Bill C
On Dec 30, 4:22 pm, JNugent <[email protected]>
<Garbage snipped>
Hey let's try this one out. "Gays spread aids so we could do worse
than shooting them all!"
I'd guess you might find that offensive, especially if suggested by a
major columnist and politician, or how about "All those damned Muslims
support terrorists and look stupid, so we could do worse than set up
some camps for them to protect ourselves and find the solution to
I find all the statements irresponsible, offensive, and not humorous.
You have a group you don't like and have no problem justifying/
excusing whatever statement sounds good to you.
I'm totally in favor of free speech so his right to say it should be
protected, but people's right to hold him responsible for his speech
are just as appropriate.
He wants to create a scapegoat and spread hate, well that's a good
old tradition, but one I've had more than enough of, and it's gotten
millions killed over the course of history. Only jackasses excuse, or
support, that type of blanket behavior.
Bill C
<Garbage snipped>
Hey let's try this one out. "Gays spread aids so we could do worse
than shooting them all!"
I'd guess you might find that offensive, especially if suggested by a
major columnist and politician, or how about "All those damned Muslims
support terrorists and look stupid, so we could do worse than set up
some camps for them to protect ourselves and find the solution to
I find all the statements irresponsible, offensive, and not humorous.
You have a group you don't like and have no problem justifying/
excusing whatever statement sounds good to you.
I'm totally in favor of free speech so his right to say it should be
protected, but people's right to hold him responsible for his speech
are just as appropriate.
He wants to create a scapegoat and spread hate, well that's a good
old tradition, but one I've had more than enough of, and it's gotten
millions killed over the course of history. Only jackasses excuse, or
support, that type of blanket behavior.
Bill C