Heart rate zone training

To be honest I feel only finally now by luck I broke the training wall. I found my coach when I bought my R3 Cervelo as the shop said he is the only person in the shop who can order it. He explained he was a coach and could give me some training but he has to make a living also and he also races so time was not always there for me. He than started a team which I thought would work out for me but they were only a team in name and not really in spirit.

Finally my breakthrough was when out of nowhere my coach came in and without me asking installed a used powermeter on my bike. He said I should just think in watts now but did not say much else and his training schedule still pretty much focused around hrm and just terms like max effort for 5 X 5 minutes. He had to run to Hungary for some national races as he is part of the national team.

During that time I started to just check boards and kept staring at this yellow computer on my handlebar wondering what should I do with it. I came hear, found Dave and he recommended the book Training with the Power Meter. BREAKTHROUGH....

So I guess I could thank Dave and the book...I feel bad now because I just got some emails from the coach and I am not sure what to do...I kind of really like the book and the software so I am now trying to work a combination of the two.

It sounds like a short time in this email but it was a year of magazines, boards and other activities before I finally now have gotten into my groove...I credit the coach also for showing me how to sign up for races and such also.


LuvMyBike333 said:
Hey JS,

You have some great insights. I appreciate your taking the time to write them down. With a single post, you have pretty much figured out a good chunk of the thinking we've developed over months. Haha. What sort of work do you do?

I agree with all your comments about gym rats and cardio machines at the gym. Interval training is really at the heart of these machines and so the people who use them should get significant value out of the service. And I particularly liked your comment about packaging the device with bikes and cardio equipment.

In principal, the service should work just as well with power meters as it does with heart rate. Take this power meter for instance:


It uses a wireless technology that would allow our special MP3 device, the Swirl, to read data from the Qranium power meter in a similar fashion to the way we read heart rate data from a chest strap.

So how did you break through the training wall you were talking about.

And here's my gratuitous reference to Lance. I actually got to ask Lance question about his recovery from cancer one time when he came to visit a company i used to work for. Our CEO at the time was a competitive triathlete. :cool:

- LMB333