The Thread about Nothing....

One of my friends back in England has one and said the same thing. He’s a huge Renault fanboi and previously owned the mid engines Clio sport with the V6 and the Renault 5 turbo, which I think was styled after K9 on Dr Who. I drove the 5 quite a bit when I still lived in England and got a drive in the Clio when I was back over there for my dads funeral years ago… Both were fun cars, especially in the narrow country roads.

As much of a petrol head as I am, or was, I’ve started to like some of the smaller electric cars. Driven more than a few miles in a Tesla Model 3 with the performance option and that handles seriously well and is mind bogglingly quick. I picked up a BMW i3 for cheap and even though it’s only rated 180hp and 190ish lb/ft of torque, I’ve never driven a petrol car with those specs go that quickly. It’s more fun to drive through the country roads than the Miata I used to race.
Have you still got your old Camaro, or whatever it is?
Have you still got your old Camaro, or whatever it is?
It is an old 67 Camaro with a 502Ci big block - 8.2L I guess that is in modern money... It's been relegated to a "long term project" - one that could in reality be done in a week but I just can't find the enthusiasm. It goes like **** off a shovel in a straight line but the suspension needs sorting before it decides to take everyone on an unplanned trip chasing cows across a field... Not as fast as the motorbike but sounds way better.

So anyone on here riding tubeless tyres? I have a few friends back in England that I used to ride with that have used them. One says they're the best things since sliced bread. A couple of others have had the same experience of Jumbo and quote "won't f**king touch them again." One has the Reserve 34/37 wheels that Jumbo were using, which I why I thought their woes were more due to rims causing tyre issues rather than just tyres being ****. He's had a couple of 'interesting moments' with Vitorria tyres last year. He's on Zipp 303 and GP5000's now and hasn't had an issue since but he estimates that he had more brown trouser moments in that few months of that wheel ownership than during the last few decades on the bike.
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I've got into the bad habit of eating chips after most rides. It started with wanting something very salty after a ride on a warn night, then I couldn't stop. Google 'acrlyamides'. As someone once said on Bike Forums: cancer in a bag :D
Mehh. I will take my chances Ozman. Riding at 5am on Beach Rd is probably worse for my health than the occasional packet of Samboys.

We learnt a very important lesson during Covid. That is to say, almost all doctors and pharmacists are weak minded, gutless, subservient shills. On the greatest health issue they proved themselves to be devoid of independent thought and action. Totally owned by the AMA and Pharmacy Guild. Behaved more like Govt agents than leaders amongst our communities.

Think back to high school and every one you came across that might make it to medical school - they were either a total narcissistic psychopath or hopelessly introverted to the point they would do anything a teacher would tell them. Looking for leadership from that subsection of society is desperately naive and we now have a fantastic data point to support this conclusion.

So yeah my perverse logic from the above ramblings is that I'm keep my damn Samboy chips thanks very much. How are your titanium legs panning out? You should be able to convert to full robot in a few years.
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We learnt a very important lesson during Covid. That is to say, almost all doctors and pharmacists are weak minded, gutless, subservient shills. On the greatest health issue they proved themselves to be devoid of independent thought and action. Totally owned by the AMA and Pharmacy Guild. Behaved more like Govt agents than leaders amongst our communities.

Think back to high school and every one you came across that might make it to medical school - they were either a total narcissistic psychopath or hopelessly introverted to the point they would do anything a teacher would tell them. Looking for leadership from that subsection of society is desperately naive and we now have a fantastic data point to support this conclusion.

What thoughts and actions were you expecting from doctors and pharmacists?
What thoughts and actions were you expecting from doctors and pharmacists?

Thoughts: Effective evaluation of risk and careful consideration of impacts irrespective of what peak Govt agencies are promoting.
Actions: Open and transparent dialogue with the broader community to tease out facts from the confusion and nonsense.

If our doctors are subject to regulatory capture (as evidenced) then society functions sub optimally. The financial burden of Covid mania is now upon us and the scale of that cost is a byproduct of our collective stupidity and inability to think in first principles.

That weak dog of a Premier in WA has now whimpered off into the distance after gleefully destroying the lives of many as has the psychotic kiwi sheila.

Go and get your 10th boosters guys and vote 'yes' for a voice or you will be lined up and shot dead at noon.

What a world.
It is an old 67 Camaro with a 502Ci big block - 8.2L I guess that is in modern money... It's been relegated to a "long term project" - one that could in reality be done in a week but I just can't find the enthusiasm. It goes like **** off a shovel in a straight line but the suspension needs sorting before it decides to take everyone on an unplanned trip chasing cows across a field... Not as fast as the motorbike but sounds way better.

So anyone on here riding tubeless tyres? I have a few friends back in England that I used to ride with that have used them. One says they're the best things since sliced bread. A couple of others have had the same experience of Jumbo and quote "won't f**king touch them again." One has the Reserve 34/37 wheels that Jumbo were using, which I why I thought their woes were more due to rims causing tyre issues rather than just tyres being ****. He's had a couple of 'interesting moments' with Vitorria tyres last year. He's on Zipp 303 and GP5000's now and hasn't had an issue since but he estimates that he had more brown trouser moments in that few months of that wheel ownership than during the last few decades on the bike.
In 1990, I skied behind a boat with a supercharged 502 BBC. It made 1300 hp and could do a bit over 100mph. Now it is twin turbocharged with a massive intercooler and does the same speed at 1/3rd throttle.

I have only ridden tubeless on my MTB. My son has tubeless wheels on his MTB and my wife on her gravel bike. There sure is a lot more maintenance involved.

Are the Reserve wheels hookless? Hookless makes no sense to me with their low maximum tyre pressures. Shitty, inaccurate tyre pressure gauges + low maximum pressures is a recipe for disaster. Also, sprinting with low tyre pressure absolutely sucks.
Are you referring to lockdowns? Vaccinations?
Sorry what are you confused about here? The entire response to Covid was ineffective, inappropriate and quite frankly baseless. Politically charged health response.

One of the only defences we have as a community on a health front is a vibrant, diverse, open network of healthcare professional free to dissect data, debate it and guide accordingly. They had a moral obligation to lead at an individual level and collectively. There was a required check on Govt needed in 2020 by the healthcare community and they failed miserably (primarily as they had their livelihoods threatened via licensing chokepoints so yeah tough ask...).

But hey Australia is already back asleep so carry on. I dont know if Australia even exists anymore. The malaise in our society is so pervasive that a man from 1970s could not identify with the modern Australian man. The meekness and total reliance on govt to deliver outcomes is just intolerable really. The death of personal responsibility is complete.

Maybe people are just under so much pressure to make ends meet these days that its a pure luxury to think deeply upon what it means to live and to what degree should we be told/advised/directed/demanded from centrally upon high. We can barely 'get by' and in the pursuit of this we seed our will.

Probably gone overtop here but good day to you all lol.
One of the only defences we have as a community on a health front is a vibrant, diverse, open network of healthcare professional free to dissect data, debate it and guide accordingly. They had a moral obligation to lead at an individual level and collectively. There was a required check on Govt needed in 2020 by the healthcare community and they failed miserably (primarily as they had their livelihoods threatened via licensing chokepoints so yeah tough ask...).

That's the role of epidemiologists, not doctors and pharmacists.
That's the role of epidemiologists, not doctors and pharmacists.
Epidemiology isnt really what failed us. We clearly had a structured approach to mapping (with the exception of Victoria's pencil and paper debacle) the infection flow. What followed on from the epidemiological outcomes (policy response) was grossly flawed and this is precisely where the broader medical community needed to show leadership in a way that was independent of any politicising of the issue.

I suspect you have had your 17th booster Cheetah. Give Dan Andrews my love.
I’ve had 3 or 4 jabs. I just had COVID for the second time and it really messes me up. It took me 6 months to get over it last time.

I sure felt for Victorians with all of their lockdowns. The Victorians I met nearly all seemed broken from the prolonged lack of personal contact. So many of the restrictions made no sense, like exercise time limits and sitting in a park.

We had stuff all lockdowns in rural NSW and we still got out for rides picnics and the like. In many ways it was a welcome circuit breaker from a life with too many things in it. The break was short though. My wife is a GP and found herself doing two vaccine clinics a week. That was on top of normal GP work, emergency at the hospital, hospital rounds nursing home visits and delivering babies. By Spring the local sports were back up and running and life was pretty much back to normal.
We learnt a very important lesson during Covid. That is to say, almost all doctors and pharmacists are weak minded, gutless, subservient shills. On the greatest health issue they proved themselves to be devoid of independent thought and action.

But that’s the whole basis of science: not having a bunch of people with different thoughts on the same topic. The independent thought and action you describe is Internet asshatery, doctors looking for likes and subscribe on the internet, the domain of Karens and TikTok/Pinterest medical advice all rolled into one. Let’s suck down some dog dewormer, a tide pod or two and some bleach for good measure. Well it does kill virus when in a “peach tree dish.”

The big fail was that Taiwan had learned an important lesson in the early 2000’s with COVID’s deadlier variant, SARS and only Taiwan followed that playbook. Actually, we had learned the same lesson 100 years earlier regarding social distancing even though no one knew what a virus was then.
In 1990, I skied behind a boat with a supercharged 502 BBC. It made 1300 hp and could do a bit over 100mph. Now it is twin turbocharged with a massive intercooler and does the same speed at 1/3rd throttle.

I have only ridden tubeless on my MTB. My son has tubeless wheels on his MTB and my wife on her gravel bike. There sure is a lot more maintenance involved.

Are the Reserve wheels hookless? Hookless makes no sense to me with their low maximum tyre pressures. Shitty, inaccurate tyre pressure gauges + low maximum pressures is a recipe for disaster. Also, sprinting with low tyre pressure absolutely sucks.
That engine sounds awesome. Overkill rocks absolutely!

Hookless makes no sense to me either. Apparently ETRTO thinks they’re a bit **** too especially with tyres that match the rim width.

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So anyone on here riding tubeless tyres? I have a few friends back in England that I used to ride with that have used them. One says they're the best things since sliced bread. A couple of others have had the same experience of Jumbo and quote "won't f**king touch them again." One has the Reserve 34/37 wheels that Jumbo were using, which I why I thought their woes were more due to rims causing tyre issues rather than just tyres being ****. He's had a couple of 'interesting moments' with Vitorria tyres last year. He's on Zipp 303 and GP5000's now and hasn't had an issue since but he estimates that he had more brown trouser moments in that few months of that wheel ownership than during the last few decades on the bike.
I've also heard vary experiences with tubeless. Some people -- usually the ones who love/need to have all the newest stuff -- think they're great, but I've heard stories of dudes who have had to get a lift home because they couldn't fix a flat. Some tests indicate that they're barely any faster than the same tyre with a latex tube. I might be an old fart but, like a lot of new tech, they seem like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, especially for me, because I can go many 1,000s of km without getting a puncture; granted, I ride on excellent roads.

Trying to properly seat a tyre on a hookless rim is a pain in the ****. Hookless rims can **** right off.
Yeah, fark that. Tubeless tyres are on the list of new things I can't see myself ever needing or wanting, along with disc brakes and an aero frame. I also can't see myself getting rid of my "clothesline-cable" STI levers, unless replacements become unavailable, or the retro used prices become ridiculous.

I gotta say, my STI bits and cassettes have lasted HEAPS longer than I anticipated. At least 10 years ago, I stocked up on 9sp Ultegra cassettes and chains when they were on special one day online, and I've still got 4 brand new. Also, 3 sets of my 9sp Dura-Ace levers and 2 pairs of 10sp still work fine, but one of the 9-speeds is getting a bit sloppy.
Mehh. I will take my chances Ozman. Riding at 5am on Beach Rd is probably worse for my health than the occasional packet of Samboys.

We learnt a very important lesson during Covid. That is to say, almost all doctors and pharmacists are weak minded, gutless, subservient shills. On the greatest health issue they proved themselves to be devoid of independent thought and action. Totally owned by the AMA and Pharmacy Guild. Behaved more like Govt agents than leaders amongst our communities.

Think back to high school and every one you came across that might make it to medical school - they were either a total narcissistic psychopath or hopelessly introverted to the point they would do anything a teacher would tell them. Looking for leadership from that subsection of society is desperately naive and we now have a fantastic data point to support this conclusion.

So yeah my perverse logic from the above ramblings is that I'm keep my damn Samboy chips thanks very much. How are your titanium legs panning out? You should be able to convert to full robot in a few years.
I'm with you on the bigpharmurder stuff, but I won't get into it on here. :D

My hip/femur hardware is still going ok, thanks. I limp a bit when I get out of bed, I get weird tension in some areas in my glutes when I ride hard sometimes, and I've lost flexibilty in some directions that I'll probably never get back (for instance, I can't really do a normal butterfly stretch), but I can't complain; I'm happy that can ride pretty much normally and wasn't incapacitated for too long. I still haven't had a bone scan, and it's been 16 months since I did the 2nd one.

I might get some more attention if I post an x-ray again. Hee hee. :p For the new people in the audience, the main rods only go about a third of the way down my femurs

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