Unaugural 2008: Some bad news, a roll call, and a vote

On Apr 17, 8:34 am, BT Humble <[email protected]> wrote:
> In a small attempt to make up for the missing bonfire, I propose a
> damper-cooking competition (with a trophy).
> I'll supply the flour, but you'll have to bring your own additives.

PostmanPat wrote:
> On Apr 17, 8:34 am, BT Humble <[email protected]> wrote:
>> In a small attempt to make up for the missing bonfire, I propose a
>> damper-cooking competition (with a trophy).
>> I'll supply the flour, but you'll have to bring your own additives.
>> BTH

> Ewww!!!

It should be okay, just don't eat anything made next to a booth...
24 confirmed attendees, and 3 "tentative". This might be the biggest
Unaugural yet!

(Especially if youse collect some extra bikies along the way, like you
did in 2006).