Leg's feeling super strong but the back decided to act up today at work. Always fun when you reach for a pen and your back seizes up. Had to nurse it all day walking hunched over and walking very gently. Moving is painful but if I sit it will only get worse, so I do my computer work standing up. The ride home will be doable until it's time to get out of the car, that was painful. I take longer than normal to get on the old spandex and Doctor Zipp TTBike is going to make a visit today. Plan is to do my 15 mile TT route, and by mile 2 the pain is starting to disappear, and by the turn around the pain was gone and it was time to make up for lost time. Like I said the legs are killing it right now and I hammer out the 54/12 like there was no tomorrow. Ended up doing the second half 3:26 quicker than the first half, and finished off at 22.2mph. The weather is still cooler than what I like at 75 degrees with a minor wind at 6-9. Back is starting to tighten back up so will nurse it tonight, and see how it is for tomorrow.