John Schlitter WINS BAF in RECORD TIME!!!

"Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > I do not believe Dave Larrington can possibly be a recumbent bike shop
> > dealer at all. If he is, he is doomed and will soon go broke since he
> > doesn't have a clue about his market.

> Never in the history of all things ever have I made any pretence towards
> being a recumbent dealer. To assert otherwise is clearly the mark of
> someone with the intellectual acuity of a particularly thick wasp.

So what is all that **** at the bottom of your posts about being an editor
for something called the British Human Power Club Newsletter? I am assuming
this has to do with bikes, although I have always thought the HPV stuff was
nothing but pretentious nonsense. In any event, if you are an editor of a
newsletter about bikes, then you should know all about the market for
recumbents, and it is not racers for Pete's sake!

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"MasterBlaster" <Nobody'[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" wrote
> > I ask, is there not a newsgroup on Usenet where these types could

> > themselves? Surely, there must be some newsgroups who do nothing but

> > racing.


A not so subtle hint that I myself might be better off on another newsgroup?
However, I have found a home here on ARBR and let's face it, it does not
matter if I am on topic or off topic, my posts will arouse dissension no
matter what. Hate me if you must, but there is only one paramount sin
connected with newsgroups and that is to be boring. As long as I am not
interesting, then I am happy as a lark!

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "MasterBlaster" <Nobody'[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:Bx4jc.19540$NG2.694@edtnps84...
> >
> > "Edward Dolan" wrote
> >
> > > I ask, is there not a newsgroup on Usenet where these types could

> express
> > > themselves? Surely, there must be some newsgroups who do nothing but

> discuss
> > > racing.

> >
> >

> A not so subtle hint that I myself might be better off on another

> However, I have found a home here on ARBR and let's face it, it does not
> matter if I am on topic or off topic, my posts will arouse dissension no
> matter what. Hate me if you must, but there is only one paramount sin
> connected with newsgroups and that is to be boring. As long as I am not
> interesting, then I am happy as a lark!
> --
> Ed Dolan - Minnesota

Good Grief! The last sentence should read: As long as I AM interesting, then
I am happy as a lark! I will never be able to figure out how these little
glitches get past me.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Mr. Ed wrote:

> ... As long as I am not interesting, then I am happy as a lark!
>>Ed Dolan - Minnesota

> Good Grief! The last sentence should read: As long as I AM interesting, then
> I am happy as a lark! I will never be able to figure out how these little
> glitches get past me.

Too bad for Mr. Ed Dolan that he corrected himself, for it means that he
must be unhappy.

Tom Sherman – Quad Cities (Illinois Side)
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mr. Ed wrote:
> > ... As long as I am not interesting, then I am happy as a lark!
> >>
> >>--
> >>Ed Dolan - Minnesota

> >
> >
> > Good Grief! The last sentence should read: As long as I AM interesting,

> > I am happy as a lark! I will never be able to figure out how these

> > glitches get past me.

> Too bad for Mr. Ed Dolan that he corrected himself, for it means that he
> must be unhappy.

Every post of mine always gets some kind of response, even if it is only

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it doesn't
mean "shop".

When you've finished that, try actually clicking the link in my .sig. Then
you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human Power
Club actually is.

When you've finished with that, and I appreciate it may take you a while,
you may care to go back and look for where I said that the recumbent market
is racers. I guarantee that this will take you a /very/ long time, because
I didn't say it. What I /did/ say was that you should be a little less
dismissive of the racers, as the first generation of recumbent
manufacturers, without whom there would quite possibly be NO market at all,
were racers to a man. If names such as Gardner Martin, Tim Brummer, Mike
Burrows, Peter Ross, John and Miles Kingsbury or Bram Moens mean nothing to
you, then you are even more clue-free than I thought.


Dave Larrington -
Editor - British Human Power Club Newsletter
Dave Larrington wrote:

> Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it doesn't
> mean "shop"....

Club: What Mr. Ed was hit on the head with at the glue factory.

Tom Sherman – Quad Cities (Illinois Side)

Mr. Ed (Thanks Tom!) will not only find a way to justify what he said, he
will also show you how wrong you are.

He doesn't have a clue!


Perry B - Minnesota

"Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it

> mean "shop".
> When you've finished that, try actually clicking the link in my .sig.

> you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human Power
> Club actually is.
> When you've finished with that, and I appreciate it may take you a while,
> you may care to go back and look for where I said that the recumbent

> is racers. I guarantee that this will take you a /very/ long time,

> I didn't say it. What I /did/ say was that you should be a little less
> dismissive of the racers, as the first generation of recumbent
> manufacturers, without whom there would quite possibly be NO market at

> were racers to a man. If names such as Gardner Martin, Tim Brummer, Mike
> Burrows, Peter Ross, John and Miles Kingsbury or Bram Moens mean nothing

> you, then you are even more clue-free than I thought.
> --
> Dave Larrington -
> ===========================================================
> Editor - British Human Power Club Newsletter
> ===========================================================
"Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it

> mean "shop".

Club, shop, who cares? You are both connected to the bicycle industry and
should therefore know what you are talking about. How come you don't?

> When you've finished that, try actually clicking the link in my .sig.

> you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human Power
> Club actually is.

I don't give a tinker's damn about your miserable little club. All I know
for sure is that you ought to be calling yourself a bicycle club and not
something called human power. How pretentious and ridiculous!

> When you've finished with that, and I appreciate it may take you a while,
> you may care to go back and look for where I said that the recumbent

> is racers. I guarantee that this will take you a /very/ long time,

> I didn't say it. What I /did/ say was that you should be a little less
> dismissive of the racers, as the first generation of recumbent
> manufacturers, without whom there would quite possibly be NO market at

> were racers to a man. If names such as Gardner Martin, Tim Brummer, Mike
> Burrows, Peter Ross, John and Miles Kingsbury or Bram Moens mean nothing

> you, then you are even more clue-free than I thought.

But I am totally dismissive of racers and I cast doubt on your integrity for
even mentioning the subject of racers in connection with the recumbent
market. All those names you mention I know from over 10 years a reading RCN
and I don't give a hoot about any of them. Most folks who get recumbents get
them for comfort and not in order to be fast on them. But types like you
think the only way you can sell them is to tell everyone how fast they are.
Even that they climb hills like magic! You and your ilk are constantly
misleading everyone by your emphasis on speed when everyone knows that most
people get recumbents for comfort, not speed. You are the clueless one here,
not me.

While we are at it, why the hell aren't you posting properly? You did not
include my post to which you are responding. How the hell is anyone except
me suppose to know what you are talking about. This right here tells me that
you are a royal screw up (English variety) of major proportions and that you
can't get anything right, not even the simplest things. God help the readers
of your so called newsletter!

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Perry Butler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dave,
> Mr. Ed (Thanks Tom!) will not only find a way to justify what he said, he
> will also show you how wrong you are.
> He doesn't have a clue!
> Enjoy,
> Perry B - Minnesota

The brainless ones, Sherman and Butler, unite and are unanimous in their
stupidity. They can only appeal to the most juvenile sophomoric humor. But
that is ARBR for you. Lots of those types here.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota

"Perry Butler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dave,
> Mr. Ed (Thanks Tom!) will not only find a way to justify what he said, he
> will also show you how wrong you are.
> He doesn't have a clue!
> Enjoy,
> Perry B - Minnesota

Perry I like the club on the noggin idea.
Bill M
> "Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it

> doesn't
> > mean "shop".
> >
> > When you've finished that, try actually clicking the link in my .sig.

> Then
> > you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human

> > Club actually is.
> >
> > When you've finished with that, and I appreciate it may take you a

> > you may care to go back and look for where I said that the recumbent

> market
> > is racers. I guarantee that this will take you a /very/ long time,

> because
> > I didn't say it. What I /did/ say was that you should be a little less
> > dismissive of the racers, as the first generation of recumbent
> > manufacturers, without whom there would quite possibly be NO market at

> all,
> > were racers to a man. If names such as Gardner Martin, Tim Brummer,

> > Burrows, Peter Ross, John and Miles Kingsbury or Bram Moens mean nothing

> to
> > you, then you are even more clue-free than I thought.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Dave Larrington -
> > ===========================================================
> > Editor - British Human Power Club Newsletter
> >
> > ===========================================================
> >
> >

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> While we are at it, why the hell aren't you posting properly? You did not
> include my post to which you are responding. How the hell is anyone except
> me suppose to know what you are talking about.

Mr. Ed

Actually, everyone except you knows what Dave is talking about.

You don't have a clue!

Perry B - Minnesota
Mr. Ed wrote:

> "Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> ... Then you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human Power
>>Club actually is.

> I don't give a tinker's damn about your miserable little club. All I know
> for sure is that you ought to be calling yourself a bicycle club and not
> something called human power. How pretentious and ridiculous!...

The British Human Power Club (BHPC) is a national affiliate of the
International Human Powered Vehicle Association (IHPVA). Both
organizations included human powered boats, submarines, aircraft, etc.
Therefore, having "Human Power" in the name is neither pretentious nor
ridiculous, but perfectly logical.

My apologies for bringing logic into this for the logically challenged.

Tom Sherman – Quad Cities (Illinois Side)
"Perry Butler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > While we are at it, why the hell aren't you posting properly? You did

> > include my post to which you are responding. How the hell is anyone

> > me suppose to know what you are talking about.

> Mr. Ed
> Actually, everyone except you knows what Dave is talking about.
> You don't have a clue!
> Perry B - Minnesota

Perry B, you posted correctly in as much as you included a part of my
previous post to which you are responding and also in as much as you bottom
posted. I know that Mr. Larrington knows how to post, but he is taking short
cuts which cannot be justified. Not everyone who is following a subject
thread is necessarily reading it from beginning to end like you and I are.
Therefore, every single separate post has got to make sense on its own.
Frankly, I am losing all patience with those who do not post properly when I
know they know better. Please note that your idol Mr. Sherman posts
correctly even when he is being nasty to me. I respect that and I try to do
the same myself. I want to be fair to my correspondents, no matter how much
I might hate them. ;)

Ed Dolan - Clueless in Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mr. Ed wrote:
> > "Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >> ... Then you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British

Human Power
> >>Club actually is.

> >
> > I don't give a tinker's damn about your miserable little club. All I

> > for sure is that you ought to be calling yourself a bicycle club and not
> > something called human power. How pretentious and ridiculous!...

> The British Human Power Club (BHPC) is a national affiliate of the
> International Human Powered Vehicle Association (IHPVA). Both
> organizations included human powered boats, submarines, aircraft, etc.
> Therefore, having "Human Power" in the name is neither pretentious nor
> ridiculous, but perfectly logical.

Nonsense, we all know that bicycles constitutes the vast majority (99%) of
what is being human powered and those other items you mention are
negligible to nonexistent. You and all those others who blather about HPV
are absurd and nothing but pretentious and arrogant snobs. A pox on the lot
of you!

> My apologies for bringing logic into this for the logically challenged.

My logic as always is impeccable. But what good is logic when you do no have
one ounce of common sense. That is your main problem as well as I can divine
what your problems may be. Logic is wasted on you because you are not
grounded properly in common sense.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Mr. Ed

You lost your patience a long time ago!

Perry B - Minnesota
"Perry Butler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mr. Ed
> You lost your patience a long time ago!
> Perry B - Minnesota


You are not posting properly once again! And you are suppose to be a
computer instructor?

Ed Dolan - Minnesota

tin·ker's damn also tin·ker's dam (tngkrz)
n. Slang
The smallest degree or amount: property that is not worth a tinker's damn.


[Probably from the reputation of tinkers for cursing.]

Arne, USA (member of the human tribe)
"98GTW" <[email protected]> wrote in message > >
> It's "tinker's dam" not "damn" by the way.
> --
> Dave
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Do you have a dictionary? If so, look up the word "Club". Clue: it

> doesn't
>> mean "shop".

> Club, shop, who cares? You are both connected to the bicycle industry
> and should therefore know what you are talking about. How come you
> don't?
>> When you've finished that, try actually clicking the link in my .sig.

> Then
>> you won't have to may any more assumptions on what the British Human
>> Power Club actually is.

> I don't give a tinker's damn about your miserable little club. All I
> know for sure is that you ought to be calling yourself a bicycle club
> and not something called human power. How pretentious and ridiculous!
>> When you've finished with that, and I appreciate it may take you a
>> while, you may care to go back and look for where I said that the
>> recumbent

> market
>> is racers. I guarantee that this will take you a /very/ long time,

> because
>> I didn't say it. What I /did/ say was that you should be a little
>> less dismissive of the racers, as the first generation of recumbent
>> manufacturers, without whom there would quite possibly be NO market
>> at

> all,
>> were racers to a man. If names such as Gardner Martin, Tim Brummer,
>> Mike Burrows, Peter Ross, John and Miles Kingsbury or Bram Moens mean
>> nothing

> to
>> you, then you are even more clue-free than I thought.

> But I am totally dismissive of racers and I cast doubt on your
> integrity for even mentioning the subject of racers in connection with
> the recumbent market. All those names you mention I know from over 10
> years a reading RCN and I don't give a hoot about any of them. Most
> folks who get recumbents get them for comfort and not in order to be
> fast on them. But types like you think the only way you can sell them
> is to tell everyone how fast they are. Even that they climb hills like
> magic! You and your ilk are constantly misleading everyone by your
> emphasis on speed when everyone knows that most people get recumbents
> for comfort, not speed. You are the clueless one here, not me.
> While we are at it, why the hell aren't you posting properly? You did
> not include my post to which you are responding. How the hell is
> anyone except me suppose to know what you are talking about. This
> right here tells me that you are a royal screw up (English variety) of
> major proportions and that you can't get anything right, not even the
> simplest things. God help the readers of your so called newsletter!

It's "tinker's dam" not "damn" by the way.

[email protected]
(remove nospam to reply directly)
Presto, Presto II, Screamer
"Arne" <[email protected]> wrote in

> Darn:
> tin·ker's damn also tin·ker's dam (tngkrz)
> n. Slang
> The smallest degree or amount: property that is not worth a tinker's
> damn.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- ----
> [Probably from the reputation of tinkers for cursing.]

Dams are the small amounts of solder used to repair pewter ware.

: If someone doesn't give a tinker's dam (or cuss) the they are reckoned
to be completely indifferent to the outcome of an event. Dam (note the
lack of a terminal "n") is used today to describe a structure for holding
back water; so it was in the days of Tinkers. They used to travel the
country earning their livings mending pots and pans and sharpening
knives. They would mend the pots by filling the leak on the inside with
some clay and then repairing the outside with permanent material. When
this was done the clay was discarded. The clay stopper was the tinker's
dam. The dam was also known as a cuss. Both were worthless, hence the

[email protected]
(remove nospam to reply directly)
Presto, Presto II, Screamer