Originally Posted by mitteg .

I've also broken my collarbone. Now it has been 3 weeks post op and although i still feel a bit sore i can move my arm and sholder without problem.
I'm doing some exercises like moving my arm up and down (no more than 90 degrees), pressing a ball, and swimming. Swimming is hard because i feel i have weak muscles. iI cant fully do brace, just do the movement while walking in the pool.
I also do stationary bike 45' a day, and walk for an hour or more.
Everyday feels better then the day before so hopefully i will progress quickly.
In my case there was no other option but opertate as my collarbone was displaced and it could take ages to fuse according to my doctor.
Thanks to this forum..There is a lot of valuable info about this injury.
By the way here is my gnarly scar:
I gotta ask why we are seeing so many staples here? Seems old fashioned and causes a more prominent scar. I thought surgeons were doing special stitching that dissolves and whatnot nowadays?
Hi, I was told that for these kind of injuries the staples are better than the stitches because they better join the skin. I was operated in one of the best hospitals in Barcelona where they also operate top MotoGP like Pedrosa so I imagine that this is the way to go. Moreover, the mark of the staples have disappeared a couple of weeks latear. but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Hi, I was told that for these kind of injuries the staples are better than the stitches because they better join the skin. I was operated in one of the best hospitals in Barcelona where they also operate top MotoGP like Pedrosa so I imagine that this is the way to go. Moreover, the mark of the staples have disappeared a couple of weeks latear. but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by mitteg .

I was told that for these kind of injuries the staples are better than the stitches because they better join the skin. I was operated in one of the best hospitals in Barcelona where they also operate top MotoGP like Pedrosa so I imagine that this is the way to go. Moreover, the mark of the staples have disappeared a couple of weeks latear. but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Hey mitteg,

That could make sense that they hold it together better. I guess they might just look nastier and more "Frankensteinish" at first, haha. It looks as though that picture you posted was taken right after the operation. Do you have any more up to date ones? I am always curious about peoples scars. I am getting the surgery soon and kind of looking forward to unwrapping a cool new scar.
Sure, here is a photo 3 weeks post op. As you can see it looks much much better than the previous one.
Originally Posted by mitteg .

Sure, here is a photo 3 weeks post op. As you can see it looks much much better than the previous one.
this photo is from your left shoulder,
the first one was from your right shoulder,
it is a little confusing or did you break both collarbones?
Originally Posted by willy81 .

this photo is from your left shoulder,
the first one was from your right shoulder,
it is a little confusing or did you break both collarbones?
The second one was shot into a mirror, thus creating the illusion. It is his right shoulder.
Hahaha bsbs1876 is right, the last picture is from the mirror. Sorry for the confusion, hopefully only one collarbone injured!
October 12- Day of injury. This is the initial break of my collarbone
October 31- After allowing the bone to heal on its own my doctor took an x-ray to make sure they were fusing back together. Unfortunately the complete opposite happened. The two ends moved further apart.
November 6- I have surgery. 1 plate and 6 screws. December 17- 2nd follow up after surgery. Bone is healing great! Plate and screws still holding strong! Arm feels great and my range of motion is coming back!
Today- here is my scar and a comparison of both collarbones. My surgery is hardly noticeable except for the scar. My doctor did a great job!
If you're in doubt about surgery, quit debating and do it!
Originally Posted by nick00less .

October 12- Day of injury. This is the initial break of my collarbone

October 31- After allowing the bone to heal on its own my doctor took an x-ray to make sure they were fusing back together. Unfortunately the complete opposite happened. The two ends moved further apart.

November 6- I have surgery. 1 plate and 6 screws.
December 17- 2nd follow up after surgery. Bone is healing great! Plate and screws still holding strong! Arm feels great and my range of motion is coming back!

Today- here is my scar and a comparison of both collarbones. My surgery is hardly noticeable except for the scar. My doctor did a great job!

If you're in doubt about surgery, quit debating and do it!
Dude your shoulder looks good. I'm noticing how THIN your plate is. Wow. My doctor told me they are making them thin nowadays but I had no idea. That thing is like paper compared to some of the ones you see on xrays only 3-4 years ago.

That scar looks really good after 2 months by the way. That will probably be invisible in a year.
Bsbs1876, you did well operating. I imagine what you've been through waiting for the collarbone fuse on its own wearing the painfull 8-shape vest. How do you feel One month post op? Have you got full mobility? I ride downhill and I'm a bit worried about riding again, at least as hard as I used to ride... It seems like broking the collarbone is very frequent in bikers and all of them do ride again at the same level or even harder. But now, three weeks and a half post op I think I'll be too cautious, very conservative. What are your thoughts about it?
Originally Posted by mitteg .

Bsbs1876, you did well operating. I imagine what you've been through waiting for the collarbone fuse on its own wearing the painfull 8-shape vest.
How do you feel One month post op? Have you got full mobility?
I ride downhill and I'm a bit worried about riding again, at least as hard as I used to ride... It seems like broking the collarbone is very frequent in bikers and all of them do ride again at the same level or even harder. But now, three weeks and a half post op I think I'll be too cautious, very conservative. What are your thoughts about it?
Hey mitteg,

I think you mean to pose your questions to nick00less who posted the pictures. He really does look like he is healing up nicely. 3 weeks is far too soon to go back to heavy riding though. You should wait at least 6 and most surgeons PREFER 3 months. The professional athletes can't afford to wait that long so they get back into it at 6 weeks usually. This comes with a risk of course.
Ups sorry, yes my questions were for nick00less. And as for going back to riding, of course I'm still not ready. 3 months seems like a lot of time, I guess like in 2 months I could go back to riding safely. Any experiences here? I'm 27 years old. I know that youger people tend to recover faster, so will see. Thanks!
I'm still working on full mobility. I can successfully raise my arm above my head without any pain but it is hard because my arm has atrophied. Once I build back up some muscle there it will be easier.

BTW, how much time is needed for extracting the plate? I've heard from three months to one year. A friend of mine got the plate extracted two months after the operation. He was 15 at that time but it suprises me. On the other side, people say that one year. Any thoughts here? The collarbone is one of the bones that fuse faster.

hi guys!
i'v not been here for a while, how is everyone doing?
i see we have a few new members too, sorry you here but glad you're on the mend :) and yes 3 weeks after the opp is far too soon to start riding again.
@mitteg so do you want the plate out then? or have you not decided?
@screwed, I definitively want the plate out. I cannot imagine falling and hitting the same shoulder with the plate in.

I have made a calendar, let me think what you think

week 0: Accident, surgery, etc
week 3: Where I'm now. Doing rehab exercices, progressively gaining mobility, light swimming in the pool, etc
week 6: Full mobility, beginning to train with some weight in the gym in order to gain muscular mass.
week 8: Try to ride a cross-country bike, easy trails.
8 months: Get the plate out and wait for the holes in the bone to fill up
10 months: Ready to ride bikes as I used to ride: enduro, downhill, etc.

What do you think? Is it a realistic calendar for a 27 year-old person?

Thank you a lot!
Originally Posted by nick00less .

I'm still working on full mobility. I can successfully raise my arm above my head without any pain but it is hard because my arm has atrophied. Once I build back up some muscle there it will be easier.
it will be back soon, don't worry, give it some time
Originally Posted by mitteg .


BTW, how much time is needed for extracting the plate? I've heard from three months to one year. A friend of mine got the plate extracted two months after the operation. He was 15 at that time but it suprises me. On the other side, people say that one year. Any thoughts here? The collarbone is one of the bones that fuse faster.


initially I thought I could get rid of the plate in 7 months,
last time my doctor said 16-18 months, it does not bother me but I guess it would be better without it.