Percival Cornelius
Bill Sornson and I are about to drop the following dope collabo:
> Percival Cornelius wrote:
>> Bill Sornson and I are about to drop the following dope collabo:
>>> Still, the OP asked about "organized rides" and others mentioned
>>> "group rides".
>> And I answered his question, and those of the other posters as well.
>> Believe it or not, there are other kinds of organized and group rides
>> than club and training rides. Both of the rides I mentioned (Midnight
>> Ridazz in Los Angeles and Critical Mass worldwide) are group rides,
>> and the former is organized.
> You removed all context from my comment, so I invite the reader to scroll up
> a bit and see what was really said and why.
Believe it or not, trimming extraneous quoted text is a common practice on
Usenet and one that is generally encouraged (as is delineating one's
signature properly with two dashes and a space, but we'll save that for
next week's class).
Of course, if "the reader," who is no doubt hanging on the edge of his
seat waiting to see whether your words have been quoted out of
context, wishes to determine this for himself he certainly may go
back and re-read the other post. That's one of the reasons why
trimming quoted text is an accepted practice. He won't find anything that
changes the meaning of the text I left in, though. Questions were asked
about music on group/organized rides, and I answered them from my
perspective. There ain't much else to it.
Was there anything else you wanted to discuss, or are you just keeping me
on the line because you want somebody to talk to?
> Percival Cornelius wrote:
>> Bill Sornson and I are about to drop the following dope collabo:
>>> Still, the OP asked about "organized rides" and others mentioned
>>> "group rides".
>> And I answered his question, and those of the other posters as well.
>> Believe it or not, there are other kinds of organized and group rides
>> than club and training rides. Both of the rides I mentioned (Midnight
>> Ridazz in Los Angeles and Critical Mass worldwide) are group rides,
>> and the former is organized.
> You removed all context from my comment, so I invite the reader to scroll up
> a bit and see what was really said and why.
Believe it or not, trimming extraneous quoted text is a common practice on
Usenet and one that is generally encouraged (as is delineating one's
signature properly with two dashes and a space, but we'll save that for
next week's class).
Of course, if "the reader," who is no doubt hanging on the edge of his
seat waiting to see whether your words have been quoted out of
context, wishes to determine this for himself he certainly may go
back and re-read the other post. That's one of the reasons why
trimming quoted text is an accepted practice. He won't find anything that
changes the meaning of the text I left in, though. Questions were asked
about music on group/organized rides, and I answered them from my
perspective. There ain't much else to it.
Was there anything else you wanted to discuss, or are you just keeping me
on the line because you want somebody to talk to?