You've got a point there! Of course racers are aware of the risks, they're not naive. But isn't that part of the thrill? The adrenaline rush that comes from pushing your limits, knowing well that there's a risk involved? It's like a dance on the edge of a knife, isn't it?
However, being aware and being prepared are two different things. That's where improved safety measures come in. We can't eliminate the risks, but we can certainly reduce them. For instance, how about using advanced materials for barriers? They could absorb impact better, reducing the severity of crashes.
And yes, training and equipment play a huge role too. Maybe we could have mandatory courses on high-speed racing and emergency maneuvers. And equip riders with better helmets, gloves, and suits that offer better protection without compromising their performance.
But here's the thing - we need to strike a balance. Make it safer, yes, but not so safe that it becomes boring. The thrill is what attracts fans, after all. So, let's innovate, but let's do it thoughtfully. What do you think about this?