Bill Sornson wrote:
> cc wrote:
>>"JD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>>gree-c quoted someone else:
>>>>"I want him to honor my son by bringing the troops home
>>>>immediately," Sheehan told reporters Saturday.
>>>That quote could only make one wonder if her son would feel honor in
>>>his name being used to desert a mission he sacrificed his life for
>>>before it was completed.
>>The sacrifice of life does not make it a just mission. Many have died
>>for terrible causes. I'm sure some of the families of the SS felt
>>that way too.
> That's all anyone needs to see or hear. Comparing ******'s Nazi Jew-killing
> thugs to Coalition forces in Iraq.
> No wonder you post anonymously...
Compare them to what you wish. Latest news is that the abuse of
prisoners is more widespread than we thought, Abu Graib being just one
example. This is not acceptable. Where is the outrage?
This war was a bad idea from the beginning. Anyone who looked at the
available information knew that. Anyone who looked at the big blank
document titled "Winning the Peace" knew it. Anyone watching the polls
knew it. The support wasn't there until Shrub made the fight a fait
accompli, then it spiked, and now it's gone.
It is incompetence bordering on criminal that this clown troupe dragged
us into a war that would prove more difficult than they thought, that
would last longer than they thought, and now suffers the resounding lack
of public support that it has now.
War is humanity at its worst, and deserves profoundly more discretion
than our <ahem> leaders gave it in this case.
Lynn Wallace
Conservative dictionary:
Judicial Activist: n. A judge who tends to rule against your wishes.