Mike Vandeman

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"Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Sorni" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > You said it!
> >
> > Bill "finally, a FEMALE groupie to go with Gaydeman" S.
> Sorni again proves me correct. Mountain bikers like Sorni have to lie because they hate hearing
> the truth about the damage they do.

But...but...you snipped the rest of what I (you, actually) wrote! Who's the cowardly liar?!?

Bill "not ALL vile, Terri, like YOU are" S.
"Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
| "P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
| > | We all really enjoy reading your and Mike's posts.
| >
| > I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing with a visual aid:
| >
| > http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg
| Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent widow (photographed by the
| Marin Independent Journal) defending her dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers'
| destruction of nature.

Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do went out over a decade ago?

I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it helps to put your silliness in
context, hag.

| It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds the grief of his enemies amusing.

I know nothing of your grief psycho, other than what you post on usenet. What I find amusing are
your psycho rants, especially when coupled with that picture.

Furthermore, why do you assume that I consider you to be an "enemy"? That's bizarre.

I don't consider you to be my enemy.

I consider you to be a dreadfully misinformed and apparently very bitter, woman with really bad
hair, who spends a great deal of time posting bizarre comments on usenet.

|Does '******' ring a bell?

ROTFLMAO! Godwin time!


| I pity any children or pets under his authority.

Yeah fruitloop, they're absolutely miserable...


Why don't you call Child Protective Services, after you do something with that unruly mop
of course...

Pete Fagerlin

Save Fruita trails! http://www.petefagerlin.com/bookcliffs.htm
In article <[email protected]>, BB <[email protected]> wrote:

> On 30 Mar 2003 10:02:16 -0800, Terri Alvillar wrote:
> > Trekkie Dad <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>
> >> I agree. He should have used a picture of a horse's ass. Far more appropriate.
> >
> > Once again you have proven the truth that the sport of mountain biking attracks some of the
> > vilest forms of human life.
> Roadies?


Actually, it was the other way round. The corruption from mountain biking was so complete that I
turned to the dark side and became a roadie. :-o


[email protected] World Without Cars Dictionary of Vandemisms (2001) is available at:
http://trekkiedad.freeservers.com/wwc.html ICQ# available on request
P e t e F a g e r l i n wrote:
> Why don't you call Child Protective Services, after you do something with that unruly mop of
> course...

I know in general it's not about the equipment, whether it be bikes or cameras, but damn, that photo
is sharp. Was it taken with the good camera or the excellent one?


"Destroy your safe and happy lives before it is too late, the battles we fought were long and hard,
just not to be consumed by rock n' roll..." - The Mekons
Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

Yo, pooperhead - if I met you, I would likely kill you by hitting you repeatedly over the head with
the blunt end of a bamboo chopstick. As you can well imagine, this would be a very slow and painful
way for you to die, but it would likely make me quite happy. If this surprises you, then you are an
easily surprised fool.

Shaun aRe - 'The Hippy'.
"P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...

> | Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent widow (photographed by the
> | Marin Independent Journal) defending her dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers'
> | destruction of nature.
> Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do went out over a decade ago?
> I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it helps to put your silliness in
> context, hag.
> | It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds the grief of his enemies amusing.

Again Fagerlin proves my point. He can't refute my statements about the damage mountain biking
causes with reason or logic so he resorts to personal attacks. Terri Alvillar See more trail
destruction at http://www.brightpathvideo.com/Marin_County.htm (click on Marin Trails magazine)
http://[email protected]/
On 31 Mar 2003 05:50:22 -0800, [email protected] (Terri Alvillar) blathered:

>Again Fagerlin proves my point. He can't refute my statements about the damage mountain biking
>causes with reason or logic so he resorts to personal attacks.

I'm both a walker and a mountain biker, Terri. How do I fit into you narrow pigeonholing?

You presumably don't own an SUV - what vehicle DO you drive? Personally I don't drive any motor
vehicle, preferring to travel by bicycle and public transport. It's dashed inconvenient at times,
but it does enable me to sneer down from the moral high ground at hypocrites such as yourself.

I was out for three hours on the bike this morning. I'm now going to go for a walk. I may take some
pictures this week of walker induced erosion; check back in a few days for the links.

On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 18:49:28 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman wrote: . .> .> .Until plants are accorded the status of citizens, the threat you
refer .to is moot. Purely moot.

But highly illegal. Where did you learn to be so irrelevant? Every one of your posts is a

.Pete H

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 18:49:28 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman wrote: . .> .> .Until plants are accorded the status of citizens, the threat you
refer .to is moot. Purely moot.

I guess you didn't bother to read the post to the end, did you?

.Pete H

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 18:53:20 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman wrote: . .A buncha blather. . .Your poster has one point: population pressure is the
largest single .factor in all economic, political, theological and environmental problems. . .Deal
w/ the problem rather than its symptoms & you just might get somewhere. . .Treating symptoms w/out
focusing on the ailment, as any doctor - or even .shrik - will tell you is fruitless.

Another non-sequitur. The subject is violence. Stick to it.

.Pete H

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100, "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> wrote:

.Path: newssvr15.news.prodigy.com!newscon03.news.prodigy.com!newsmst01.news.prodigy.com!prodigy.com-
in.de!host81-152-105-71.range81-152.btcentralplus.COM!not-for-mail .From: "Shaun Rimmer"
<[email protected]> .Newsgroups:
alt.mountain-bike,rec.bicycles.soc,rec.backcountry,sci.environment,ca.environment .Subject: Re:
Mountain Bikers Think VIOLENCE Is the Answer to Their Problems! (was Re: Mike Vandeman) .Date: Mon,
31 Mar 2003 12:37:54 +0100 .Lines: 20 .Message-ID: <[email protected]>
.References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]> <[email protected]>
<[email protected]> .NNTP-Posting-Host:
host81-152-105-71.range81-152.btcentralplus.com ( .X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1049110640
2841483 (16 [170198]) .X-Priority: 3 .X-MSMail-Priority: Normal .X-Newsreader:
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 .X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200
.Xref: newsmst01.news.prodigy.com alt.mountain-bike:373920 rec.bicycles.soc:134381
rec.backcountry:375260 sci.environment:373335 ca.environment:37529 . . .Mike Vandeman
<[email protected]> wrote in message .news:[email protected]... . . .Yo,
pooperhead - if I met you, I would likely kill you by hitting you .repeatedly over the head with the
blunt end of a bamboo chopstick. As you .can well imagine, this would be a very slow and painful way
for you to die, .but it would likely make me quite happy. If this surprises you, then you are .an
easily surprised fool. . . . . .Shaun aRe - 'The Hippy'. . . . .

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Mr. E. Mann <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> wrote in news:[email protected]:
> > Mr. E. Mann <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> >> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in Hey Mike,
> >>
> >> Whay don't yo8u do something to prevent overpopulation of the eah. You can start by sticking a
> >> gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.
> >
> >
> > Why don't you just get a grip, you over-reacting sorry son of a *****es turd - FFS, what are
> > you, some kind enraged hormonal teenager or something?
> >
> >

> >
> > Shaun aRe
> >
> >
> I was going to apologize for over reacting,

I don't care, and you obviously haven't the self control to do anything about it, so I'm not about
to start caring.

> but after reading you reply.

Not likely, you imbecilic idiot.

> Honestly, I could care less if this guy sticks a gun in his mouth an pulls the trigger or if
> someone else does it for him. These little groups of turds are ruining our country and taking away
> our freedoms and protesting our attempts to free a people that have been treated like **** by
> their government while the UN sat around with their thumbs up their asses. The next time one of
> these guys clibs a tree to prevent it from being cut
> cut it down anyway. Next time they protest by putting their arms together through metal tubes, cut
> their arms off. Next time they lay down in the street to protest something... anything, run them
> over! They'll get the hint eventually.

You really do thoroughly overestimate this guy's efficacy. This doesn't surprise me, 'cos you be
daft in'thead.

Shaun aRe
Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:09:55 -0000, "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> . .Mr. E. Mann <[email protected]> wrote in message .news:[email protected]... .>
> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in .> Hey Mike, .> .> Whay don't yo8u do something to
> prevent overpopulation of the eah. You
> .> start by sticking a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger. . . .Why don't you just get a
> grip, you over-reacting sorry son of a *****es .turd - FFS, what are you, some kind enraged
> hormonal teenager or
> No, just a typical mountain biker.

You are a pack that's missing all its aces.

Shaun aRe
MV wrote nothing as usual, although in less words this time:

> .Yo, pooperhead - if I met you, I would likely kill you by hitting you .repeatedly over the head
> with the blunt end of a bamboo chopstick. As you .can well imagine, this would be a very slow and
> painful way for you to
> .but it would likely make me quite happy. If this surprises you, then you
> .an easily surprised fool. . . . . .Shaun aRe - 'The Hippy'.

Heheheheh - you really are too damned easy ',;~}

Shaun aRe - You ain't never been alive anyways boy.
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 19:30:15 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman wrote:

This is a lie. You edited out the real author.

.>header, drivel & obscenity snipped... .>. .> These little groups of .>.turds .> .Which, however,
are not identified, named nor specified in any way. . .>are ruining our country .> .no specifics .
.>and taking away our freedoms .> .still no specifics . .>and protesting .>.our attempts to free .>
.a relative matter at best and open to conjecture . .> a people that have been treated like **** .>
.there's no accounting for taste . .> by their .>.government while the UN sat around with their
thumbs up their asses. .> .Hey, if they can do that & not fall over, Cirque du Soiele wants to sign
.them up! . .> The .>.next time one of these guys clibs a tree to prevent it from being cut down,
.>.cut it down anyway. .> .Don't scar the trails, but cut the trees, eh? . .> Next time they
protest by putting their arms together .>.through metal tubes, cut their arms off. .> .How will
they operate their digital watches? . .> Next time they lay down in the .>.street to protest
something... anything, run them over! .> .Excessive use of fossil fuels. (I'm assuming here you're
not advocating .horses which are MOST reluctant to tread on recumbent beings of any sort.) . .>
They'll get the .>.hint eventually. .> .> .> .> .> .So Mikle seems to believe in life after death -
and communication with the dead as well, how else to conffirm whether they do or do not get the
hint? . . .Pete H

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 19:42:05 -0500, PeterH <[email protected]> wrote:

.Mike Vandeman wrote: . .>On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 15:57:02 +0000 (UTC), Laura Bush <[email protected]>
wrote: .> .>.I think Vandeman is a shill for the mountain bike industry. It turns out .>.to be a
great way for families to enjoy nature .> .>You mean "destroy nature". Tell the truth. .> .Truth?
You're redefining commonly used terms to suit your own argument & .you blather about some puny
obstacle called "truth"?

What part of "destroy nature" is too hard for you to understand?

.> .> and get some exercise .>.together, without burning gasoline. .> .>BS. They use their SUVs .>
.Ergo: to own a mountain bike is to own an SUV? If one does not own an .SUV, then mayhap, one is
prevented from owning a mountain bike?

You can OWN one, but if you want to USE it off-road, you have to carry it on your SUV. I notice that
you didn't deny it.

.Where do these nutso fixations of yours come from? . .> to carry their mountain bikes to the
trailhead. .> .Since using (a vehicle) to carry the bike to the trailhead, then the .biker, no
matter what other conditions obtain, they get no exercize or, .in term of physics, perform no work.


By this extension of your .aargument, the second law of thermodynamics is suspended but, it seems,
.only for mountain bikers. This is reminiscent of selling/trading .indulgences 1,000 years ago. . .
.> Tell the .>truth. .> .You'll apparently nver know the difference. . .> .>=== .>I am working on
creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to .>humans ("pure habitat"). .> .Again the delusion
over "pure" & how it may apply to human thought. . .Take two apsirins & call a shrink in the
monring. . .Pete H

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 14:24:41 GMT, Trekkie Dad <[email protected]> wrote:

.In article <[email protected]>,
. [email protected] (Terri Alvillar) wrote: . .> "P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]>
wrote in message .> news:<[email protected]>... .> .> > | We all really enjoy
reading your and Mike's posts. .> > .> > I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be more amusing
with a visual aid: .> > .> > http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .> .> .> .>
Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent .> widow (photographed by the
Marin Independent Journal) defending her .> dead husband's honor . .I agree. He should have used a
picture of a horse's ass. Far more .appropriate. . .TD

Terri, you can't make a silk purse out of these sow's ears.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 17:12:34 -0800, "P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]> wrote:

."Terri Alvillar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
.news:[email protected]... .| "P e t e F a g e r l i n"
<[email protected]> wrote in message .news:<[email protected]>... .| .| > | We
all really enjoy reading your and Mike's posts. .| > .| > I find Terri's ineffectual ranting to be
more amusing with a visual aid: .| > .| > http://www.paradigmhosting.net/whackjobs/alvillar.jpg .|
.| .| .| Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent .| widow (photographed
by the Marin Independent Journal) defending her .| dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers'
destruction of .| nature. . .Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do went out
over a decade ago?

Just like a mountain biker. I would rather have bad hair, than bad morals. Mountain bikers are the
lowest form of human life that I know of. And to think that we thought that Neanderthals went
extinct long ago....

.I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it helps to put your silliness .in
context, hag. . .| It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds the grief of his .| enemies amusing. .
.I know nothing of your grief psycho, other than what you post on usenet. What I find .amusing are
your psycho rants, especially when coupled with that picture. . .Furthermore, why do you assume that
I consider you to be an "enemy"? That's bizarre. . .I don't consider you to be my enemy. . .I
consider you to be a dreadfully misinformed and apparently very bitter, woman with .really bad hair,
who spends a great deal of time posting bizarre comments on usenet. . .|Does '******' ring a bell? .
.ROTFLMAO! Godwin time! . .http://www.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/legends/godwin/ . .| I pity any children
or .| pets under his authority. . .Yeah fruitloop, they're absolutely miserable... .
.http://home.pacbell.net/psf0/goofballs.jpg . .Why don't you call Child Protective Services, after
you do something with that unruly mop .of course...

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Terri Alvillar <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "P e t e F a g e r l i n" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > | Pete Fagerlin is the ultimate coward. He uses a picture of a recent widow (photographed by the
> > | Marin Independent Journal) defending her dead husband's honor to justify mountain bikers'
> > | destruction of nature.
> >
> > Hey you fat sow, didn't anyone tell you that the Farrah 'do went out
over a decade ago?
> >
> > I "use" a picture of you because when I read your nattering it helps to
put your silliness
> > in context, hag.
> >
> > | It is not surprising that Fagerlin finds the grief of his enemies amusing.
> Again Fagerlin proves my point. He can't refute my statements about the damage mountain biking
> causes with reason or logic so he resorts to personal attacks.

Well, I must admit to thinking he's not the the sharpest knife in the block,

terrible. Also, you really don't have a clue about MTB'ing and the environment, which I shouldn't
need to say, as it's painfully obvious to all with even 1 working neuron.

I think you should seek councelling.

Shaun aRe
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