Origin of Cooler Helmets?

[email protected] wrote:
> Cool racing style helmet: $200
> Cheapo supermarket helmet: $15
> Not looking like a dork: Priceless

It's interesting to me that many cyclists voluntarily strap on a hat
that looks like a psychedelic styrofoam squid...

.... then think the _other_ guy looks like a dork! ;-)

Isn't fashion wonderful?

- Frank Krygowski
On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 16:07:30 GMT, "Sorni"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>RonSonic wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Apr 2006 13:26:13 +0200, Sandy <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Jay Beattie a écrit :
>>>> Bestest Handsander wrote:
>>>> <big snip>
>>>>> Yea, and if his eyes are blue, then we know he's just a knee-jerk
>>>>> reactionary! :) His statements stand for themselves. You claiming
>>>>> your $39 is just as good (light, aero, allows as much air through,
>>>>> whatever) as his $100 helmet absent any empirical data, is just as
>>>>> unfounded as claiming the limited edition lone star lance $225
>>>>> model without evidence is better. It's not your position per say
>>>>> that's the problem. It's that your position is just as irrational
>>>>> as the one you're attacking. Facts, man! Facts.
>>>> What possibly justifies a $200+ price tag for any foam helmet with a
>>>> microshell? I think the answer is fashion and market elasticity. --
>>>> Jay Beattie.
>>> Yes, is there something wrong with that ?
>>> Beats the routine of wearing a grey suit all the time.
>>> Even with loud neckties.

>> No nothing wrong with it if that's what gives you gratification. But
>> there honestly isn't $200 difference between any top shelf helmet and
>> an X-mart product. Not in design, production costs or even liability
>> coverage.
>> There is a difference no doubt, and if the price differential between
>> the two helmets was something like $25 or even $75 some case could be
>> made that one was buying some practical improvement, better straps
>> and cushions for example.

>Ah, but there are MANY choices priced between the $200 and $10 helmets. One
>can find a pretty decent-looking lid for $40-50...

That's where I live, just over the knee of the curve. I'll pay enough to get
decent fit, straps and cushions, but not enough for whatever the cool kids got
this year. Remainders, closeouts and odd lot is fine with me. I'm wearing what
Jan had four years ago, which is a hell of a lot cheaper than whatever Lance
wore last year.
