Mike Vandeman

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"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100, "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> .Path:
> .From: "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> .Newsgroups:
alt.mountain-bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.enviro nment
> .Subject: Re: Mountain Bikers Think VIOLENCE Is the Answer to Their
Problems! (was Re: Mike Vandeman)
> .Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100 .Lines: 20 .Message-ID:
> <[email protected]> .References:
> <[email protected]>
<[email protected]> <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
> .NNTP-Posting-Host: host81-152-105-71.range81-152.btcentralplus.com
> .X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1049110640 2841483 (16 [170198]) .X-Priority: 3
> .X-MSMail-Priority: Normal .X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 .X-MimeOLE:
> Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 .Xref: newsmst01.news.prodigy.com
> alt.mountain-bike:373920
rec.bicycles.soc:134381 rec.backcountry:375260 sci.environment:373335
> . . .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
> .news:[email protected]... . . .Yo, pooperhead - if I met you, I would
> likely kill you by hitting you .repeatedly over the head with the blunt end of a bamboo chopstick.
> As you .can well imagine, this would be a very slow and painful way for you to
> .but it would likely make me quite happy. If this surprises you, then you
> .an easily surprised fool. . . . . .Shaun aRe - 'The Hippy'.

He's posted THIS as an example of a death threat.....??!!!!

I think that I just wet myself 'cause I was laughing so hard.... It hurts now,.... make it stop
..... LOL!
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 10:57:02 GMT, "Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> wrote:
> .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .news:[email protected]: .
> .> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:09:55 -0000, "Shaun Rimmer" .> <[email protected]> wrote: .> .> . .>
> .Mr. E. Mann <[email protected]> wrote in message .> .news:[email protected]...
> .> .> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .> .> Hey Mike, .> .> .> .> Whay don't yo8u do
> something to prevent overpopulation of the eah. .> You can .> start by sticking a gun in your
> mouth and pulling the .> trigger. . .> . .> .Why don't you just get a grip, you over-reacting
> sorry son of a .> *****es .turd - FFS, what are you, some kind enraged hormonal teenager .> or
> something? .> .> No, just a typical mountain biker. . .Actaully, I'm one of the people that you
> claimed you like in an earlier .thread. I don't do any off roading, I ride on paved trails and on
> the .street. I don't own a car and ride my bike to work every day.
> That's commendable.
> I probably do .less damage to nature than you do. My guess is that you are probably .handicapped
> in some way (other than the obvious mental handicap) and you .hate people who are able to get
> around freely and enjoy themselves.
> You should have stopped when you were ahead. Now you are just purveying prejudice and hate. You
> gave yourself away, by speculating about something
> know NOTHING about.
> Either .that or you are just like the other tree huggers and hate people in .general.
> Thank you for demonstrating just how ignorant mountain bikers (and
> biker sympathizers) are.
> You probably did a little dance when you heard that guy had a .serious injury when he was
> mountainbiking because you were so happy.
> We SHOULD be happy when environmental rapists get the punishment they
deserve --
> even if it is self-imposed!
> What .ever your problem is you obviously hate mountain biker
> Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance again. I hate mountain BIKING, not mountain BIKERS. How
> can you hate something so pathetic?

So,... if you do NOT hate mountain BIKERS, why do you spend so much time insulting them? Surely, by
your own logic, you should only insult the EQUIPMENT and the ACTIVITY, not the bikers? Could you
please explain? Your post shown above is directed at the BIKERS and would certainly appear to be
intentionally insulting.

> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:12:34 -0800, "P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]> wrote:
> ."Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> .news:[email protected]... .| "P e t e F a g e r l i n"
> <[email protected]> wrote in message .news:<[email protected]>... .| .| > |
> We all really enjoy reading your and Mike's posts. .| > .| > I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to
> be more amusing with a visual
> .| > .| > http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .| .| .| .| Pete Fagerlin is the
> ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent .| widow (photographed by the Marin Independent
> Journal) defending her .| dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers' destruction of .|
> nature. . .Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do went out over
a decade ago?
> Just like a mountain biker. I would rather have bad hair, than bad morals. Mountain bikers are the
> lowest form of human life that I know of. And to
> that we thought that Neanderthals went extinct long ago....
> .I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it helps to
put your silliness
> .in context, hag. . .| It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds the grief of his .| enemies
> amusing. . .I know nothing of your grief psycho, other than what you post on usenet.
What I find
> .amusing are your psycho rants, especially when coupled with that picture. . .Furthermore, why do
> you assume that I consider you to be an "enemy"?
That's bizarre.
> . .I don't consider you to be my enemy. . .I consider you to be a dreadfully misinformed and
> apparently very bitter,
woman with
> .really bad hair, who spends a great deal of time posting bizarre comments
on usenet.
> . .|Does '******' ring a bell? . .ROTFLMAO! Godwin time! .
> .http://www.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/legends/godwin/ . .| I pity any children or .| pets under his
> authority. . .Yeah fruitloop, they're absolutely miserable... .
> .http://home.pacbell.net/psf0/goofballs.jpg . .Why don't you call Child Protective Services, after
> you do something with
that unruly mop
> .of course...
> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
"Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in Hey Mike,
> >
> > Whay don't yo8u do something to prevent overpopulation of the eah. You
> > start by sticking a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.
> Typical psychopathic mountain biker behavior. "let me have my way or die" The sport for spoiled
> white miles with anger control problems,

How can you say this? Is this a fact? Or are you misrepresenting the facts and promoting your own
opinion as fact? If you believe this to be true, can you back it observable fact? Or provide us with
your sources? Or are you just slandering the sport and promoting a lie? Of course, you have said in
previous posts that all mountainbikers lie. Surely you wouldn't do such a thing yourself? Could you
please explain how you came to this conclusion.

> average age 32.5 yrs. Terri Alvillar
> http://homepage.mac.com/terrialvillar/mountainbikedamage/PhotoAlbum11.html
"Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Trekkie Dad <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<trekkiedad-
> Once again you have proven the truth that the sport of mountain biking attracks some of the vilest
> forms of human life. Terri Alvillar

Are you insulted by that? I know some people that would be far more insulted by this:

>"Does '******' ring a bell? " Terri Alvillar

Inplying that someone might be like ****** could be considered pretty insulting. I know that one of
my Jewish friends wouldn't be too damn impressed. Could you please explain the term "hypocrite"?
Westie <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100, "Shaun Rimmer"
<[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > .Path:
> tcentralplus.COM!not-for-mail
> > .From: "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> .Newsgroups:
> nment
> > .Subject: Re: Mountain Bikers Think VIOLENCE Is the Answer to Their
> Problems! (was Re: Mike Vandeman)
> > .Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100 .Lines: 20 .Message-ID:
> > <[email protected]> .References:
> > <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
> <[email protected]>
> > .NNTP-Posting-Host: host81-152-105-71.range81-152.btcentralplus.com
> (
> > .X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1049110640 2841483 (16 [170198]) .X-Priority: 3
> > .X-MSMail-Priority: Normal .X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 .X-MimeOLE:
> > Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 .Xref: newsmst01.news.prodigy.com
> > alt.mountain-bike:373920
> rec.bicycles.soc:134381 rec.backcountry:375260 sci.environment:373335
> ca.environment:37529
> > . . .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > .news:[email protected]... . . .Yo, pooperhead - if I met you, I would
> > likely kill you by hitting you .repeatedly over the head with the blunt end of a bamboo
> > chopstick. As
> > .can well imagine, this would be a very slow and painful way for you to
> die,
> > .but it would likely make me quite happy. If this surprises you, then
> are
> > .an easily surprised fool. . . . . .Shaun aRe - 'The Hippy'.
> He's posted THIS as an example of a death threat.....??!!!!

Not just posted it, but sent it to abuse@ etc. My boss could hardly tell me about it for laughing.

> I think that I just wet myself 'cause I was laughing so hard.... It hurts now,.... make it stop
> ..... LOL!

Heheheheh - indeed! Thing is, he (MuddleVunkey) knows damned well it was (obviously) a humorous
post, but thought he'd see if he could get my 'e-mail' privileges yanked/me sacked or reprimanded
(whatever) anyhow. Heheheh.....

Shaun aRe - some people are beyond belief!
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 00:19:05 +1200, "Westie" <[email protected]> wrote:

. ."Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
.news:[email protected]... .> "Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> wrote
in message .news:<[email protected]>... .> > Mike Vandeman <[email protected]>
wrote in .> > Hey Mike, .> > .> > Whay don't yo8u do something to prevent overpopulation of the eah.
You .can .> > start by sticking a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger. .> .> .> Typical
psychopathic mountain biker behavior. "let me have my way or .> die" The sport for spoiled white
miles with anger control problems, . .How can you say this? Is this a fact? Or are you
misrepresenting the facts .and promoting your own opinion as fact? .If you believe this to be true,
can you back it observable fact? Or provide .us with your sources? .Or are you just slandering the
sport and promoting a lie? Of course, you .have said in previous posts that all mountainbikers lie.
Surely you .wouldn't do such a thing yourself? .Could you please explain how you came to this

Observation. DUH!
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 00:11:46 +1200, "Westie" <[email protected]> wrote:

. ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
.news:[email protected]... .> On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 10:57:02 GMT, "Mr. E.
Mann" <[email protected]> wrote: .> .> .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .>
.news:[email protected]: .> . .> .> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:09:55 -0000,
"Shaun Rimmer" .> .> <[email protected]> wrote: .> .> .> .> . .> .> .Mr. E. Mann
<[email protected]> wrote in message .> .> .news:[email protected]... .> .> .> Mike
Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .> .> .> Hey Mike, .> .> .> .> .> .> Whay don't yo8u do
something to prevent overpopulation of the eah. .> .> You can .> start by sticking a gun in your
mouth and pulling the .> .> trigger. . .> .> . .> .> .Why don't you just get a grip, you
over-reacting sorry son of a .> .> *****es .turd - FFS, what are you, some kind enraged hormonal
teenager .> .> or something? .> .> .> .> No, just a typical mountain biker. .> . .> .Actaully, I'm
one of the people that you claimed you like in an earlier .> .thread. I don't do any off roading, I
ride on paved trails and on the .> .street. I don't own a car and ride my bike to work every day. .>
.> That's commendable. .> .> I probably do .> .less damage to nature than you do. My guess is that
you are probably .> .handicapped in some way (other than the obvious mental handicap) and you .>
.hate people who are able to get around freely and enjoy themselves. .> .> You should have stopped
when you were ahead. Now you are just purveying .> prejudice and hate. You gave yourself away, by
speculating about something .you .> know NOTHING about. .> .> Either .> .that or you are just like
the other tree huggers and hate people in .> .general. .> .> Thank you for demonstrating just how
ignorant mountain bikers (and .mountain .> biker sympathizers) are. .> .> You probably did a little
dance when you heard that guy had a .> .serious injury when he was mountainbiking because you were
so happy. .> .> We SHOULD be happy when environmental rapists get the punishment they .deserve -- .>
even if it is self-imposed! .> .> What .> .ever your problem is you obviously hate mountain biker .>
.> Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance again. I hate mountain BIKING, not .> mountain BIKERS.
How can you hate something so pathetic? . .So,... if you do NOT hate mountain BIKERS, why do you
spend so much time .insulting them?

I don't insult. I simply tell the truth.

.Surely, by your own logic, you should only insult the EQUIPMENT and the .ACTIVITY, not the bikers?
.Could you please explain? Your post shown above is directed at the BIKERS .and would certainly
appear to be intentionally insulting.

Mountain bikers think that telling the truth about them is insulting! How can anyone hate someone
so pathetic?
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 15:14:08 GMT, Peter R. <[email protected]> wrote:

.On 31 Mar 2003 05:50:22 -0800, [email protected] (Terri Alvillar) .wrote: . .>"P e t e F a g e r l i
n" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>... .> .>>
| Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent .>> | widow (photographed by
the Marin Independent Journal) defending her .>> | dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers'
destruction of .>> | nature. .>> .>> Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do
went out over a decade ago? .>> .>> I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it
helps to put your silliness .>> in context, hag. .>> .>> | It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds
the grief of his .>> | enemies amusing. .> .> .> .>Again Fagerlin proves my point. He can't refute
my statements about .>the damage mountain biking causes with reason or logic so he resorts .>to
personal attacks. .>Terri Alvillar .>See more trail destruction at
.>http://www.brightpathvideo.com/Marin_County.htm (click on Marin Trails .>magazine)
.>http://[email protected]/ . .How's this possible ? I've been away for a few months and
we've .atracted yet ANOTHER troll ? .OK, I'll do this once and in the *plonk* list, 'Terri', you go.
.All lifeforms on this planet have impact on our ecosystem(s). So do .humans (Although with humans
it seems to be considered not as impact, .but as 'damage'). Posting messages on NG's needs computers
(filthy .synthetic chemicals go into making those), electricity (most of it not .renewable, and even
of you use solar or windpower 'constructions'. I .need not further explain. .So does cycling,
'mountainbiking', etc. .So the question is not 'what does the damage' or 'what is the impact', .but,
short of collective suicide (which might create other problems, .but I digress), HOW MUCH IS
ACCEPTABLE. This is as much a personal .appreciation as a collective one, the 'human race' in all
it's .diversity. .You are entitled to your opinion. So are we. You can write to your .congressman,
prime minister, dictator, whoever. So can we. .I for one, am NOT convinced by your arguments. That
I, while cycling, .have impact (or do damage) to my environment, i.e. change things as .opposed to
the way they were before I passed, is undisputed. .Quantum theory states that you can influence
something that is .happening by simply seeing it happening,

That is BY FAR the stupidest excuse I have ever heard.

but yet again I digress (it's .getting degressing). .I cycle about 200-225 miles every week, 200 of
them I cycle to work, .not needing my car those days (how many do you cycle ?). .I find my Impact
acceptable. .Now you've shared your opinion (as is your right), and I've ventilated .mine. .Now on
yer bike . .Peter *plonk* R. .

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 19:19:11 +1200, "Westie" <[email protected]> wrote:

. ."PeterH" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]... .> Mike Vandeman
wrote: .> .> >On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:17:05 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote: .> > .> > As I've
suggested .> >.before, in the face of the documented ills we face and the the planet .> >.faces
because of us, mountain biking is pretty small potatoes. .> > .> >8 million prople out ripping up
nature every week cause a significant .amount of .> >damage. .> > .> > .> > .> > .> 270 million
buring fossil fuels, laying asphalt, building mega-marts, .> creating landfill crises w/ disposable
electronics, and gobbling fast .> food with packaging from non-renewable sources and you complain of
a .> single activity engaged in by 2% of them or fewer? Not to mention the .> burgeoning population?
.> .> PH .> .> -- .> Reforms come from below; no man .> with four aces asks for a redeal. .> anon.
.> . .Nice post. I got this little mental picture like one of those movie zoom .shots from a rocket
looking down. Mr Vandeman and his house and .neighbourhood got smaller and smaller as it receded
into insignificance. .Your point does make Vandeman's fight against mountainbiking seem to be a
.waste of resources when he could be using his time and effort more .effectively in other areas....

If you cared, as you pretend, you would be helping, instead of atacking the messenger.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> BB wrote:
> >>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual aid:
> >>
> >>http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg
> >
> >
> > Not that my opinion matters that much, but I really don't agree with attacking her appearance.
> > Nor do I see any reason for it; she looks like a typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY
> > surburbanite to me.
> Indeed. To me she looks totally average, utterly unremarkable. Somebody you'd see standing
> in line at the supermarket. Who knows, maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention
> of hers. That's what makes it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical mountain
> bike club meeting and spew the kind of garbage she does here. But she felt brave enough
> hiding behind her computer to post things she would never dare say in person. Pete just
> yanked the pillow case off her head.
> Kathleen

Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of Trips for Kids president Paul Sanford. Same
old story - if you don't have the defense, make personal attacks Terri Alvillar
On Wed, 02 Apr 2003 12:47:07 GMT, "Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .news:[email protected]: . .>
On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 10:42:58 GMT, "Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> .> wrote: .> .> .Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> wrote in .> .news:[email protected]: .> . .> .> On
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 18:49:28 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> .> wrote: .> .> .> .Mike Vandeman wrote:
.> .> . .> .> .> .> .> .> .> .> .Until plants are accorded the status of citizens, the threat you .>
.> refer .to is moot. Purely moot. .> .> .> .> But highly illegal. Where did you learn to be so
irrelevant? Every .> one .> of your posts is a non-sequitur! .> . .> .I guess all those people
weeding their yards should be thrown in jail .> then? . .> .> .Pete H .> .> .> .>=== .> .> I am
working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to .> .> humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 .> .> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.) .> .> .>
.> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande .> .> .> .> Did you say something? . .Yes, I did. Maybe you shold
get your hearing/vision checked. . .How many fingers am I holding up?

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Mike Vandeman wrote:

>If you cared, as you pretend, you would be helping, instead of atacking the messenger.
It would help if the messenger had a message.

Pete H

Reforms come from below; no man with four aces asks for a redeal. anon.
Terri Alvillar wrote:
> Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>>BB wrote:
>>>>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual aid:
>>>Not that my opinion matters that much, but I really don't agree with attacking her appearance.
>>>Nor do I see any reason for it; she looks like a typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY
>>>surburbanite to me.
>> Indeed. To me she looks totally average, utterly unremarkable. Somebody you'd see standing
>> in line at the supermarket. Who knows, maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention
>> of hers. That's what makes it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical mountain
>> bike club meeting and spew the kind of garbage she does here. But she felt brave enough
>> hiding behind her computer to post things she would never dare say in person. Pete just
>> yanked the pillow case off her head.
> Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of Trips for Kids president Paul Sanford. Same
> old story - if you don't have the defense, make personal attacks

Terri, you seem to be spending a lot of time lately fantasizing about my preferences and
emotions. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, let me state unequivocally that I am
happily married and entirely straight.

Well, it seems as though Mike Vandeman really hates us mountain bikers, which is ok by me...everyone
has to have a nemesis. But what I would like to know is that is Mike a Vegan ? He's so about the
animals, it would be quite ironic if he were anything but a Vegan. So, let's hear it Mike are ya or
aren't ya ?

"Mr. E. Mann" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Actually, Every time this guy posts, I'm going to go out and kill a plant. I'm going to rip it up
> by it's roots and tear it to pieces. That way, every time he posts, HE will be the one causing
> damage to nature. If that doesn't work I'm going to find him and rip him up by his roots and grind
> him to pieces.
> [email protected] (Ellsworth Truth) wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
> > My recommendation to everyone other than Mr. Vandeman would be to simply ignore his postings.
> > The best response to his viewpoints is NO RESPONSE. Nothing would disappoint him more than to
> > see his postings get no replies. By engaging him, you are giving him what he wants. Besides,
> > he'll have more time to raise funds for his wildlife preserve if he spends less time venting his
> > rage here.
> >
> > You're not going to change his mind, and he's not going to change your's. Better to just let him
> > sit in front of his computer and stress. Turn your's off and go for a ride!
On 3 Apr 2003 21:42:13 -0800, [email protected] (Terri Alvillar) wrote:

.Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>... .> BB wrote:
.> >>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual aid: .> >> .>
>>http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .> > .> > .> > Not that my opinion matters
that much, but I really don't agree with .> > attacking her appearance. Nor do I see any reason for
it; she looks like a .> > typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY surburbanite to me. .> .> .>
Indeed. To me she looks totally average, utterly unremarkable. .> Somebody you'd see standing in
line at the supermarket. Who knows, .> maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention of
hers. That's .> what makes it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical .> mountain bike
club meeting and spew the kind of garbage she does here. .> But she felt brave enough hiding behind
her computer to post things she .> would never dare say in person. Pete just yanked the pillow case
off .> her head. .> .> Kathleen . . .Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of Trips for
Kids .president Paul Sanford.

What was that about?

Same old story - if you don't have the .defense, make personal attacks .Terri Alvillar

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 08:37:21 -0600, Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote:

.Terri Alvillar wrote: .> Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>... .> .>>BB wrote: .>> .>>>>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting
to be more amusing with a visual aid: .>>>>
.>>>>http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .>>> .>>> .>>>Not that my opinion matters
that much, but I really don't agree with .>>>attacking her appearance. Nor do I see any reason for
it; she looks like a .>>>typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY surburbanite to me. .>> .>> .>>
Indeed. To me she looks totally average, utterly unremarkable. .>>Somebody you'd see standing in
line at the supermarket. Who knows, .>>maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention of
hers. That's .>>what makes it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical .>>mountain bike
club meeting and spew the kind of garbage she does here. .>>But she felt brave enough hiding behind
her computer to post things she .>>would never dare say in person. Pete just yanked the pillow case
off .>>her head. .>> .>>Kathleen .> .> .> .> Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of
Trips for Kids .> president Paul Sanford. Same old story - if you don't have the .> defense, make
personal attacks . .
. Terri, you seem to be spending a lot of time lately fantasizing about .my preferences and
emotions. Just to make sure we're all on the same .page, let me state unequivocally that I
am happily married and entirely .straight.

Sounds like a non sequitur, to me.


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 3 Apr 2003 21:42:13 -0800, [email protected] (Terri Alvillar) wrote:
> .Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> .> BB wrote: .> >>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual
> .> >> .> >>http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .> > .> > .> > Not that my
> opinion matters that much, but I really don't agree with .> > attacking her appearance. Nor do I
> see any reason for it; she looks
like a
> .> > typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY surburbanite to me. .> .> .> Indeed. To me she looks
> totally average, utterly unremarkable. .> Somebody you'd see standing in line at the supermarket.
> Who knows, .> maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention of hers. That's .> what makes
> it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical .> mountain bike club meeting and spew the
> kind of garbage she does here. .> But she felt brave enough hiding behind her computer to post
> things she .> would never dare say in person. Pete just yanked the pillow case off .> her head. .>
> .> Kathleen . . .Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of Trips for Kids .president
> Paul Sanford.
> What was that about?
> Same old story - if you don't have the .defense, make personal attacks .Terri Alvillar

Why do you insist on cross posting? Not only are you a lunatic, you are an idiot. This discussion
has no place on ca.environment, especially since it started somewhere else, and has been going on
for at least 3 exchanges before you so rudely cross posted here.
Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Terri Alvillar wrote:
> > Kathleen <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> >
> >>BB wrote:
> >>
> >>>>I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual aid:
> >>>>
> >>>>http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Not that my opinion matters that much, but I really don't agree with attacking her appearance.
> >>>Nor do I see any reason for it; she looks like a typical middle-aged, middle-class NIMBY
> >>>surburbanite to me.
> >>
> >>
> >> Indeed. To me she looks totally average, utterly unremarkable. Somebody you'd see standing
> >> in line at the supermarket. Who knows, maybe that's part of this ongoing quest for attention
> >> of hers. That's what makes it so funny. You KNOW she'd never walk into a physical mountain
> >> bike club meeting and spew the kind of garbage she does here. But she felt brave enough
> >> hiding behind her computer to post things she would never dare say in person. Pete just
> >> yanked the pillow case off her head.
> >>
> >>Kathleen
> >
> >
> >
> > Ah yes Kathleen must be resentful about the arrest of Trips for Kids president Paul Sanford.
> > Same old story - if you don't have the defense, make personal attacks
> Terri, you seem to be spending a lot of time lately fantasizing about my preferences and
> emotions. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, let me state unequivocally that I am
> happily married and entirely straight.
> Kathleen

Well there's bound to be at least one person on this message board who cares. Terri Alvillar
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