spindrift wrote:
> On 3 Jan, 13:53, Sir Jeremy <[email protected]> wrote:
[ ... ]
>>>"Tyre slashing has been condoned on cycling forums, or at least
>>>"understood" because of dislike of "car culture" "
>>You're the expert, you look. I really can't be arsed. You could have
>>started with Cycling Plus if you hadn't had it closed down- Hide quoted text -
> I have looked.
> You're a liar. There is none.
> What's the point of inventing conflict where none exists outside your
> tiny single-note mind?
> You think it's helpful to make up animosity?
Ah, so you *have* got a sense of humour after all!
> You said slashing tyres was condoned on cycling fora.
> You're a liar.
Google lists it as uk.local.hampshire thread, but it appears to have
been x-posted to ukrc. There are familiar names in there from various
groups, so widely was it cross-posted.
There are over 100 posts in the thread. I won't claim to have read
past the first page or two, but opinion on the incidents (don't forget
that it is provocatively entitled "Give him a medal") seems divided,
with about a half (that's only an estimate) condoning the criminal
damage. It's four years ago, so while the current "regulars" are
different in all groups, there are well-known names in there, speaking
up on behalf of the cyclist who slashed those tyres and caused all
that loss. Later, there are other threads claiming that he shouldn't
be described as a cyclist (even though he clearly was one).