Google pulls up nothing. I did find this shot of Donnie V. in one of the team jerseys for an outfit a bunch of us raced for:
Donnie must be about 15 in this pic and he was a talented Junior. Sadly, he died of a massive stroke at the age of 28.
From the text of the article on Donnie:
"My friends Dennis B. (he's the 'Dennis' in the TOSRV pic above), Paul C., Dan B. and Bob K. (that be me!) were in the race, a 30 mile road race finishing back in town. They later said I was the smartest one for not racing.
Anyway, the finish ended in a bunch sprint, with a young rider sneaking up on the outside. Almost to the line, he was pinched into the curb and crashed, big time."
Oh yeah...I remember that sprint crash.
It was a 2-lane road with merchants having pushed their products out in front of the curb like a sidewalk sale since the road was closed to vehicle traffic for some town festival and the bike race held in conjunction with the festivities.
The sprint was up a slight grade and we flew into town and drilled it towards the finish line.
Donnie lit it up and went up the side of the road. I don't know exactly what caused the crash, but Donny and his bike went flying through some clothing store's hanging racks of dresses, coats and stuff like something out of a Three Stooges film. He literally got tangled up in all the clothing and **** and fell onto the road wearing about six layers of women's clothing. Donnie wasn't hurt too badly and man did we tease him about that for the rest of the season.
Off to see if any more pics are out there...