Frank Drackman
"Mike Jacoubowsky" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news[email protected]...
>> I don't know him at all but it sure seems that he needs constant
>> attention from the media. He managed to make sure that he was a central
>> part of both the LA bonus arbitration and the FL doping hearing.
>> What are the chances that FL would confess to Greg in a phone call after
>> he already knew how Greg had represented the telephone call he had with
>> LA concerning doping?
> And what are the chances that FL would not only hire someone who would
> make a phony, sick phone call to Greg, during the arbitration hearings...
> pretty darned slim. Even slimmer would be the chances that FL would
> overhear such a call and not put a stop to it immediately. And yet it
> happened.
I don't know FL at all, but from how his personality has been portrayed it
seems that he has never matured beyond the 10th grade. I can easily see the
call, and FL not doing anything about it until caught, happening but have a
much harder time with Greg's version of the call.
news[email protected]...
>> I don't know him at all but it sure seems that he needs constant
>> attention from the media. He managed to make sure that he was a central
>> part of both the LA bonus arbitration and the FL doping hearing.
>> What are the chances that FL would confess to Greg in a phone call after
>> he already knew how Greg had represented the telephone call he had with
>> LA concerning doping?
> And what are the chances that FL would not only hire someone who would
> make a phony, sick phone call to Greg, during the arbitration hearings...
> pretty darned slim. Even slimmer would be the chances that FL would
> overhear such a call and not put a stop to it immediately. And yet it
> happened.
I don't know FL at all, but from how his personality has been portrayed it
seems that he has never matured beyond the 10th grade. I can easily see the
call, and FL not doing anything about it until caught, happening but have a
much harder time with Greg's version of the call.