fergie said:In fairness a bit more to it than that. Choice of equipment, choice of gears, riding the fastest line, being able to attain an aero position, being injury free, well fuelled, well hydrated, not over hydrated, choosing a smooth section of road to ride on, technique through the turn, pacing at start and pacing out of the turn could lead to time differences between two riders with similar power/frontal areas/weight.
Choice of gearing, being injury free, being well fueled, and being properly hydrated, are all factors that allow a rider to produce more power.
Choice of equipment, being able to attain an aero position are factors that lead to reduced drag.
I did oversimplify a bit for the sake of argument:
-A smooth section of road. equipment (tire/tube) cchoice will/can reduce Crr and a rider's time, but is a pretty minor factor compared with power and aerodynamic drag.
-Turn technique and carrying speed out of a corner - granted, but again generally far less of a factor than W:CdA on the courses where most of us race
Pacing - again, granted level pacing or appropriately variable pacing will reduce an athlete's time, but omitted for the sake of reducing the number of variables in the argument. Also, a PM is generally a huge help in preventing an athlete from breaking the first three rules of TT racing:
1. don't start too hard
2. don't start too hard
3. don't start too hard