G-S wrote:
> Tomasso wrote:
>> For that matter, did any CYCLISTS turn up (as opposed to motos who own
>> a bike)?
It's next weekend, so no-ones turned up yet.
I've put more Ks on my bicycles than my motorbike in the last two
years. Does that count?
Tarrago is a bit too far for me to cycle up from Melb for the weekend,
so I'll be arriving via something that burns fossils.
> >
> Actually some of the people that BTH knows from aus.motorcycles and
> aus.bicycles are both cyclists and motorcyclists.
> Off the top of my head -: BTH, G-S (me), Moike
Nev, Tim, Lemmiwinks, Zebee come to mind. All 'serious' cyclists.
> I'm sure there are more
> G-S (who hasn't piked yet, but it isn't looking good...)
Oh go on... If I can dust off the Superboike, you can stir yourself.
I'm leaving just before lunch on friday, probably staying at Tintaldra
if there's no snow on the hills.
(If the weather looks like turning nasty like last time I'll take the
van. Last time I went I was turned back on the way home by the snow at
Kiandra, and had to backtrack via Cann River. It was a long, cold,
dark, boring trip home.)