Re: liquid nutrition


Edward Dolan

"Tom Keats" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...

> I enjoy many of your weak, watery American brews. One can drink
> that stuff all day long, stand up out of one's lawn chair as evening
> approaches, and not fall down too much. Some folks refer to that
> stuff as "lawn mower lager." On a hot enough day, I'd almost sell
> my soul to the Devil for some real American MGD (the Canadian,
> brewed-under-license version is wanting of that je ne sais quois.)
> I find certain Canadian brands that come in a blue can cause
> too much head recursion and subsequent stack overflow.

As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff from the
Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about American
beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable. I am strictly a wine man myself, but
occasionally on a hot August day I would not mind a good beer. What does Tom
Keats recommend in the way of a really good beer? I will give it a try since
I know that working stiffs on the Vancouver docks will know a thing or two
about a good beer if nothing else.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:

> As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff from the
> Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about American
> beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable.

Knowing nothing about a particular topic has never prevented Ed Dolon
from writing about it as though he were an authority. Granted the
Mega-brewers in the U.S. produce what I refer to a Swillsners an
obvious takoff on Pilsner, but the U.S. micro brewers are craft brewers
that have won awards world wide for the beer that they produce and some
even sell in small quantity in Europe. I have been to many European
and U.S. breweries and have even brewed beer myself. I know good from
bad. Ed does not. If Ed Dolan thinks that all American beer is
undrinkable, then Ed Dolan knows next to nothing about Amercian beer.
That reminds me, I'm off to Prague in 5 days ... speaking of a great
place to drink good beer.

Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff from
>> the
>> Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about American
>> beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable.

> Knowing nothing about a particular topic has never prevented Ed Dolon
> from writing about it as though he were an authority. Granted the
> Mega-brewers in the U.S. produce what I refer to a Swillsners an
> obvious takoff on Pilsner, but the U.S. micro brewers are craft brewers
> that have won awards world wide for the beer that they produce and some
> even sell in small quantity in Europe. I have been to many European
> and U.S. breweries and have even brewed beer myself. I know good from
> bad. Ed does not. If Ed Dolan thinks that all American beer is
> undrinkable, then Ed Dolan knows next to nothing about Amercian beer.
> That reminds me, I'm off to Prague in 5 days ... speaking of a great
> place to drink good beer.

I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that is
available to the masses.

I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer - or
any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch is
hooch and we all drink for the high.

By the way, why would anyone go all the way to Prague for just five days. If
and when I ever go to Europe it will be for at least three months. Anything
less than that is a total waste of time and effort (as well as jet fuel). I
hope at least that Jimbo will take in a Dvorak or a Smetana concert while he
is there.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> ....
> I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that is
> available to the masses.
> I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer - or
> any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
> strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch is
> hooch and we all drink for the high....

Here is an online wine guide that should suit Ed Dolan's needs:

Tom Sherman - Behind the Cheddar Curtain
Post Free or Die!
"Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> ....
>> I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that
>> is
>> available to the masses.
>> I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer -
>> or
>> any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
>> strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch
>> is
>> hooch and we all drink for the high....

> Here is an online wine guide that should suit Ed Dolan's needs:
> <>.

It is foolish to pretend there is anything more to wine, beer or whiskey
than getting high. The trick is not to get too high. William Holden fell and
stuck his head on an object and bled to death from drinking too much.That is
the main danger of drinking at home alone.

Please excuse me now while I go to the kitchen to get a refill on my vino
(Livingston Red Rose - a semi-dry). I like to sip wine for hours while I
post to the newsgroups.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> ....
> >> I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that
> >> is
> >> available to the masses.
> >>
> >> I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer -
> >> or
> >> any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
> >> strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch
> >> is
> >> hooch and we all drink for the high....

> >
> > Here is an online wine guide that should suit Ed Dolan's needs:
> > <>.

> It is foolish to pretend there is anything more to wine, beer or whiskey
> than getting high. The trick is not to get too high....

The Bum Wine site is still worth checking out - where else will you
read wine reviews with descriptions like this, "Strawberry Cisco has a
bouquet similar to that of Frankenberry cereal fermented in wine cooler
with added sprinkle of brandy for presentation. The sticky, sickingly
sweet taste with a hint of antifreeze really comes through in the
repellant taste of Cisco."?

Tom Sherman - Behind the Cheddar Curtain
Post Free or Die!
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >
> >> As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff from
> >> the
> >> Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about American
> >> beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable.

> >
> > Knowing nothing about a particular topic has never prevented Ed Dolon
> > from writing about it as though he were an authority. Granted the
> > Mega-brewers in the U.S. produce what I refer to a Swillsners an
> > obvious takoff on Pilsner, but the U.S. micro brewers are craft brewers
> > that have won awards world wide for the beer that they produce and some
> > even sell in small quantity in Europe. I have been to many European
> > and U.S. breweries and have even brewed beer myself. I know good from
> > bad. Ed does not. If Ed Dolan thinks that all American beer is
> > undrinkable, then Ed Dolan knows next to nothing about Amercian beer.
> > That reminds me, I'm off to Prague in 5 days ... speaking of a great
> > place to drink good beer.

> I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that is
> available to the masses.

Say there Minnesota hermit really do need to get out more.
Thanks for making my point that you know nothing about American beer.
You can purchase craft/micro brewed beer at your local foodstore
(Dominicks, Jewel, etc.) and at any liquor store worth a damn.

> I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer - or
> any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
> strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch is
> hooch and we all drink for the high.

This is yet another example of falacious Ed Dolan dogma ... a blanket
statment that is not univeraslly applicable. I never drink for the
high. I'll leave that for the immature, juvenile set which Ed is
obviousy a card carrying member. You'd think the man would have grown
up by now.

> By the way, why would anyone go all the way to Prague for just five days. If
> and when I ever go to Europe it will be for at least three months.

As usual Ed, you are short-shighted in your assessment and are running
your mouth without thinking things through. If, like you, I had never
been to Euorpe before, then 3 months might be a valid consideration,
but I vacation in Europe almost every year and have been to most
Euorpean countries several times over. I never said I was ONLY going
to be in Prague. I will be also in Venice for another 5 days. I
have been to both cities before and 5 days in each will be sufficient
for me. You fail to take various factors into consideration. I have
to board two dogs and 3 months would be costly. My wife also has a
career and 3 months vacation time is simply not an option. Why don't
you engage your brain for a change before engaging your mouth ... fool.

> Anything less than that is a total waste of time and effort (as well as jet fuel).

Errant Opinion stated as fact. The real waste of time and effort is
that wasted on you. Your basic underlying assumption in untenable ...
not unusual. Is any more jet fuel wasted if I go for a short stay
versus a long one? The exact same mass is traspoorted the exact same
distance, burning the exact same amount of jet fuel. As you are fond
of saying ... elementary my dear Watson!!!

> I hope at least that Jimbo will take in a Dvorak or a Smetana concert while he
> is there.

When are you going to learn how to spell? Save yourself two
keystrokes. The name is Jim. I intend to take in a concert, but what
dies that have to do about beer ... something you know nothing

Edward Dolan wrote:

> It is foolish to pretend there is anything more to wine, beer or whiskey
> than getting high. The trick is not to get too high. William Holden fell and
> stuck his head on an object and bled to death from drinking too much.That is
> the main danger of drinking at home alone.

It is foolsih to pretend that the only pupose for drinking is to get
high. Some people enjoy the taste. Some even have a single glass of
red wine for it's health benfits and are encouraged to do so by their
doctor. Must you be so short-sighted? You are a myopic visionary
extraordinaire. If you only drink to get high, you've got a problem
that needs to be addressed, but there is no need for you to assume that
we all share your problem regardless of how much misery likes company..

> Please excuse me now while I go to the kitchen to get a refill on my vino
> (Livingston Red Rose - a semi-dry). I like to sip wine for hours while I
> post to the newsgroups.

Ther is no excuse for you ... Jim McNamara
JimmyMac aka James McNamara wrote:
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > >
> > > Edward Dolan wrote:
> > >
> > >> As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff from
> > >> the
> > >> Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about American
> > >> beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable.
> > >
> > > Knowing nothing about a particular topic has never prevented Ed Dolon [1]
> > > from writing about it as though he were an authority. Granted the
> > > Mega-brewers in the U.S. produce what I refer to a Swillsners an
> > > obvious takoff [2] on Pilsner, but the U.S. micro brewers are craft brewers
> > > that have won awards world wide for the beer that they produce and some
> > > even sell in small quantity in Europe. I have been to many European
> > > and U.S. breweries and have even brewed beer myself. I know good from
> > > bad. Ed does not. If Ed Dolan thinks that all American beer is
> > > undrinkable, then Ed Dolan knows next to nothing about Amercian [3] beer.
> > > That reminds me, I'm off to Prague in 5 days ... speaking of a great
> > > place to drink good beer.

> >
> > I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that is
> > available to the masses.

> Say there Minnesota hermit really do need to get out more.
> Thanks for making my point that you know nothing about American beer.
> You can purchase craft/micro brewed beer at your local foodstore [4]
> (Dominicks, Jewel, etc.) and at any liquor store worth a damn.
> > I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer - or
> > any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
> > strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch is
> > hooch and we all drink for the high.

> This is yet another example of falacious [5] Ed Dolan dogma ... a blanket
> statment [6] that is not univeraslly [7] applicable. I never drink for the
> high. I'll leave that for the immature, juvenile set which Ed is
> obviousy [8] a card carrying member. You'd think the man would have grown
> up by now.
> > By the way, why would anyone go all the way to Prague for just five days. If
> > and when I ever go to Europe it will be for at least three months.

> As usual Ed, you are short-shighted [9] in your assessment and are running
> your mouth without thinking things through. If, like you, I had never
> been to Euorpe [10] before, then 3 months might be a valid consideration,
> but I vacation in Europe almost every year and have been to most
> Euorpean [11] countries several times over. I never said I was ONLY going
> to be in Prague. I will be also in Venice for another 5 days. I
> have been to both cities before and 5 days in each will be sufficient
> for me. You fail to take various factors into consideration. I have
> to board two dogs and 3 months would be costly. My wife also has a
> career and 3 months vacation time is simply not an option. Why don't
> you engage your brain for a change before engaging your mouth ... fool.
> > Anything less than that is a total waste of time and effort (as well as jet fuel).

> Errant Opinion stated as fact. The real waste of time and effort is
> that wasted on you. Your basic underlying assumption in untenable ...
> not unusual. Is any more jet fuel wasted if I go for a short stay
> versus a long one? The exact same mass is traspoorted [12] the exact same
> distance, burning the exact same amount of jet fuel. As you are fond
> of saying ... elementary my dear Watson!!!
> > I hope at least that Jimbo will take in a Dvorak or a Smetana concert while he
> > is there.

> When are you going to learn how to spell? Save yourself two
> keystrokes. The name is Jim. I intend to take in a concert, but what
> dies that have to do about beer ... something you know nothing
> about???.

Since Jimmy Mac asks Ed Dolan if he knows how to spell, I checked the
spelling of the words in his post. Spellings errors are numbered with
the correct spelling below.

[1] Dolan
[2] takeoff
[3] American
[4] food store
[5] fallacious
[6] statement
[7] universally
[8] obviously
[9] short-sighted
[10] Europe
[11] European
[12] transported

Tom Sherman - Behind the Cheddar Curtain
Post Free or Die!
Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:

> Since Jimmy Mac asks Ed Dolan if he knows how to spell, I checked the
> spelling of the words in his post. Spellings errors are numbered with
> the correct spelling below.
> [1] Dolan
> [2] takeoff
> [3] American
> [4] food store
> [5] fallacious
> [6] statement
> [7] universally
> [8] obviously
> [9] short-sighted
> [10] Europe
> [11] European
> [12] transported

Tom your point is well taken although I'm not sure why you went to all
the bother, really. Guess I should be using a spell checker. It is
not that I can't spell these words. It is just that I can't type for
**** today and didn't bother to proofread. Sorry 'bout that. The
point is that Dolan knows how to spell, but insists on referring to me
as "Jimbo" even though he knows full well that I am not some backwoods,
Appalachian trailer trash, which the name somewhat implies, but I am
reasonably certain that you understood that all along.

Jim McNamara
JimmyMac wrote:
> Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:
> > Since Jimmy Mac asks Ed Dolan if he knows how to spell, I checked the
> > spelling of the words in his post. Spellings errors are numbered with
> > the correct spelling below.
> >
> > [1] Dolan
> > [2] takeoff
> > [3] American
> > [4] food store
> > [5] fallacious
> > [6] statement
> > [7] universally
> > [8] obviously
> > [9] short-sighted
> > [10] Europe
> > [11] European
> > [12] transported

> Tom your point is well taken although I'm not sure why you went to all
> the bother, really. Guess I should be using a spell checker. It is
> not that I can't spell these words. It is just that I can't type for
> **** today and didn't bother to proofread. Sorry 'bout that. The
> point is that Dolan knows how to spell, but insists on referring to me
> as "Jimbo" even though he knows full well that I am not some backwoods,
> Appalachian trailer trash, which the name somewhat implies, but I am
> reasonably certain that you understood that all along.

I should have said typo checker, but the important thing to note is
this. Since you were able to take note of and correct the typos, then
obviously the "mispellings" did not hinder the communication process.

> Jim McNamara
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> It is foolish to pretend there is anything more to wine, beer or whiskey
>> than getting high. The trick is not to get too high. William Holden fell
>> and
>> stuck his head on an object and bled to death from drinking too much.That
>> is
>> the main danger of drinking at home alone.

> It is foolsih to pretend that the only pupose for drinking is to get
> high. Some people enjoy the taste. Some even have a single glass of
> red wine for it's health benfits and are encouraged to do so by their
> doctor. Must you be so short-sighted? You are a myopic visionary
> extraordinaire. If you only drink to get high, you've got a problem
> that needs to be addressed, but there is no need for you to assume that
> we all share your problem regardless of how much misery likes company..

No one but no one drinks an alcoholic beverage for anything but the high you
get from it. I can't waste my time even considering any other possibility.
Hells Bells, there are a million fruit drinks that you drink for the taste.
The fermented drinks are not one of them. It is nothing but an affectation
to pretend otherwise.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> >
>> > Edward Dolan wrote:
>> >
>> >> As much as I hate and despise Tom Keats (ye old working class stiff
>> >> from
>> >> the
>> >> Vancouver docks), I must admit he is most certainly right about
>> >> American
>> >> beer. My God, the stuff is undrinkable.
>> >
>> > Knowing nothing about a particular topic has never prevented Ed Dolon
>> > from writing about it as though he were an authority. Granted the
>> > Mega-brewers in the U.S. produce what I refer to a Swillsners an
>> > obvious takoff on Pilsner, but the U.S. micro brewers are craft brewers
>> > that have won awards world wide for the beer that they produce and some
>> > even sell in small quantity in Europe. I have been to many European
>> > and U.S. breweries and have even brewed beer myself. I know good from
>> > bad. Ed does not. If Ed Dolan thinks that all American beer is
>> > undrinkable, then Ed Dolan knows next to nothing about Amercian beer.
>> > That reminds me, I'm off to Prague in 5 days ... speaking of a great
>> > place to drink good beer.

>> I do not give a good g.d. damn about micro brewers. I want something that
>> is
>> available to the masses.

> Say there Minnesota hermit really do need to get out more.
> Thanks for making my point that you know nothing about American beer.
> You can purchase craft/micro brewed beer at your local foodstore
> (Dominicks, Jewel, etc.) and at any liquor store worth a damn.

Even if available, they will be more expensive than regular beer. There is
no beer made that is worth paying a premium for. Same goes for wine and hard
liquor. If it ain't cheap, forget about it!

>> I must admit I have never acquired much of a taste for any kind of beer -
>> or
>> any kind of hard liquor either. I seem to like nothing but vino. Very
>> strange since I am not of Mediterranean origin. But let's face it, hooch
>> is
>> hooch and we all drink for the high.

> This is yet another example of falacious Ed Dolan dogma ... a blanket
> statment that is not univeraslly applicable. I never drink for the
> high. I'll leave that for the immature, juvenile set which Ed is
> obviousy a card carrying member. You'd think the man would have grown
> up by now.

Jimbo is lying about not drinking for the high. It is like Clinton claiming
he smoked dope, but he didn't inhale. You get a slight high from even one

>> By the way, why would anyone go all the way to Prague for just five days.
>> If
>> and when I ever go to Europe it will be for at least three months.

> As usual Ed, you are short-shighted in your assessment and are running
> your mouth without thinking things through. If, like you, I had never
> been to Euorpe before, then 3 months might be a valid consideration,
> but I vacation in Europe almost every year and have been to most
> Euorpean countries several times over. I never said I was ONLY going
> to be in Prague. I will be also in Venice for another 5 days. I
> have been to both cities before and 5 days in each will be sufficient
> for me. You fail to take various factors into consideration. I have
> to board two dogs and 3 months would be costly. My wife also has a
> career and 3 months vacation time is simply not an option. Why don't
> you engage your brain for a change before engaging your mouth ... fool.

Anyone who goes to Europe for a period of less than 3 weeks is a fool. It is
a waste of jet fuel to be flying all over the world and then not staying
where you are going for a reasonable length of time. Jimbo should stay home
if he can't afford at least 3 weeks for such a long journey.

Why the hell don't you have your wife take care of the dogs. That is what
she is there for if you ask me. It is cruel to board dogs away from their
home. It is very stressful on them.

>> Anything less than that is a total waste of time and effort (as well as
>> jet fuel).

> Errant Opinion stated as fact. The real waste of time and effort is
> that wasted on you. Your basic underlying assumption in untenable ...
> not unusual. Is any more jet fuel wasted if I go for a short stay
> versus a long one? The exact same mass is traspoorted the exact same
> distance, burning the exact same amount of jet fuel. As you are fond
> of saying ... elementary my dear Watson!!!

You remind me of the athlete who gorges himself on expensive food (protein)
just so he can be strong or perhaps have good looking muscles. This is the
kind of waste that God will not forgive. You will be l held accountable for
how you waste scarce resources while you are on this earth.

>> I hope at least that Jimbo will take in a Dvorak or a Smetana concert
>> while he
>> is there.

> When are you going to learn how to spell? Save yourself two
> keystrokes. The name is Jim. I intend to take in a concert, but what
> dies that have to do about beer ... something you know nothing
> about???.

Dvorak and Smetana have to do with Prague. I know at least as much about
beer as you do about concerts!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> JimmyMac wrote:
>> Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:
>> > Since Jimmy Mac asks Ed Dolan if he knows how to spell, I checked the
>> > spelling of the words in his post. Spellings errors are numbered with
>> > the correct spelling below.
>> >
>> > [1] Dolan
>> > [2] takeoff
>> > [3] American
>> > [4] food store
>> > [5] fallacious
>> > [6] statement
>> > [7] universally
>> > [8] obviously
>> > [9] short-sighted
>> > [10] Europe
>> > [11] European
>> > [12] transported

>> Tom your point is well taken although I'm not sure why you went to all
>> the bother, really. Guess I should be using a spell checker. It is
>> not that I can't spell these words. It is just that I can't type for
>> **** today and didn't bother to proofread. Sorry 'bout that. The
>> point is that Dolan knows how to spell, but insists on referring to me
>> as "Jimbo" even though he knows full well that I am not some backwoods,
>> Appalachian trailer trash, which the name somewhat implies, but I am
>> reasonably certain that you understood that all along.

If and when you stop with the silly name calling, then I will stop with the
Jimbo thing. You are smart enough, but I am smarter, so get used to it.

> I should have said typo checker, but the important thing to note is
> this. Since you were able to take note of and correct the typos, then
> obviously the "mispellings" did not hinder the communication process.

You need to use a spell checker. It shows disrespect for the reader to have
too many typos. We all make an occasionally typo (except Mr. Sherman - he is
uncannily correct all the time), but if you are making a whole series of
them then you need to rethink what it is that you are doing.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Hey Gang -

Did Jim misspell "mispellings"? Yes.
Was he just teasing? That's my guess.
But it was yet another MISS
When Fathead followed up with this:

>You need to use a spell checker... We
>all make an occasionally[sic] typo...

Spellchecking is a useful tool,
But if the writer is a fool,
His errors still come glaring through.
The simple bottom line: It's true
Spellcheckers nicely complement
A writer who's intelligent
And has some basic language skill;
It hasn't worked and never will
For goober rubes like this galoot
To use one as a substitute
For education and IQ.
The TROLL is sadly Oh for Two.

In article <[email protected]>,
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> writes in part:

> I should have said typo checker


No, you shouldn't have.

There's a big difference between a typing error, and a
typo (typographical error.)

A "typo" is the result of misreading when /transcribing/
literal material from one medium to another. The classic
example is misreading handwriting when transcribing to
print on a typograph (printing press.) For example,
the handwritten phrase "FOB: your warehouse" might be
misread and set in print as "SOB: your whorehouse".

A typing error is just a sloloppy misteak.

Had Gilda Radner's character: Miss Emily Litella been
real, she would likely have been prone to commit all
kinds of typos: violins on television, natural
racehorses, youth in Asia, etc

-- Nothing is safe from me.
Above address is just a spam midden.
I'm really at: tkeats [curlicue] vcn [point] bc [point] ca
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > JimmyMac wrote:
> >> Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:
> >>
> >> > Since Jimmy Mac asks Ed Dolan if he knows how to spell, I checked the
> >> > spelling of the words in his post. Spellings errors are numbered with
> >> > the correct spelling below.
> >> >
> >> > [1] Dolan
> >> > [2] takeoff
> >> > [3] American
> >> > [4] food store
> >> > [5] fallacious
> >> > [6] statement
> >> > [7] universally
> >> > [8] obviously
> >> > [9] short-sighted
> >> > [10] Europe
> >> > [11] European
> >> > [12] transported
> >>
> >> Tom your point is well taken although I'm not sure why you went to all
> >> the bother, really. Guess I should be using a spell checker. It is
> >> not that I can't spell these words. It is just that I can't type for
> >> **** today and didn't bother to proofread. Sorry 'bout that. The
> >> point is that Dolan knows how to spell, but insists on referring to me
> >> as "Jimbo" even though he knows full well that I am not some backwoods,
> >> Appalachian trailer trash, which the name somewhat implies, but I am
> >> reasonably certain that you understood that all along.

> If and when you stop with the silly name calling, then I will stop with the
> Jimbo thing. You are smart enough, but I am smarter, so get used to it.

Opinion stated as fact. What makes you think that you are any smarter
than me or for that matter everyone else on ARBR as you have so often
asserted. One who has to constantly state that he is smarter than
everyone else betrays his basic insecurity and fear that there are
those who possess superior intellect. There will alsways be somone who
is tougher, smarter, stronger, etc. This is just a fact of life.
Learn to accept it. You can stop beating the drum now. I remain
unconvinced that you are any smarter. Your smart enough, but nothing
you have said to date has me convinced that you are the least bit
smarter so that is something that you will just have to get uset to.

> > I should have said typo checker, but the important thing to note is
> > this. Since you were able to take note of and correct the typos, then
> > obviously the "mispellings" did not hinder the communication process.

> You need to use a spell checker.

You need to stop giving unwelcome advice.

> It shows disrespect for the reader to have
> too many typos. We all make an occasionally typo (except Mr. Sherman - he is
> uncannily correct all the time), but if you are making a whole series of
> them then you need to rethink what it is that you are doing.

You also need to stop offering unwelcome opinions. If there is
anything that shows disrespect it is your unwelcome opinions and
unwelcome advice.

Jim McNamara
"32GO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Hey Gang -
> Did Jim misspell "mispellings"? Yes.
> Was he just teasing? That's my guess.
> But it was yet another MISS
> When Fathead followed up with this:
>>You need to use a spell checker... We
>>all make an occasionally[sic] typo...

> Spellchecking is a useful tool,
> But if the writer is a fool,
> His errors still come glaring through.
> The simple bottom line: It's true
> Spellcheckers nicely complement
> A writer who's intelligent
> And has some basic language skill;
> It hasn't worked and never will
> For goober rubes like this galoot
> To use one as a substitute
> For education and IQ.
> The TROLL is sadly Oh for Two.

I do not mind Wayne Logo, the Poet of ARBR, pointing out my typos. He is
literate if nothing else. My spell check often fouls me up, but I am such a
poor typist that I need it. I will sometimes type a passage and not a single
word will be correct. I have to type very fast so I do not lose my train of
thought. Many times when I go back over it to correct all the typos even I
do not know what I meant to say. This creates considerable confusion in my
mind as of course my first inspiration is always my best and I just hate to
lose it because of all the typos.

By the way, everyone knows that I am the most intelligent (not to say
brilliant) very important person (VIP) to ever show up on these miserable
newsgroups. Yea, it is a high honor that I confer on the rest of you, but I
do it out of a sense of noblesse oblige. It is what we superior types owe to
our inferiors because of our high mindedness.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Tom Keats" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> writes in part:
>> I should have said typo checker

> ^^^^
> No, you shouldn't have.
> There's a big difference between a typing error, and a
> typo (typographical error.)
> A "typo" is the result of misreading when /transcribing/
> literal material from one medium to another. The classic
> example is misreading handwriting when transcribing to
> print on a typograph (printing press.) For example,
> the handwritten phrase "FOB: your warehouse" might be
> misread and set in print as "SOB: your whorehouse".
> A typing error is just a sloloppy misteak.

It is the above that is being discussed. They are called 'typos' because
that is what is universally understood by anyone who has ever used a
keyboard as opposed to writing things out in long hand with pen and ink.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"32GO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


[newsgroups expanded]

> Hey Gang -
> Did Jim misspell "mispellings"? Yes.
> Was he just teasing? That's my guess.
> But it was yet another MISS
> When Fathead followed up with this:
>>You need to use a spell checker... We
>>all make an occasionally[sic] typo...

> Spellchecking is a useful tool,
> But if the writer is a fool,
> His errors still come glaring through.
> The simple bottom line: It's true
> Spellcheckers nicely complement
> A writer who's intelligent
> And has some basic language skill;
> It hasn't worked and never will
> For goober rubes like this galoot
> To use one as a substitute
> For education and IQ.
> The TROLL is sadly Oh for Two.
> Regards,
> Wayne

I have never figured out why Wayne Logo, the poet of ARBR, and I are not
better friends. I am one of the very few on these newsgroups who will
understand and appreciate his verse. Why? Because I have read the complete
works of Lord Byron in my long lost youth. I could never write a single line
of verse myself, but I do appreciate those who can.

All I ask of Wayne is that he stay off of excrement, sex and various other
obscenities. My expectations for a poet are very high. He more than fills
those expectations except when he resorts to the aforementioned subjects. He
needs to elevate his thinking and I will be his biggest fan.

By the way, the above verse by Wayne is very good. There is nothing
objectionable (nihil obstat) about it at all. I do not mind in the least
being poked fun of. In fact, I regard it as a compliment to me.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota