I just wanted to say as a fairly new but increasingly well read PM user what a fantastic thread this has been and is, I have found it very very educational, thank you particularly to the major contributors for taking the time to explain things so clearly and for being so generous with your knowledge, it is greatly appreciated.
I'm just coming up to 50 years old and I have only been really using a PM in anger as it were since mid October of this year and so am steadily building up my reference data, my major target for next year is La Marmotte (early July). When I first started using my PM I started with a CTL of 31.3 TSS/d (data from CompuTrainer) and at the moment it is 53 TSS/d so an increase of 21.7 points in 8-9 weeks or an increase of about 3 TSS/week so that looks as if I'm in the right area, if a little low on the ramp rate.
So, if I continue like this for the next say 29 weeks until La Marmotte in theory my CTL would be well over 100+? If I'm right I have to keep doing more and more to keep my CTL rising at 3/week. Am I on the right track or is it unreasonable to expect to reach that sort of CTL given my starting point?
ALL advice welcome!
Thank you.