monsterman wrote:
> I have showed the site to some of my work
> colleagues including a PNG national, a german persian (charming but
> mixed up guy ), and a chinese and no-one was offended by anything,
> even when I pointed out what has apparently offended some.
Just to clarify, I wasn't personally offended, but...
I have met many people from overseas who have had a misconception that
Australia is a place where a fortunate class of "white" people get
wealthy from things like gold mines, fisheries etc, which are all based
on the labour of aboriginals, islanders, imported asian labour etc.
Much like the preconception that I might have of say South Africa, or
Dubai (having not been to either place).
In that context, the subject image certainly could reinforce such a
misconception, and possibly for many such people cast Australia as an
unattractive place to travel, or the business in question as
exploitative and distasteful, in the same way that would not feel
comfortable as a "rich foreigner" in another country travelling by
rickshaw pulled by someone who was exploited "cheap labour".
David M