Wow, your pain sounds intense. I would recommend getting a second opinion and MAKE SURE that any orthopaedist who touches you has a "Fellowship in Shoulder". If they did their specialization in foot bones or spine bones, that doesn't help you at all. Whoever holds a scapel to you, must be performing YOUR specific surgery several times weekly or daily. You don't want to be their first! Interview as many surgeons as you need to (it's your dime, after all) and get third, fourth opinions, as many as it takes, until you find the person/team that feels right. Don't let anyone cut you, until you know it's the right person. I don't know how easy this is, maybe you live in a small town or something, if so, do your homework for a big city surgeon and fly out there for your surgery. If this sounds extreme, just remember what's at stake. This surgery is great when it works, and crippling when it doesn't, so stack everything in your favor that you can. Good luck to you.
joewaroo said:Hi guys and Gals,
My names Joe and i am in need of some really good advice about an operation i am supposed to be having on my left clavicle.
Basicly about 3 years ago i realised my left clavice wasnt the same as my right and my left shoulder just didnt have the same amount of easy movement as my right and also has a clicking noise / restriction when the abduction movement is performed. After going to the doctors and a shoulder speciasist and having x-rays and MIR scans etc. The conclusion was made that i had a twisted clavicle.
So the end of my left clavice is rotated round about 90 degrees compared to my right clavice. This is limits my shoulder movement, not totally, but the pain sometimes is unbearable.
The specialist i saw recomended surgery simmillar to the surgery that you would get after breaking your clavicle, except mine has never been broken. (the doctors think that i have done this when i was a youngster and my bones were still soft and not fully developed) This surgery would involve what you guys talk of, having my clavicle broken and the a plate put in to set it in the right position.
I am 21, very active, and enjoy my sports. Especially wakeboarding and kitesurfing, unfortunatley these both take a toll on my shoulder.
I am really unsure of the surgery, a big part of me wants to get it done and on the days i have pain its all i want to have done. But another part of me dosent think its worth the risk and am i right in thinking i may never be able to use my shoulder to its full strength if something goes wrong.
So.... i really could do with some advice from people who have had this surgery, and weather or not it sworth going through with etc...
I have read alot of this thread and it has already give me some reasurance that getting the surgery would be ok and my shoulder would improve alot from having it. But theres this voice in my head thats a little unsure, also my mother and other family members dont think i should have it done.
Lately though and as im sat here typing its really hurting and i would love to get it sorted out.
I would really appreciate poeple thoughts on the whole situation as i am strugling to find other people wiht simmillar problems.
What i would really like to know is how strong my shoulder is going to be after having surgery and its healed???
Also i have meet two guys who have had this surgery after breaking there clavicle and both of them, the pins holding the plate on had slipped out of place. I dont know but would guess that they never really gave it time to heal properly and went back to normal life after having it done.
Thanks for reading, if you got this far, and i hope someone can help,