Originally posted by SLS
This is supposed to be the worst cycling tips so to correct this, vote for the Dems - they only promise whichever group they are talking to the moon, tax you to the moon so you can't even afford a KMart blue light special bike, make a SAPFU (surpases all previous #$%@ ups), go over budget, please no one, blame the Republicans, and tax you some more. Glad I don't ride a Mountain Bike - there would be no riding on federal lands due to their Sierra Club buddies, etc...
Not going to touch that, not going to touch that, not going to touch that... I would so enjoy getting into this debate, but I have to be strong, this is not the place... You can't even pretend that republicans have done more for environmental protection than the dems (ie you talking about the Sierra Club)? Ever heard of the Kyoto treaty? Global warming and Bush's refusal to align with the rest of the world to attempt (even lamely) to stop it? Uh-oh, don't touch that, don't touch that, don't touch that....
Sorry, not the right place for that debate.