ugly verb
went riding yesturday in 39 degree heat. crazy? yes.
(beach rd)
i was ****** in the earlier part of the day. i took xanax, and i was
totally out of it. i drank a cuppa to reverse the effetcs of the xanax.
i managed to stay upright and i got that endorphin rush during and after the
bike ride.
the agony and the extasy.(XTC)
saw a few other mad men on bikes.
makes me think how these whining tennis players whine.
they do it for millions, i do it for free. (+endorphins)
(beach rd)
i was ****** in the earlier part of the day. i took xanax, and i was
totally out of it. i drank a cuppa to reverse the effetcs of the xanax.
i managed to stay upright and i got that endorphin rush during and after the
bike ride.
the agony and the extasy.(XTC)
saw a few other mad men on bikes.
makes me think how these whining tennis players whine.
they do it for millions, i do it for free. (+endorphins)