Creatine is not currently on the banned substances list.
You can see a list at www.usantidoping.org
"MD-CYCLIST" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dear Fello Cyclists
> I have a question and is conserning Sports suppliments but Not directly connected to this
> Thread, I would like to know if CREATINE is legal in Cycling I know its Legal in Athletics as I
> used to use as a athlete and I know many Athletes are on Creatine, I am now using creatine as I
> feel its helping me with my endurance but what I wanted to know is it legal in Cycling, I hope
> you can clarify this to me and I hope to hear from you very soon.
> Kind regards A H Khadra
> --
> >--------------------------<
> Posted via cyclingforums.com http://www.cyclingforums.com
You can see a list at www.usantidoping.org
"MD-CYCLIST" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dear Fello Cyclists
> I have a question and is conserning Sports suppliments but Not directly connected to this
> Thread, I would like to know if CREATINE is legal in Cycling I know its Legal in Athletics as I
> used to use as a athlete and I know many Athletes are on Creatine, I am now using creatine as I
> feel its helping me with my endurance but what I wanted to know is it legal in Cycling, I hope
> you can clarify this to me and I hope to hear from you very soon.
> Kind regards A H Khadra
> --
> >--------------------------<
> Posted via cyclingforums.com http://www.cyclingforums.com