"Bill Sornson" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> cc wrote:
>> "JohnH" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> I would be very happy if he just took the whole rest of his term
>>> off, and keep the hell away from a microphone!
>> Yeah, or five minutes to talk to a distressed mother of a soldier who
>> died in the unjust invasion of Iraq, who is camped outside of his
>> ranch.
> You mean the mother he already met with over a year ago, and who praised
> him afterwards? The one who USED to have a photo of the President
> kisssing her on the cheek on her website? The one who now tells a
> completely different account of all that, while posing for pics with
> impeachment and chickenhawk signs all around her, and yet claims she just
> wants to meet with him? The one who said:
Yes, that's the one, Bill. Thanks for that article; I hadn't seen that.
Regardless, it doesn't change the very important questions that she has to
ask, and the right she has to ask them. I don't much care for the spin put
on her case, but bushie needs to answer to somebody. Here is another bit
that might help a bit:
The president -- who is spending a nearly five-week-long working vacation at
his Texas ranch -- said in a speech Wednesday that the sacrifices of U.S.
troops were "made in a noble cause." (Full story)
Sheehan said she found little comfort in his comments.
"I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son?" Sheehan told
reporters. "He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what
that noble cause is."
Sheehan said hers was one of a group of about 15 families who each met
separately with the president one day last June.
"He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's
name," she told CNN Sunday. "Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how
much we missed him, he would change the subject."
Sheehan said she was so distraught at the time that she failed to ask the
questions she now wants answered.
"I want him to honor my son by bringing the troops home immediately,"
Sheehan told reporters Saturday. "I don't want him to use my son's name or
my name to justify any more killing."