Tom Keats
In article <alangbaker-5B4344.16384121022008@[]>,
Alan Baker <[email protected]> writes:
>> Hey, a van sometimes is necessary. Nobody is preaching kicking the
>> addiction altogether.
> No.
> Just making the subtle assumption that it *is* an addiction; something
> bad and to be eliminated.
> Personal vehicles are one of the greatest forces for personal liberty
> and quality of life ever invented.
To every pay-off there's a proportional trade-off;
that of personal motor cars comes at a pretty
steep price.
Where's the pedestrian's personal liberty and
quality of life when s/he's trying to cross
Kingsway or Knight St or Marine Dr at a
no-traffic-light crosswalk?[*] Especially if
he or she gets hit by a car while attempting
to do so.
As one of of the greatest forces for personal
liberty and quality of life, the privilege to
drive is so routinely abused that its benefits
are obfuscated by a fog of death and destruction,
let alone plain, antisocial behaviour in
social environments. Personal liberty & quality
of life, my ass! In Vancouver, streams of car
traffic choke the life out of the city by
preventing people from getting from A to B.
Arterial streets are pernicious /barriers/ to us
citizens, not conducers of Freedom of Movement.
You can go ahead and thank your blessings for
being able to get around in your car. Don't
bother to think about the many people you ignore
and prevent from being so easily able to get around,
and who's personal liberty and quality of life you
steal, by driving your car (pay-off/trade-off.)
I guess they (we plebians) don't matter.
Y'see, drivers have a social effect when they drive
their personal cars in urban environments. And
when it's all added up, it's not a very good one.
[*] In Vancouver /all/ intersections are
considered crosswalks, whether demarked
as such or not. And drivers are obligated
to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks,
wanting to cross the street. Matt O'Toole,
you might want to take note for your
Virginia thing.
Nothing is safe from me.
I'm really at:
tkeats curlicue vcn dot bc dot ca
Alan Baker <[email protected]> writes:
>> Hey, a van sometimes is necessary. Nobody is preaching kicking the
>> addiction altogether.
> No.
> Just making the subtle assumption that it *is* an addiction; something
> bad and to be eliminated.
> Personal vehicles are one of the greatest forces for personal liberty
> and quality of life ever invented.
To every pay-off there's a proportional trade-off;
that of personal motor cars comes at a pretty
steep price.
Where's the pedestrian's personal liberty and
quality of life when s/he's trying to cross
Kingsway or Knight St or Marine Dr at a
no-traffic-light crosswalk?[*] Especially if
he or she gets hit by a car while attempting
to do so.
As one of of the greatest forces for personal
liberty and quality of life, the privilege to
drive is so routinely abused that its benefits
are obfuscated by a fog of death and destruction,
let alone plain, antisocial behaviour in
social environments. Personal liberty & quality
of life, my ass! In Vancouver, streams of car
traffic choke the life out of the city by
preventing people from getting from A to B.
Arterial streets are pernicious /barriers/ to us
citizens, not conducers of Freedom of Movement.
You can go ahead and thank your blessings for
being able to get around in your car. Don't
bother to think about the many people you ignore
and prevent from being so easily able to get around,
and who's personal liberty and quality of life you
steal, by driving your car (pay-off/trade-off.)
I guess they (we plebians) don't matter.
Y'see, drivers have a social effect when they drive
their personal cars in urban environments. And
when it's all added up, it's not a very good one.
[*] In Vancouver /all/ intersections are
considered crosswalks, whether demarked
as such or not. And drivers are obligated
to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks,
wanting to cross the street. Matt O'Toole,
you might want to take note for your
Virginia thing.
Nothing is safe from me.
I'm really at:
tkeats curlicue vcn dot bc dot ca