How Ed Dolan and Mike Vandeman came to dominate their newsgroups

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:bJQog.3910$H32.2183@trndny06...
> >A troll sets up camp in a newsgroup where he's got nothing to offer and
> >stirs up ****.
> > Then he responds to any answers to create interminably long threads filled
> > with
> > interminably long messages since he never snips.

> I am actually the world's best editor and know how to snip better than
> anyone, but Usenet is full of idiots who do not know how to do anything much
> except mouth off. Since that is the case, I feel it is better to do no
> editing than to do too much editing - which is the primary mistake of almost
> all Usenet users.
> For instance, you have made several mistakes in your present post, but I
> will let them stand so as not to confuse anyone further than you already
> have.
> > These strings of nonsense help boost his sense of power and consequently
> > his
> > shriveled sense of self esteem.
> > Typical of cubicle dwellers who've been shunted off to a deadend to await
> > retirement.

> I retired at the ripe old age of 30,

No need to clarify. We presume that you meant life rather than career.
- Jim McNamara

> but I don't expect you would know
> anything at all about how the other half lives.
> > The only order of perpetual sorrow is populated by those exposed to his
> > drivel.
> >
> > Oh well, it's an open usenet.

> Many thanks for the kind words JP. Ed Dolan the Great is always appreciative
> of those who appreciate him like you do.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> Actually I require some intellectuality and that is the one thing that is
> >> sorely lacking from all my current adversaries. I really miss Tom
> >> Sherman.
> >> He at least tried to display some intellect from time to time. Poor Jimbo
> >> thinks verbiage is a substitute for thought. And so it goes - no one
> >> worthy
> >> of me. It is apparently my destiny to go through life surrounded by
> >> idiots,
> >> jerks and assholes.

> >
> > Intellect is a required given necessary for constructing verbiage.
> > What don't you understand about this basic concept ... dullard. - Jim
> > McNamara.

> I have known several persons who could speak many foreign languages
> fluently, but could never say anything sensible in any of them. In other
> words, there is verbiage and then there is intellect. One requires a certain
> facility, the other requires that you think. It may be that you are an idiot
> savant, which is a person who has only one outstanding, almost freakish,
> ability and is lacking in everything else. I always advise folks who can't
> think to rely on the common sense they were born with.

Verbiage requires facility and intellect requries that you think???
You make no sense. One cannot think without intellect. Since you
obviously don't realize that, you must be devoid of intellect. Perhaps
that is why you verbiage make no sense. Lie I said before. Intellect
is requirement for intelligible vervbiage. Your replies just get worse
and worse.

How many times must you be told that no one has asked for, wants or
values you worthless advice before it sinks into that thick skull of
your??? - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> >> The Great Ed Dolan does not ever stalk anyone. I have my own agenda
> >> >> and
> >> >> cannot even imagine anyone else in the universe to be even remotely as
> >> >> interesting as myself.
> >> >
> >> > Not even Sherman or Vandeman???
> >>
> >> Jim, unlike you, I do not confuse cyperspace with real life.

> >
> > It is not be, but you you has blurred the distinction here. Cyberspace
> > has taken on a life of its own for you. Sadly, cyberspace is your life
> > and the readership are all very aware of that. - Jim McNamara

> Nope, not true. Usenet is nothing to me except a joke! The minute I am no
> longer having any fun here, I will leave.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> >> Sherman and
> >> Vandeman are only what I read on my computer screen. Unless and until I
> >> meet
> >> them in person, that is all they can ever be.The same goes for you too of
> >> course.
> >>
> >> I will admit I think I was stalking Tom Sherman at one time briefly, but
> >> I
> >> grew disgusted with myself for doing that and I decided I would only take
> >> him on when he got outrageously stupid. I always left him alone when he
> >> was
> >> posting on topic and I would only take him on when he got political. The
> >> last year or so Tom and I did not have much to say to one another because
> >> he
> >> steered away from political topics almost entirely. He knew far more
> >> about
> >> recumbents than I did and I respected him for that.
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> >> The Great Ed Dolan does not ever stalk anyone. I have my own agenda
> >> >> and
> >> >> cannot even imagine anyone else in the universe to be even remotely as
> >> >> interesting as myself.
> >> >
> >> > Not even Sherman or Vandeman???
> >>
> >> Jim, unlike you, I do not confuse cyperspace with real life.

> >
> > It is not be, but you you has blurred the distinction here. Cyberspace
> > has taken on a life of its own for you. Sadly, cyberspace is your life
> > and the readership are all very aware of that. - Jim McNamara

> Nope, not true. Usenet is nothing to me except a joke! The minute I am no
> longer having any fun here, I will leave.

********. You'll never leave then because you are a joke. - Jim

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> >> Sherman and
> >> Vandeman are only what I read on my computer screen. Unless and until I
> >> meet
> >> them in person, that is all they can ever be.The same goes for you too of
> >> course.
> >>
> >> I will admit I think I was stalking Tom Sherman at one time briefly, but
> >> I
> >> grew disgusted with myself for doing that and I decided I would only take
> >> him on when he got outrageously stupid. I always left him alone when he
> >> was
> >> posting on topic and I would only take him on when he got political. The
> >> last year or so Tom and I did not have much to say to one another because
> >> he
> >> steered away from political topics almost entirely. He knew far more
> >> about
> >> recumbents than I did and I respected him for that.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:3YZog.3499$Bb.493@trndny01...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> I retired at the ripe old age of 30, but I don't expect you would know
>> anything at all about how the other half lives.

> Is that what you call it when you were institutionalized?
> I live in a world of sanity Eddie, not your half.
> The staff must be proud of your cheerfull "glass half full" mentality
> and that's why they let you online?
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters who
> are idiots, jerks and assholes.
> Why is it considered virtuous to work like a slave all of your life when
> you really don't have to. Just don't get married, don't procreate, don't
> buy a house and a new car, etc. It is really quite simple, but most men
> are fools and live lives of quiet desperation.

Gee Eddie, who's said virtuous?
It's not called virtuous, it's called rewarding.

I got married, had three sons, bought a house, have new cars, new bikes,
big ass TV,
big ass computer, and other stuff you don't care about, oh yeah, and stuff
for the kids as well.
Started my own business, run my own show, wife started her own business,
runs her own show, make our own lives, ran races, studied martial arts,
teach tai chi,
write, ride bikes. Oh and by the way, we started with zero, no family
money or connections,
no outside help, no special talents except the brains with which we were
It's nice to feel plugged into the world, productive, active and successful.
Saves me having to call myself "the great" and hide my lack of self esteem
by trolling
in newsgroups and calling people names like a preadolescent.

People are generally surrounded by those like themselves and if you find
yourself surrounded
by " characters who are idiots, jerks and assholes" chances are you qualify
for inclusion in that
very same group. Of course since you have imposed yourself on this group
rather than the other
way around those in don't meet that description.

She and I lived in Minneapolis for a few years and the people there tend to
be very nice;
generous, polite and kind. I guess they've been too nice to straighten you
out or is it that
you only share the obnoxious part of your psyche from the secure anonymity
of usenet?
I'm glad though that you've chosen not to marry or procreate, it would
bother me a bit to
know that you'd inflicted yourself on human beings. This is really a better
spot for you
since you are always just a mouseclick away from oblivion.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:6ATog.26044$FR1.4962@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...

> [...]
>>>>> Curtiss, it is now time for you to shut up concerning Vandeman.
>>>>> There is nothing you can say about his posts and him that you have
>>>>> not already said a thousand times before. Give some others an
>>>>> opportunity to respond to his posts.
>>>> Anybody can respond to any post. My posts do not stop a single
>>>> person from reading or responding to any other post.
>>>> Take a valium and relax. Your poor little heart must be about to
>>>> burst.
>>> Yes, I used to say that in response to others who would complain
>>> about my posts to ARBR, but take a look at RBS. How do you account
>>> for the fact it is all about you and Vandeman. ARBR was never like
>>> RBS that way. Something is dreadfully wrong when a newsgorup is all
>>> about just one or two persons. You desperately need to stop
>>> responding to Vandeman. You are both one note Johnnys and you have
>>> ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny.

>> Really...? Then I would suggest you drop it. After all, you spread
>> the Vandy topic into other realms of rec/alt bicycles. You have
>> continued the topic with silly accusations and your own attempts to
>> draw attention away from your cross-posting disaster.

> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both one
> note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny."
> - Ed Dolan
>> You are merely extending the topic so you can continue to claim it is
>> someone else's fault. If you want to post on point concerning the
>> opinions of MV, have at it. Otherwise, this thread is dead. The same
>> "argument" in several spots. Beyond meaningless.

> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both one
> note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny."
> - Ed Dolan
>> Any further responses will be in the thread titled "Impotence" as
>> that best describes the influence of ed dolan the minimal, aka: st
>> edward the sorrowfully miniscule.

> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both one
> note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny."
> - Ed Dolan [...]

These guys can do anything they damn well please, as you can too.

It is you, who needs to desperately stop defending Vandy, he is capible
of doing this by him self.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:3YZog.3499$Bb.493@trndny01...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> I retired at the ripe old age of 30, but I don't expect you would know
>>> anything at all about how the other half lives.

>> Is that what you call it when you were institutionalized?
>> I live in a world of sanity Eddie, not your half.
>> The staff must be proud of your cheerfull "glass half full" mentality
>> and that's why they let you online?
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters
>> who are idiots, jerks and assholes.
>> Why is it considered virtuous to work like a slave all of your life when
>> you really don't have to. Just don't get married, don't procreate, don't
>> buy a house and a new car, etc. It is really quite simple, but most men
>> are fools and live lives of quiet desperation.

> Gee Eddie, who's said virtuous?
> It's not called virtuous, it's called rewarding.
> I got married, had three sons, bought a house, have new cars, new bikes,
> big ass TV,
> big ass computer, and other stuff you don't care about, oh yeah, and stuff
> for the kids as well.
> Started my own business, run my own show, wife started her own business,
> runs her own show, make our own lives, ran races, studied martial arts,
> teach tai chi,
> write, ride bikes. Oh and by the way, we started with zero, no family
> money or connections,
> no outside help, no special talents except the brains with which we were
> born.
> It's nice to feel plugged into the world, productive, active and
> successful.
> Saves me having to call myself "the great" and hide my lack of self esteem
> by trolling
> in newsgroups and calling people names like a preadolescent.

JP is the upwardly mobile idiot who thinks himself successful because he did
not starve to death like the savages in Africa regularly do. I have nothing
but contempt for him and all his so-called accomplishments. His piffling
"production" would not be "rewarding" to me in the slightest. He is the
quintessential materialist. I feel sorry for the poor slob.

"Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters who
are idiots, jerks and assholes." - Ed Dolan

> People are generally surrounded by those like themselves and if you find
> yourself surrounded
> by " characters who are idiots, jerks and assholes" chances are you
> qualify for inclusion in that
> very same group. Of course since you have imposed yourself on this group
> rather than the other
> way around those in don't meet that description.

Anyone who is on Usenet is an idiot, a jerk and an asshole. No exceptions!
Thus spake Zarathustra!

"Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters who
are idiots, jerks and assholes." - Ed Dolan

> She and I lived in Minneapolis for a few years and the people there tend
> to be very nice;
> generous, polite and kind. I guess they've been too nice to straighten
> you out or is it that
> you only share the obnoxious part of your psyche from the secure anonymity
> of usenet?
> I'm glad though that you've chosen not to marry or procreate, it would
> bother me a bit to
> know that you'd inflicted yourself on human beings. This is really a
> better spot for you
> since you are always just a mouseclick away from oblivion.

Minnesotans are the biggest jerks in the world bar none! Most of the time I
am ashamed to be from such a fouled up state. The one thing I would like
most to do in his world is to get my hands around the throat of Garrison
Keillor and choke that stupid son of a ***** to death. To hell with him and
his prairie home companion. And most especially to hell with any who think
like him.

"Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters who
are idiots, jerks and assholes." - Ed Dolan


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

>> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both one
>> note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny."

> These guys can do anything they damn well please, as you can too.
> It is you, who needs to desperately stop defending Vandy, he is capible
> of doing this by him self.

I am not so much defending Vandeman as I am attacking Curtiss for being such
an all-around jackass. You are right on the edge of falling into that
category yourself. Please put your brain into gear before you post.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> >> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to do.
> >> >> Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull group.
> >> >> It
> >> >> would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS expecting some
> >> >> entertainment.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
> >> > little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
> >> > Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
> >> > prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
> >> > newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
> >> > garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of his
> >> > opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
> >> > newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is nothing.
> >> > What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous, misguided,
> >> > quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head swollen ... HEAD
> >> > Dolan.
> >> >
> >> > Jim McNamara
> >>
> >> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself. It
> >> is
> >> really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan the Great,
> >> oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my credentials with
> >> others
> >> by the time I was out of my teens, but apparently some guys just never
> >> get
> >> out of their teens.
> >>

> >
> > Ed ... yes, I'm addressing you personally, whether you like it or not
> > ... your response can be considered as nothng less that an admission
> > that your reading comprehesnion skills are second rate, and you were
> > once a librarian??? How sadl!!! - Jim McNamara

> You may be addressing me, but I am addressing a universe of unknown readers.
> You merely serve as a vehicle for what I want so say. Keep those messages
> coming to me personally and I will keep my messages going to a universe of
> readers.

But you do address individuals. The very focus and context of what you
write defines specifically to whom your response is directed. As for
the universe of unknown readers, well I don't share in your delusion
the I am writing for a universe of unknown readers. Have you forgotten
to exclud the universe of known readers who have kill-filed you?.

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"di" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>>> Got fired and personality prevented you from finding another job?

>> Jobs are for workers (slaves) like you, not for Gods like me!
>> PS. Post to ARBR if you want me to see your freaking messages, you moron!

> I'll make you a deal, I'll post all the messages to ARBR that I want you
> to see, if you'll stop posting to RBM & AMB the messages I don't want to
> see. DEAL or NO DEAL?

When you reference me, then post to ARBR. How God Damn likely is it that you
think I will ever reference a nonentity like you? Also, note the subject
heading of this thread. Is that not some kind of clue for you?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Eddie Dolan, who has turned a minor psychiatric disability into a monthly
stipend, probably for life,
or maybe a spurious claim of whiplash into a feast for a social parasite.
Eddie Dolan, whose mommy still does his laundry.
Eddie Dolan, whose winning personality explains his overwhelming
Eddie Dolan, who desperately needs recognition, of ANY kind, even stranger's
responses on usenet.
Eddie Dolan whose lonely little chubby face reflected the flickers of light
off the monitor,
alone in his sad little room, posting his schoolboy wit while the rest of
the world had fun on a Friday night.
Eddie Dolan, who hates GK but plagiarizes his "order of perpetual sorrow."
Are you allowed to have a pet? Maybe that would help.
Anyhow you're boring.
"di" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "di" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:nm%og.26078$FR1.8765@dukeread05...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...

>> [...]
>>>>> Got fired and personality prevented you from finding another job?
>>>> Jobs are for workers (slaves) like you, not for Gods like me!
>>>> PS. Post to ARBR if you want me to see your freaking messages, you
>>>> moron!
>>> I'll make you a deal, I'll post all the messages to ARBR that I want you
>>> to see, if you'll stop posting to RBM & AMB the messages I don't want to
>>> see. DEAL or NO DEAL?

>> When you reference me, then post to ARBR. How God Damn likely is it that
>> you think I will ever reference a nonentity like you? Also, note the
>> subject heading of this thread. Is that not some kind of clue for you?

> No, I don't want to post to ARBR, so I'll post where I want to. I agree
> with the Header, "legend in his own mind", but not in anyone else's mind.

You can post to Timbuktu for all I care, but if you want an answer, then you
will have to post to ARBR. I only occasionally look in on RBM when I feel
like slumming with the hoi-polloi and other assorted slobs like you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
JP wrote:
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:3YZog.3499$Bb.493@trndny01...
> >
> >
> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >> I retired at the ripe old age of 30, but I don't expect you would know
> >> anything at all about how the other half lives.

> >
> > Is that what you call it when you were institutionalized?
> > I live in a world of sanity Eddie, not your half.
> > The staff must be proud of your cheerfull "glass half full" mentality
> > and that's why they let you online?
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >
> > Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters who
> > are idiots, jerks and assholes.
> >
> > Why is it considered virtuous to work like a slave all of your life when
> > you really don't have to. Just don't get married, don't procreate, don't
> > buy a house and a new car, etc. It is really quite simple, but most men
> > are fools and live lives of quiet desperation.
> >

> Gee Eddie, who's said virtuous?
> It's not called virtuous, it's called rewarding.
> I got married, had three sons, bought a house, have new cars, new bikes,
> big ass TV,
> big ass computer, and other stuff you don't care about, oh yeah, and stuff
> for the kids as well.
> Started my own business, run my own show, wife started her own business,
> runs her own show, make our own lives, ran races, studied martial arts,
> teach tai chi,
> write, ride bikes. Oh and by the way, we started with zero, no family
> money or connections,
> no outside help, no special talents except the brains with which we were
> born.
> It's nice to feel plugged into the world, productive, active and successful.
> Saves me having to call myself "the great" and hide my lack of self esteem
> by trolling
> in newsgroups and calling people names like a preadolescent.
> People are generally surrounded by those like themselves and if you find
> yourself surrounded
> by " characters who are idiots, jerks and assholes" chances are you qualify
> for inclusion in that
> very same group. Of course since you have imposed yourself on this group
> rather than the other
> way around those in don't meet that description.
> She and I lived in Minneapolis for a few years and the people there tend to
> be very nice;
> generous, polite and kind. I guess they've been too nice to straighten you
> out or is it that
> you only share the obnoxious part of your psyche from the secure anonymity
> of usenet?
> I'm glad though that you've chosen not to marry or procreate, it would
> bother me a bit to
> know that you'd inflicted yourself on human beings. This is really a better
> spot for you
> since you are always just a mouseclick away from oblivion.

Well said JP. - Jim McNamara
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:

> [...]
>>> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both
>>> one note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note
>>> Johnny."

>> These guys can do anything they damn well please, as you can too.
>> It is you, who needs to desperately stop defending Vandy, he is
>> capible of doing this by him self.

> I am not so much defending Vandeman as I am attacking Curtiss for
> being such an all-around jackass. You are right on the edge of falling
> into that category yourself. Please put your brain into gear before
> you post.

You are a self-admitted asshole and jackass. Why would you need to attack
anyone for those same traits?

I don't not care which 'category' you put me in, I do not care about you
and your silly opinion

Posted via a free Usenet account from
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> JP wrote:
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> > news:3YZog.3499$Bb.493@trndny01...
>> >
>> >
>> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> > news:[email protected]...
>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> >>
>> >> I retired at the ripe old age of 30, but I don't expect you would know
>> >> anything at all about how the other half lives.
>> >
>> > Is that what you call it when you were institutionalized?
>> > I live in a world of sanity Eddie, not your half.
>> > The staff must be proud of your cheerfull "glass half full" mentality
>> > and that's why they let you online?
>> >
>> > Edward Dolan wrote:
>> >
>> > Yea, I can see it is my destiny to be forever surrounded by characters
>> > who
>> > are idiots, jerks and assholes.
>> >
>> > Why is it considered virtuous to work like a slave all of your life
>> > when
>> > you really don't have to. Just don't get married, don't procreate,
>> > don't
>> > buy a house and a new car, etc. It is really quite simple, but most men
>> > are fools and live lives of quiet desperation.
>> >

>> Gee Eddie, who's said virtuous?
>> It's not called virtuous, it's called rewarding.
>> I got married, had three sons, bought a house, have new cars, new
>> bikes,
>> big ass TV,
>> big ass computer, and other stuff you don't care about, oh yeah, and
>> stuff
>> for the kids as well.
>> Started my own business, run my own show, wife started her own business,
>> runs her own show, make our own lives, ran races, studied martial arts,
>> teach tai chi,
>> write, ride bikes. Oh and by the way, we started with zero, no family
>> money or connections,
>> no outside help, no special talents except the brains with which we were
>> born.
>> It's nice to feel plugged into the world, productive, active and
>> successful.
>> Saves me having to call myself "the great" and hide my lack of self
>> esteem
>> by trolling
>> in newsgroups and calling people names like a preadolescent.
>> People are generally surrounded by those like themselves and if you find
>> yourself surrounded
>> by " characters who are idiots, jerks and assholes" chances are you
>> qualify
>> for inclusion in that
>> very same group. Of course since you have imposed yourself on this group
>> rather than the other
>> way around those in don't meet that description.
>> She and I lived in Minneapolis for a few years and the people there tend
>> to
>> be very nice;
>> generous, polite and kind. I guess they've been too nice to straighten
>> you
>> out or is it that
>> you only share the obnoxious part of your psyche from the secure
>> anonymity
>> of usenet?
>> I'm glad though that you've chosen not to marry or procreate, it would
>> bother me a bit to
>> know that you'd inflicted yourself on human beings. This is really a
>> better
>> spot for you
>> since you are always just a mouseclick away from oblivion.

> Well said JP. - Jim McNamara

I could not respond to the jerk above because the newsgroup headers were all
messed up. I think he might have been using some kind of cell phone. There
were definitely some incompatibilities involved that I could not resolve.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:

>> [...]
>>>> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both
>>>> one note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note
>>>> Johnny."
>>> These guys can do anything they damn well please, as you can too.
>>> It is you, who needs to desperately stop defending Vandy, he is
>>> capible of doing this by him self.

>> I am not so much defending Vandeman as I am attacking Curtiss for
>> being such an all-around jackass. You are right on the edge of falling
>> into that category yourself. Please put your brain into gear before
>> you post.

> You are a self-admitted asshole and jackass. Why would you need to attack
> anyone for those same traits?
> I don't not care which 'category' you put me in, I do not care about you
> and your silly opinion

That is good that you do not care because I certainly don't either, not
about you and not about these freaking newsgroups. I have decided you are
not capable of putting whatever little brain you have into gear and so I
shall henceforth lump you in with Curtiss - who as has ever proven himself
an asshole of the first magnitude when he gets off his boilerplate nonsense.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:
>>> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>>>> news:[email protected]:
>>> [...]
>>>>> "You desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both
>>>>> one note Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note
>>>>> Johnny."
>>>> These guys can do anything they damn well please, as you can too.
>>>> It is you, who needs to desperately stop defending Vandy, he is
>>>> capible of doing this by him self.
>>> I am not so much defending Vandeman as I am attacking Curtiss for
>>> being such an all-around jackass. You are right on the edge of
>>> falling into that category yourself. Please put your brain into gear
>>> before you post.

>> You are a self-admitted asshole and jackass. Why would you need to
>> attack anyone for those same traits?
>> I don't not care which 'category' you put me in, I do not care about
>> you and your silly opinion

> That is good that you do not care because I certainly don't either,
> not about you and not about these freaking newsgroups. I have decided
> you are not capable of putting whatever little brain you have into
> gear and so I shall henceforth lump you in with Curtiss - who as has
> ever proven himself an asshole of the first magnitude when he gets off
> his boilerplate nonsense.

If you don't care about the newsgroups, why do you continue to post to
them? Why is that bright boy?? We don't want you here, and you don't
care about them. Please go away.

Thank you for putting me in the same category as Curtiss, I can see from
his posts, he is a highly intelligent man with a sense on self.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

>> That is good that you do not care because I certainly don't either,
>> not about you and not about these freaking newsgroups. I have decided
>> you are not capable of putting whatever little brain you have into
>> gear and so I shall henceforth lump you in with Curtiss - who has
>> ever proven himself an asshole of the first magnitude when he gets off
>> his boilerplate nonsense.

> If you don't care about the newsgroups, why do you continue to post to
> them? Why is that bright boy?? We don't want you here, and you don't
> care about them. Please go away.

Yes, I am going back to ARBR where the idiots, assholes and morons to be
found there are not down to your low level.

> Thank you for putting me in the same category as Curtiss, I can see from
> his posts, he is a highly intelligent man with a sense on self.

You and Curtiss are both one note Johnnies who do nothing but leech off of
Vandeman like the blood sucking parasites that you are. I have never
encountered two bigger dummies on Usenet.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota