What's The Top Speed You Achieved?

Some of the local roads here yield near 50 mph downhill speeds with just a decent tuck. S

maydog said:
My sense of calm and control slips away in the mid 40's. Hitting the 70's on a bike is pretty crazy - major pucker time. I worry about my brakes at high speeds on long descents, they can start to smell and sound funny.

I used to ride with a fellow that was officially clocked 70+ in a streamlined recumbent on the flat with no wind assistance.

Going fast downhill requires little in the way of cardiovascular conditioning. Confidence and handling skills are helpful. This is the one place in cycling where additional mass makes you king. There is no need for rock hard, 7-minute, abs to go fast. Beer bellies work just fine. At 100Kg I drop pretty well.
Yeah, well put on the weight thing. At 190 lbs, I'm fast downhill too. Sadly, the weight means we lose a lot more time climbing than we can make up on the descent.....but you know that already. It's that physics thing ABN mentioned.

On many of the straight-road (non-technical, no braking required) descents around here, it's easy to hit speeds of 45 mph or higher. Saw 49 mph a couple of weeks ago with just a standard race tuck. When the road gets twisty, of course that's a whole different ballgame.
I can exceed 45 MPH on some of my local training routes. These are on descents of less than 1/2-mile in length. Locally, I think 53 MPH is the fastest descending in the area. No skill required, just tuck in and bomb off the top.

Out West, long before computers were used, I came off Mt. Mingus. Here, skill is definitely required or death results. I was paced off the mountain by a following motorcycle at 60-65 MPH. Those speeds are probably close to reality. Sew-up glue don't fail me now.

In Colorado 60 MPH is achieved on many of the steeper sections of the long descents.

Wind conditions and how well a guy can get through the corners and set up for the steep, straight parts of a descent often determine terminal velocity. How poorly a guy corners or sees loose gravel can determine TERMINAL velocity.
Bonzer said:
I just would like to know the max speed of hobby cyclists and if they ever reach anywhere close to professionals.


Pros average 25mph for 4-6 hours in races. Most amateur groups can do that.

Your question is unfair. Pros ride to win races not to ride fast. If you pay them, they can ride much faster than they race. Amateurs have to have a really good day to keep up with pros having a poor day.

It is not hard to hit 50mph on a down hill. I think coasting down a hill with a 100' of elevation change will do it.
According to my bike computer coming down Tramway in Palm Springs California it said I doing 58, this was done back in the non aero days. Going up was a lot slower! The road was not a very good road either which made it interesting going that fast. I climbed that beast of a road with just a 53/42 doubles and a 7 speed 12-24? gear cluster on a steel bike, I can't recall the exact ratio I had on the freewheel back then but I think that was the one.
I only got a top speed of around 35 mph. It was downhill and wasn't much of a feat. The police officer didn't really mind much as I sped past him though lol.
There is a good video of this on youtube!! it's worth a watch.

ejclarke said:
Here are the records :)

My puny highest speed is laughably slow when compared.
But the opportunity is there for any soul brave or mad enough to beat 222 km/h (138 mph).
Any takers?
Bonzer said:
OMG, most of you guys are clocking insane speeds. It's unbelievable for a normal man like me. Perhaps, I draw inspiration from you and start biking in the near future. Most of you must be boasting of rock hard bodies and highly toned Abs.

Thanks for giving me an insight into endurance levels and speeds of amateur bikers.
It's all about confidence and fun. One follows the other. If you understand how to tip the bike into a corner quick and be relaxed enough to look up the road rather than right in front of the bike then life is good. It's when you're on the other side of 100% of your perceived ability when things start to get interesting...

I know from crashing, when the confidence goes out the window, descents can be a miserable place and no fun at all.
I got a citation once for doing 41 in a 25. I was going down hill however.The highest speed downhill was about 50. I'm not sure on a flat, I think 25-30 for short stretches.
On a training holiday to Tenerife I maxed out at 52.3 mph. I would never try that at home in the UK, one dodgy pothole and you're a goner. A few times I've got close to 40 when drafting buses, but I usually just cruise around 20mph.
55 in a full tuck into Estes Park, Colorado. No helmet, no computer, but a 280Z passed and paced me while the passenger made the gesture for 55, a la Breaking Away. Then they took off.
42 miles, I'm new at this though and haven't went down too many crazy descents left. I think it was yesterday, even with breaking, I didn't feel 100% in control from that descend.
I guess I must an absolute novice biker compared to these guys. I can get 15 mph if I'm going all out on a flat, but I guess I just need to step my game up and push myself farther. However, these guys that can go 30+ I applause you. That's honestly incredible that you can go that fast just using your feet. That's faster than some speed limits at where I live!
Khatib, my guess is that you live and ride in flat country. On the flats, getting up to 30 mph is pretty tough, and holding that speed for any length of time is even harder. Most of the replies quoting big speeds are on descents.

We have hills here where 40 mph and above is easy to do. You don't need your feet at all, just point the bike downhill and enjoy the ride. When I roll out my own driveway for my daily ride, within a minute I'm headed at 38-40 mph.
It's not a big deal on a good road bike, when you do it every day you get very used to the speed. But you do have to stay alert, look well ahead and remember that stopping from that speed takes a while.
ejclarke said:
Here are the records :)

My puny highest speed is laughably slow when compared.
But the opportunity is there for any soul brave or mad enough to beat 222 km/h (138 mph).
Any takers?

Interesting that they do it on a 'snow' course. Wonder if thats for cushioning the fall if you mess up.
I mostly cruise along at a measly 5mph. That's if the wind is right though!

The fastest speed I've done on my bike must have been around 30mph and that was down a very steep hill, I was feathering the brake, and was crapping it all the way down. Had I not been on the brake then I think my speed could well have reached the past 35mph, possibly getting on to 40mph.
I cracked 93 kph going down a long steep (curvy too so I shouldn't have done it.... ;) ) hill at the back of Dunedin, New Zealand.

These days the best I can do is 73 kph full tuck with a tailwind down a local hill.

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