7@m3 G33k wrote:
> Well by innocently posting here I have learnt a few things about bike
> lids and places to look for more info and I've also been reminded of
> what a pit of vipers parts of usenet become when inhabited by cliques of
> people who like to reinforce their feelings of collective superiority by
> all turning on heretics who express contrary opinions.
That may seem the way it is from your point of view, but see it
from the other side, where it's a bit like someone who's been told
the US are Doing The Right Thing in Iraq shows up in Baghdad and
asks why everyone isn't pleased about star spangled banners.
We're in a position where well meaning idiots are trying to force
the hand of public health policy in a way that at best will not
help (and we know it won't because we've seen it not help
everywhere it's been tried) and at worst will cost lives and will
very probably damage cycling. On top of that there really are
bampots who'll turn up safe in the knowledge it's a sensitive issue
and kick the ant-hill, just because they like to.
> If you're happy to just be 'right' in your superior knowledge then carry
> on, if however you think your opinions might benefit others perhaps
> you'll encourage people to post here and discuss things by not accusing
> them of trolling or being generally unworthy in your enlightened presence.
Didn't seem to stop you arguing back at equally full force, as if
you were right in /your/ superior knowledge though. Think about
why helmets aren't heartily endorsed here... it /might/ be
Groupthink and mutual masturbation, but OTOH it might be a lot of
folk have expended considerable research effort finding out for
themselves, and are partly responsible for the wealth of contrary
information you can find with a quick google or urc archive search,
which you didn't seem to think to do. It isn't ganging up if lots
of people tell you're probably wrong independently.
Sorry if you're feeling maligned, but please don't forget it works
both ways.
Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
[email protected] http://www.dundee.ac.uk/~pjclinch/