Tom \Johnny Sunset\ Sherman
Bill "Sorni" Sornson wrote:
> Tom "Johnny Sunset" Sherman wrote:
>> The Republicans have to deal with the fact that they have dominated
>> national politics for a quarter century, had most of the economic
>> agenda implemented, yet only those who were rich before hand are
>> doing better.
> You love just making up stuff, doncha? (Whattsa matter, your Google broke
> or something?!?)
Real wages have dropped for all but the very top of the middle class,
while working hours grow longer.
If you think quality of life can be measured solely by the stock market
and per capita GNP, you are an idiot or a tool of the neo-feudal class.
>> Even though the corporate media is dominated by pundits
>> that bleat the regressive economic case, people will still look at
>> their own lives and see that things are not going right for them.
> Record high home ownership, record low unemployment, high consumer
> confidence, low inflation... Darn those pesky facts!
Record high personal debt and lower home ownership equity.
Living wage jobs replaced by low wage jobs, requiring 2 to 3 times the
labor per family as 40 years ago.
More work and less free time for a lower wage.
Great wealth accumulation by less than 1% or the population at the
expense of the other 99%.
Only in the land of corporate talk radio and news are things going well.
>> --
>> Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
>> “Twisting may help if yawl can chew gum and walk.” - gene daniels
> It beats your Spam Line, I'll give you that...
Hey Sorni, why don't you complain about the SPAM lines of other people
who are actually trying to sell something and personally profit by it?
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
“the bacteria people tuned in-as to bioengineering at the correct wave
Point” - gene daniels
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
> Tom "Johnny Sunset" Sherman wrote:
>> The Republicans have to deal with the fact that they have dominated
>> national politics for a quarter century, had most of the economic
>> agenda implemented, yet only those who were rich before hand are
>> doing better.
> You love just making up stuff, doncha? (Whattsa matter, your Google broke
> or something?!?)
Real wages have dropped for all but the very top of the middle class,
while working hours grow longer.
If you think quality of life can be measured solely by the stock market
and per capita GNP, you are an idiot or a tool of the neo-feudal class.
>> Even though the corporate media is dominated by pundits
>> that bleat the regressive economic case, people will still look at
>> their own lives and see that things are not going right for them.
> Record high home ownership, record low unemployment, high consumer
> confidence, low inflation... Darn those pesky facts!
Record high personal debt and lower home ownership equity.
Living wage jobs replaced by low wage jobs, requiring 2 to 3 times the
labor per family as 40 years ago.
More work and less free time for a lower wage.
Great wealth accumulation by less than 1% or the population at the
expense of the other 99%.
Only in the land of corporate talk radio and news are things going well.
>> --
>> Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
>> “Twisting may help if yawl can chew gum and walk.” - gene daniels
> It beats your Spam Line, I'll give you that...
Hey Sorni, why don't you complain about the SPAM lines of other people
who are actually trying to sell something and personally profit by it?
Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
“the bacteria people tuned in-as to bioengineering at the correct wave
Point” - gene daniels
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com