Why does America change country names?

MountainPro said:
Yes, but its always important to member the basic rule...engage brain then speak.

I am all for a smoking ban in public places. We are working on it throught the Scottish parliment. I hope it comes to fruition. I am not a smoker but my father used to be a heavy smoker...until he developed mouth cancer. The's a 0 a day man now. Currently he is convalescing after major surgery. My wife is was born in the far east and we fly out there twice a year to visit her family. Its a 22 hour flight and my parents cannot make it because it means 22 hours without a cigarette. Pretty embarassing.

1 in 5 people in Scotland dies from a smoking related disorder. Its an appauling statistic. I am not a smoker and i will appreciate no smoking in pubs and restaurants and since we have a 17 month old nipper it would be nice to take her for a meal without second hand smoke polluting her lungs.

I was in my local on Saturday to watch the old firm game (the least said the better) and the landlord is an old school pal of mine. He said that there is mixed emotions about the ban amongst his regulars. Some will tolerate the ban, some will have to stat at home but he will also open the way for non smokers who didnt like to drink in a polluted atmos. to start gouing to pubs a bit more. Of couse there is the staff to think of. They have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out but its a big thumbs up from me. There will be a period of adjustment, some business will suffer but in the long run i think Scotland as a nation will benefit.

Sorry to hear about your fathers problems - smoking does cause a lot of health problems.

Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of families seem to be much happier bringing their kids to the pub for a meal, for example, since the ban came in.
The air is a lot clearer and the pub generally feels cleaner.

The Old Firm game on Saturday was pretty heated - Sutton and that Rangers
bloke (Nae ?) were having a fair old tussle.

If you're an entrepreneur, a good investment is to buy those outdoor heaters.
The smokers here are allowed to smoke outside the premises and these heaters keep them warm while they're outside puffing away.
That's all you see outside Irish pubs now - smokers standing their huddled under these outdoor heaters trying to keep warm while having a smoke !
MountainPro said:
Yes, i get a lot of that pish too...'hey dude, Im scotch!!"
i.e. they great great grandmother once knew a man from Skye that helped fixed her fence.

Scotch? what, youre an achoholic drink?...thats great!

man, a bridge to Ireland from Scotland....i live in south West Scotland, you think i would have noticed that...saves a lot of trouble from Troon to Belfast on the Seacat....perhaps she was talking about 'the high road to Scotland' ....nah, she probably means a steel girder bridge or something...
How about the toll bridge from Kyle of Lochalsch to the Ireland (sic) of Skye. Sounds about right.
FredC said:
How about the toll bridge from Kyle of Lochalsch to the Ireland (sic) of Skye. Sounds about right.
yep, thats prolly what she was talking about.

But mixing Skye with Ireland...easy to make!
FredC said:
How about the toll bridge from Kyle of Lochalsch to the Ireland (sic) of Skye. Sounds about right.

Confuse the word, island with Ireland - and she was probably right.

As soon as she referred to bridges and Scotland and Ireland, I didn't bother
continuing the conversation.
What was the point ?
limerickman said:
I didn't bother
continuing the conversation.
What was the point ?
Well perhaps she might have mentioned that she saw 'the little people' while on a trip to Limerick. Or that she went haggis hunting on the Atholl Estate.

I wonder if she was on strong prescription drugs?
limerickman said:
Confuse the word, island with Ireland - and she was probably right.

As soon as she referred to bridges and Scotland and Ireland, I didn't bother
continuing the conversation.
What was the point ?

My Fav is Sad 'am Who-sain from Eye Rack. and the Eye-racky people.
at the end of the day though it is all academic.....where we say six the aussies say sex and claim we say sux.... I was in Westfields in Paramata and asked a shop attendant for directions to a store and was told to ":Take a left at the left" which I finally got as "take a left at the lift".....my brother who is australian has as much fun over here.
MountainPro said:
yep, thats prolly what she was talking about.

But mixing Skye with Ireland...easy to make!
This word 'prolly' is well used in the higher university echelons by the hoi-polloi and royalty. Mainly because they are drunk, or have no teeth.
Fixey said:
My Fav is Sad 'am Who-sain from Eye Rack. and the Eye-racky people.
at the end of the day though it is all academic.....where we say six the aussies say sex and claim we say sux.... I was in Westfields in Paramata and asked a shop attendant for directions to a store and was told to ":Take a left at the left" which I finally got as "take a left at the lift".....my brother who is australian has as much fun over here.

G'day Fixey, mate, wot's rong wiv yer, Australians don't say sex, for six, it's the bloody Kiwi's,(that lot from over the Tasman Sea), they're the ones who talk reeel funnnnnny, they ask for fush un chups, (fish and chips), lift is left as you wrote, apart from that, get it right mate.

What would Australia do without the Kiwi's? I don't know, don't ask me? Maybe get off the dole and do the menial tasks?

As for Merkians calling things **** about face, when "Colin Powell" became the household word in Australia a few months ago, it really ****** me off when all the TV Commentators and newsreaders started calling him "Kolen Powl". It soundeed like a nasty communicable disease, and very painfull too?

I'm thankful for the input to this board, I've been pissing myself laughing for the past ten minutes it's absolutely priceless humour, keep it coming, yo all?

The Merkains might be a funny lot, but you've got to love 'em, after all they give us in the "English" speaking world a great laugh, now, don't they, be honest, don't they? (do they not) sorry Fred?

As for the bridge between Scotland and Ireland how much is the "TOLL"?
It will save my wife from getting sea sick on our way to and from Ireland?

You've been keeping that one secret Limerickman, naughty, naughty?

With regards to Smoking, my old Dad God rest his Soul, collapsed in 1952 in a "Pea Souper Fog (Smog) he rode his bike home from the docks in "Canning Town" God only knows how he saw where he wass going anyway. I'm sure some will remember the fossil fuel ******** that went on in London back then, when everybody burned coal and the smoke **** went up the chimney and polluted the fresh london Air?

At the time he smoked an ounce of cut tobacco a week, rollups, for those who don't know, he was 56 years old at the time and had been smoking since he was a fifteen year old lad. Well, the doctor said "Bill stop smoking or it'll kill you". He gave it up immediately and became the biggest advocate (wowser) for not smoking and lived until 2001 and attained the good old age of 105 years.

Here in OZ we have new regulations, that came into frorce today 1st January 2005, No Smoking on the Beaches, (Gold Coast) etc., No Smoking in Hotel Bars (pubs), No Smoking within 100 metres of a Childrens Playground, No Smoking out in front of Public Buildings. The list goes on and on and the smokers are not happy, cigarette advertising and sales are limited to a square metre of space in shops and supermarkets.

But with all of this, I'm not convinced the government is really serious about the problem, because the get a fairly hefty tax from the product. They go through the motions, but I question their resolve on the matter, we'll just have to see what transpires eventually.

Synical, you bet your boots I am? Rebellious, yes that an' all?

Don't look back, unless it's to see who you dropped on the last climb? TBC
WEll being Scottish i d have problems with some American tourists. They proclaim that they have a Scottish relative meaning the rule the clan of their surname. Also, who else but an American would ask you where to buy oatcakes outside the front door of a supermarket. I often go to the Braemar gathering to work as a steward and the place is overrun by americans looking for the Queen. The Royal family are useless we don't need one. The Queen Mother had debts of over £9 million. Who pays them off? Not the royals. The taxpayer. I'm not of taxpaying age yet but when i am i'm sure i'll be shocked by what i have to pay. :mad:
Alright, no one having stated the obvious, here goes: All languages, or atleast those I have had any experience with, change place names, often spelling them out phoentically in that language or transforming them in some other manner. Sorry to burst the bubble, but it has nothing to do with American mentality or anything of the sort. It's just a linguistic glitch, true to most languages. Nothing to get bothered about.

However, gross miss-pronunciation of certain place names (ie Eye-Rack) is very annoying. But in a country where the president pronounces the word "nuclear" as "nucular", we shouldn't be particularly shocked by that type of thing (should I duck before I am pelted by the rotten eggs?).
less'go said:
Alright, no one having stated the obvious, here goes: All languages, or atleast those I have had any experience with, change place names, often spelling them out phoentically in that language or transforming them in some other manner. Sorry to burst the bubble, but it has nothing to do with American mentality or anything of the sort. It's just a linguistic glitch, true to most languages. Nothing to get bother about.

However, gross miss-pronunciation of certain place names (ie Eye-Rack) is very annoying. But in a country where the

president who pronounces the word "nuclear" as "nucular", we shouldn't be particularly shocked by that type of thing (should I duck before I am pelted by the rotten eggs?).
Peut etre que oui, peut etre que non. Ca depends.
We have a reporter/broadcaster called Quentin Wilson who spent an hour about 'Nuclear' something or other saying the word 'Nucular' on a voice over. No excuse for that at all.
On the other hand I wrote somewhere about an American in Paris who wanted to buy a train ticket to LIONS, he didn't get one.
You live in Perris?
less'go said:
Alright, no one having stated the obvious, here goes: All languages, or atleast those I have had any experience with, change place names, often spelling them out phoentically in that language or transforming them in some other manner. Sorry to burst the bubble, but it has nothing to do with American mentality or anything of the sort. It's just a linguistic glitch, true to most languages. Nothing to get bother about.

However, gross miss-pronunciation of certain place names (ie Eye-Rack) is very annoying. But in a country where the

president who pronounces the word "nuclear" as "nucular", we shouldn't be particularly shocked by that type of thing (should I duck before I am pelted by the rotten eggs?).
Concur with your first paragraph. I'm puzzled by your second one as it seems to contradict the first. Para 3 doesn't surprise me.

There is a city here called "Norfolk" now...it is pronouced "Norfuk" or "Nawfuk" not Nor folk....or portsmouth is not "ports mouth", it is "portsmuth" oh...and Iraq is "eye-raack". oh, please don't duck :D ...
zapper said:
Concur with your first paragraph. I'm puzzled by your second one as it seems to contradict the first. Para 3 doesn't surprise me.

There is a city here called "Norfolk" now...it is pronouced "Norfuk" or "Nawfuk" not Nor folk....or portsmouth is not "ports mouth", it is "portsmuth" oh...and Iraq is "eye-raack". oh, please don't duck :D ...
The correct pronounciation is Nawfuk and Portsmuth. Laugh, but has any one bothered to ask a resident of the country of Eyewreck.
FredC said:
The correct pronounciation is Nawfuk and Portsmuth. Laugh, but has any one bothered to ask a resident of the country of Eyewreck.
Nope...But on the other hand, I was born in portsmuth and it doesn't bother me how "foreigners" pronounce it...I think it is really petty quite frankly..
zapper said:
Nope...But on the other hand, I was born in portsmuth and it doesn't bother me how "foreigners" pronounce it...I think it is really petty quite frankly..
ah, Mr Zapper is back, yippee..

Portsmouth, Norfolk, Houston, New York, Glasgow, whatever, its all stolen from the Great British....you prononce it how we pronounce it (thats not an observation, its an instruction)...
MountainPro said:
ah, Mr Zapper is back, yippee..

Portsmouth, Norfolk, Houston, New York, Glasgow, whatever, its all stolen from the Great British....you prononce it how we pronounce it (thats not an observation, its an instruction)...

MountainPro, well said, I for one, am sick of the constant missuse of the "ENGLISH" language, if the foeiegners cannot pronounce it correclty then let them get another language to murder.

The Merkains are the worst, with a bumbling idiot as a leader what else can one expect, but there again it is monkey see, monkey do, or monkey say, monkey say?

Let us see what comes across the wire with that comment, whatever it is I don't give a **** anyway. And if yer giv's me a adr time I'll rip yer bloody arms awf, and don't fink I can't?

Keep the wheels in motion, and don't look back unles it's to see who you dropped on that last climb? TBC
MountainPro said:
ah, Mr Zapper is back, yippee..

Portsmouth, Norfolk, Houston, New York, Glasgow, whatever, its all stolen from the Great British....you prononce it how we pronounce it (thats not an observation, its an instruction)...
Yeah the great british... :rolleyes: lots of nice history there...But sorry to bust your bubble mr. scott...warp yourself into the 21st century....So...about face and carry on...
Brian Cotgrove said:
MountainPro, well said, I for one, am sick of the constant missuse of the "ENGLISH" language, if the foeiegners cannot pronounce it correclty then let them get another language to murder.

The Merkains are the worst, with a bumbling idiot as a leader what else can one expect, but there again it is monkey see, monkey do, or monkey say, monkey say?

Let us see what comes across the wire with that comment, whatever it is I don't give a **** anyway. And if yer giv's me a adr time I'll rip yer bloody arms awf, and don't fink I can't?

Keep the wheels in motion, and don't look back unles it's to see who you dropped on that last climb? TBC
Hey Brain...uh I mean brian...I for one am sick of you "foeignerieriers" not spelling the ENGLISH language "correcltitiy"...A monkey would make more sense that you do. Anyway, we just did what we do best. we stole a stuffy language, improved it and made it our own. If you feel froggy...jump ole chap. BTW while you are attempting to correct my pronunciation of our ENGLISH language then...you'll be looking at my rear wheel :D