"Tom Sherman" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> Freewheeling wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Freewheeling wrote:
>>>>>Where is the missing $8 billion in Iraqi oil revenue? Why doesn? Paul
>>>>>Bremer have an answer?
>>>>Kofi Annan probably has it, if it's actually missing. And these are the
>>>>guys you think don't have enough power.
>>>And just how would Kofi Annan end up with money that was handed out by
>>>Bremer and the CPA? Make some sense!
>> You're talking about vague and unsubstantiated allegations by the left.
>> I'm talking about current investigations by Congress and other
>> institutions into the most extensive and cynical fraud in history.
>> Naturally I can understand why you wouldn't want to discuss it.
> Paul Volker failed to find the "smoking gun" all the right wingers were
> hoping for. Deal with it.
I'm not sure what you mean by "smoking gun." Are you talking about Cotecna?
That's one small aspect of a rich tapestry of corruption, and it's not clear
that Volker has been given the means to get to the bottom of that particular
cesspool. We'll see, though. The report hasn't come out yet, which makes
Annan's apologia a bit premature. But Claudia Rosett at the NYT has been
documenting this corruption, and the investigations are far from over.
> What is vague and unsubstantiated about the missing money that was under
> the control of the CPA/Bremer? Or are you now in the business of inventing
> "facts" like your heroes Cheney and Rove?
"Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told CNN that the provisional authority
was operating under "extraordinary conditions" and relied on Iraqi
ministries to manage development money that was transferred to them.
"We simply disagree with the audit's conclusion that the CPA provided
less-than-adequate controls over Iraqi funds that were provided to Iraqi
ministries through the national budget process for hundreds of projects,
essential services, Iraqi salaries and security forces," Whitman said."
So this appears to be only a matter of accounting by Iraqi ministries
operating under extraordinary circumstances. There's no evidence that
anything nefarious or ontoward was done with the money, unlike the UN's
handling of Oil-for-Food which we know was corrupt, and several orders of
magnitude greater. And you can add to that rising toll of corruption at the
UN the sexual exploitation of children by UN officials in Africa.
Meanwhile, in Holland members of parliament are being held in prison
conditions to protect them from Islamist terrorists. Some of their
co-parliamentarians feel they should resign. Yeah, that'd work. What's one
small step in a thousand mile retreat?