Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:bJQog.3910$H32.2183@trndny06...
> >A troll sets up camp in a newsgroup where he's got nothing to offer and
> >stirs up ****.
> > Then he responds to any answers to create interminably long threads filled
> > with
> > interminably long messages since he never snips.
> I am actually the world's best editor and know how to snip better than
> anyone, but Usenet is full of idiots who do not know how to do anything much
> except mouth off. Since that is the case, I feel it is better to do no
> editing than to do too much editing - which is the primary mistake of almost
> all Usenet users.
> For instance, you have made several mistakes in your present post, but I
> will let them stand so as not to confuse anyone further than you already
> have.
> > These strings of nonsense help boost his sense of power and consequently
> > his
> > shriveled sense of self esteem.
> > Typical of cubicle dwellers who've been shunted off to a deadend to await
> > retirement.
> I retired at the ripe old age of 30,
No need to clarify. We presume that you meant life rather than career.
- Jim McNamara
> but I don't expect you would know
> anything at all about how the other half lives.
> > The only order of perpetual sorrow is populated by those exposed to his
> > drivel.
> >
> > Oh well, it's an open usenet.
> Many thanks for the kind words JP. Ed Dolan the Great is always appreciative
> of those who appreciate him like you do.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> "JP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:bJQog.3910$H32.2183@trndny06...
> >A troll sets up camp in a newsgroup where he's got nothing to offer and
> >stirs up ****.
> > Then he responds to any answers to create interminably long threads filled
> > with
> > interminably long messages since he never snips.
> I am actually the world's best editor and know how to snip better than
> anyone, but Usenet is full of idiots who do not know how to do anything much
> except mouth off. Since that is the case, I feel it is better to do no
> editing than to do too much editing - which is the primary mistake of almost
> all Usenet users.
> For instance, you have made several mistakes in your present post, but I
> will let them stand so as not to confuse anyone further than you already
> have.
> > These strings of nonsense help boost his sense of power and consequently
> > his
> > shriveled sense of self esteem.
> > Typical of cubicle dwellers who've been shunted off to a deadend to await
> > retirement.
> I retired at the ripe old age of 30,
No need to clarify. We presume that you meant life rather than career.
- Jim McNamara
> but I don't expect you would know
> anything at all about how the other half lives.
> > The only order of perpetual sorrow is populated by those exposed to his
> > drivel.
> >
> > Oh well, it's an open usenet.
> Many thanks for the kind words JP. Ed Dolan the Great is always appreciative
> of those who appreciate him like you do.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota