I just saw the race on TV.
1.Boonen was super strong, no one else was gonna win.
That having been said, Hincapie was the only rider close to Boonen in form. 2. When Boonen plowed up the Koppenberg Hincapie was the only close to following his wheel and he was gapped only because Bettini slowed down. Bettini was right with Boonen, then behind Boonen and Hincapie behind Bettini.
3. Hincapie did NOT unclip. Hoste did, Period.
4. Boonen and Hoste appeared to have the move planned. Watch the tapes. The group slows, Bonnen looks around. Then he looks around again to the right and to the left. The Hoste attacks with George sitting boxed in as Hopste squeezes around on the right. Boonen lept immediately no hesitation.
5. Boonen said in an interview that he saw Hoste go and only Karsten Kronn was going so he went. This is absolute rubbish. Hoste went out of the pack WITH BOONEN GLUED TO HIS WHEEL. There was never any gap. Call it a plan. Call it great insticnts. But in the end, Boonen didnt have to fight Hincapie or PVP and went to the finish with someone he could habe outsprinted with one leg, and with another Belgian. Think about it. It looked like Bettini and Pozzato knew it was coming too.