MountainPro said:Yes, but its always important to member the basic rule...engage brain then speak.
I am all for a smoking ban in public places. We are working on it throught the Scottish parliment. I hope it comes to fruition. I am not a smoker but my father used to be a heavy smoker...until he developed mouth cancer. The's a 0 a day man now. Currently he is convalescing after major surgery. My wife is was born in the far east and we fly out there twice a year to visit her family. Its a 22 hour flight and my parents cannot make it because it means 22 hours without a cigarette. Pretty embarassing.
1 in 5 people in Scotland dies from a smoking related disorder. Its an appauling statistic. I am not a smoker and i will appreciate no smoking in pubs and restaurants and since we have a 17 month old nipper it would be nice to take her for a meal without second hand smoke polluting her lungs.
I was in my local on Saturday to watch the old firm game (the least said the better) and the landlord is an old school pal of mine. He said that there is mixed emotions about the ban amongst his regulars. Some will tolerate the ban, some will have to stat at home but he will also open the way for non smokers who didnt like to drink in a polluted atmos. to start gouing to pubs a bit more. Of couse there is the staff to think of. They have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment.
It will be interesting to see how it pans out but its a big thumbs up from me. There will be a period of adjustment, some business will suffer but in the long run i think Scotland as a nation will benefit.
Sorry to hear about your fathers problems - smoking does cause a lot of health problems.
Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of families seem to be much happier bringing their kids to the pub for a meal, for example, since the ban came in.
The air is a lot clearer and the pub generally feels cleaner.
The Old Firm game on Saturday was pretty heated - Sutton and that Rangers
bloke (Nae ?) were having a fair old tussle.
If you're an entrepreneur, a good investment is to buy those outdoor heaters.
The smokers here are allowed to smoke outside the premises and these heaters keep them warm while they're outside puffing away.
That's all you see outside Irish pubs now - smokers standing their huddled under these outdoor heaters trying to keep warm while having a smoke !