Michael Warner
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:19:30 +1000, rooman wrote:
> you know the feeling - when you just HAVE to stop for a "natural"...
> (and its worse if your bladder reacts to caffeine and cold, makes our
> winter riding a lot of fun...!)
All of my group rides have a couple of regroup points where we wait and
do a head count before setting off again, usually at the tops of hills, so
anyone who needs a leak gets one there. I don't know how women
manage, though - there usually isn't enough cover for a modest squat.
I guess they just get good at holding on
> they are meant to only stop for a "natural break" when bystanders are
> few or absent and no close "meedya" presence, (so then the moto cameras
> start filming cows and haystacks)
When taking a **** on the fly, they'll wave any cameras in front of them
away first to find some interesting cows - I've seen that a few times.
> As for going en-roleúer thats why they often get a bidon of fresh water
> to "flush" the shoes & shorts with after a splash...
I haven't heard that one, but it sounds plausible.
> you know the feeling - when you just HAVE to stop for a "natural"...
> (and its worse if your bladder reacts to caffeine and cold, makes our
> winter riding a lot of fun...!)
All of my group rides have a couple of regroup points where we wait and
do a head count before setting off again, usually at the tops of hills, so
anyone who needs a leak gets one there. I don't know how women
manage, though - there usually isn't enough cover for a modest squat.
I guess they just get good at holding on
> they are meant to only stop for a "natural break" when bystanders are
> few or absent and no close "meedya" presence, (so then the moto cameras
> start filming cows and haystacks)
When taking a **** on the fly, they'll wave any cameras in front of them
away first to find some interesting cows - I've seen that a few times.
> As for going en-roleúer thats why they often get a bidon of fresh water
> to "flush" the shoes & shorts with after a splash...
I haven't heard that one, but it sounds plausible.