On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 01:00:40 -0500, Bill Henry
[email protected]> wrote:
>Michael J. Klein wrote:
>> Bob, once, with the wind at my back and for some unknown reason while
>> entertaining some notion to pedal as hard as I could, my GPS showed
>> that I reached 38 MPH on my mountain bike, on a flat section of road.
>> It was not sustainable.
>Did you crouch down or otherwise try for an aerodynamic position? I'd
>imagine the air resistance alone to be pretty fierce, not to mention the
>rolling resistance from knobby tires (unless you had on slicks).
Bill, i did not do a crouch as the wind was blowing hard from the
rear. as i recall, i did not feel the wind resist me, to to speak,
and i was in top gear on a flat road (at night) and hopefully
sustained that speed long enough to make the GPS speed measurement
accurate. i did not have slicks, but the Michellin knobbies. if it
weren't for that tailwind I would have had a top speed of considerably
less I would think. btw, most of the streets here are very small and
there are not so many straightaways where one can get up to speed.
but i do like the interesting neighborhoods and places to check out.
i have never ridden that fast since.
Michael J. Klein & Asian Castings Consortium
[email protected]
Yangmei Jen (Hukou), Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC
Please replace mousepotato with asiancastings