Where'd everyone go?

Yeah, I found that some functionality on this site is slower than other functions.

I'll ask Steve to look at these issues and see if they can be resolved, Mr.B.

Ah thanks! It is much more enjoyable when it posts even semi quick. Months back I would post and have to sit here for a couple minutes till the post was actually posted on the site.

Much better now so I hope it stays that way! :D Thanks!
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To be honest I try and clean up spam only as if late. I have had too many personal struggles to pay a lot of attention to school yard antics. My family comes first, what little family I have left. It is going to be a long next few months for me but I am not complaining. Can always be worse.

Can't say I blame ya! Yeah, the spam was crazy silly when I last posted a few months ago. Two reasons I would not want to be a mod. Having to clean up spam and nobody wants me as a mod! :D
If it's any consolation, some of the site functions are a bit slower than others, where I am as well.

503 errors are a regular feature when posting.

But like others have said it could be the browser.
I use Chrome and actually this morning, my posting was swift. After that it stalled a bit but seems better now.

Have you tried Firefox? The newest version is actually pretty fast, according to a test I found online it was faster than Chrome, but I like the layout of Chrome better. I've been using Firefox since this last Saturday and it does seem faster than Chrome, but I'm still playing with it before I decide to make the switch from Chrome. You can test your browser speed by using this: http://www.speed-battle.com/speedtest_e.php Make sure all your other browser pages/tabs are closed, then paste that address to your browser search and as soon as it goes to the site the test is done. Then you simply try another browser and see how it compares to the first one.
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If it's any consolation, some of the site functions are a bit slower than others, where I am as well.

503 errors are a regular feature when posting.

But like others have said it could be the browser.

Congratulations for being 21? nah, i would actually be congratulating him if he had been 121!