, that
>>> "democracy" is only considered a good thing if it makes politically
>>> correct choices. Otherwise its some sort of "false consciousness."
>>> So anyway, the topic of this thread is what it is. If you don't like
>>> it, you don't have to read it.
>>> --
>>> --Scott
>>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>> If we can't agree that it's time to end tyranny and totalitarianism
>>>>> it's doubtful that we'll ever be able to coordinate resolution of any
>>>>> of these other "wicked problems" that face us.
>>>> The real threats are integrated headsets, ISO 587-mm (700D) tires, and
>>>> top posting to Usenet groups.
>>>> --
>>>> Tom Sherman - Earth
> Fortunately or unfortunately, however you might view it, I find myself
> slipping into this schadedfreude thing by having warm fuzzy feelings about
> the misery of
> Rocketman/Sherman.
Heh. Instead of ignoring a thread he views as off topic Tom feels the
compulsion, for some reason, to post meaninglees, but on topic,
non-sequitors. As though the meaning of a post is, irrelevant.
Political correctness has three components:
a. An impossibly narrow scope of what are permissible topics for discussion.
(i.e. even mentioning that men are better at math, or that the ends of the
IQ distribution are predominantly male, is, by definition, not only not open
to discussion, but prima facie evidence of moral corruption).
b. Even this narrow range is centered on the irrelevant. (The "central"
question isn't what males and females prefer, or what the relative
distribution of their gifts actually is like, but how successfully we can
jam the sciences with women for the sake of some abstract concept of
c. Impossibly harsh consequences that are justified by the obvious
impropriety of violating a. and b.. (Larry Summers, and more importantly
any other faculty who fail to toe the PC line, must not only suffer the
removal of their source of livelihood, but as much humiliation and disgrace
as can possibly be heaped on.)
Comrade, this is all politically incorrect. Sorry.
> skip
> skip