Trevor Jeffrey wrote:
> Ted wrote in message ...
> >Trevor Jeffrey wrote:
> >If your wheels are adequately supported "in all service conditions",
> >then why do you feel the need for linseed oil to prevent spokes from
> >vibrating loose, as you put it? I have inspected and worked on many
> >wheels, and I have never seen a spoke vibrate loose, unless its tension
> >was low enough to fall to zero in use.
> That should of course read all normal service conditions. You have assumed
> that the tension fell to 0. Vibration will undo any nut if the shock is
> great enough. The bolt or spoke does not have to be loose for the nut or
> nipple to move. The tension does not have to fall to zero for a nipple to
> unwind.
> Without some form of positive retention the nipples will unwind with the
> build method I advocate.
> Trevor
Then it would seem that your method results in spokes that are too loose.
I don't think a wheel that rattles loose simply from use is an adequate
wheel. I also simply don't see the downside of increased tension, as
long as the rim isn't tacoed or otherwise damaged.
> Ted wrote in message ...
> >Trevor Jeffrey wrote:
> >If your wheels are adequately supported "in all service conditions",
> >then why do you feel the need for linseed oil to prevent spokes from
> >vibrating loose, as you put it? I have inspected and worked on many
> >wheels, and I have never seen a spoke vibrate loose, unless its tension
> >was low enough to fall to zero in use.
> That should of course read all normal service conditions. You have assumed
> that the tension fell to 0. Vibration will undo any nut if the shock is
> great enough. The bolt or spoke does not have to be loose for the nut or
> nipple to move. The tension does not have to fall to zero for a nipple to
> unwind.
> Without some form of positive retention the nipples will unwind with the
> build method I advocate.
> Trevor
Then it would seem that your method results in spokes that are too loose.
I don't think a wheel that rattles loose simply from use is an adequate
wheel. I also simply don't see the downside of increased tension, as
long as the rim isn't tacoed or otherwise damaged.