How Ed Dolan and Mike Vandeman came to dominate their newsgroups

"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to
>>>>>> do. Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull
>>>>>> group. It would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS
>>>>>> expecting some entertainment.
>>>>> Perhaps discussions of gearing, frame types, cycling routes and such
>>>>> is EXACTLY what people post for. There a million sites for
>>>>> "entertainment". Why read about the non-sexual proclamations of a
>>>>> self-absorbed individual when I want to know what gearing I should
>>>>> have when visiting the Blue Ridge Parkway?
>>>> Nope, I cannot believe there are any humans who are so dead that they
>>>> would limit themselves to what you propose. Either be a complete human
>>>> being or be gone! I know better than you what is good for you!
>>> Who is being limited? With a million websites (and other NGs) dedicated
>>> to entertainment, who needs you to post junk? We're smart enough to find
>>> entertainment on our own. Here is a place for information we can use and
>>> share to enhance our cycling experience. Reading the ramblings of a
>>> psychiatric throwaway does'nt [doesn't] cut it.

>> ALL newsgroups without any exceptions whatsoever are by and for idiots.
>> Therefore, it does not matter what gets posted on any of them since only
>> idiots like Curtiss are present. If you want intelligence, then go to a
>> moderated forum where an editor will get rid of the idiots and their
>> idiotic messages.

> Hello Dolan, the great idiot

Thus proving my point!

>> I repeat, there is no one on these newsgroups (unmoderated) except
>> assholes and jerks! What else do you need to know?

> Hello Dolan, the great asshole and jerk.

Thus proving my point!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:32_ng.25195$FR1.14697@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>>> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to
>>>>>>> do. Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull
>>>>>>> group. It would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS
>>>>>>> expecting some entertainment.
>>>>>> Perhaps discussions of gearing, frame types, cycling routes and such
>>>>>> is EXACTLY what people post for. There a million sites for
>>>>>> "entertainment". Why read about the non-sexual proclamations of a
>>>>>> self-absorbed individual when I want to know what gearing I should
>>>>>> have when visiting the Blue Ridge Parkway?
>>>>> Nope, I cannot believe there are any humans who are so dead that they
>>>>> would limit themselves to what you propose. Either be a complete human
>>>>> being or be gone! I know better than you what is good for you!
>>>> Who is being limited? With a million websites (and other NGs) dedicated
>>>> to entertainment, who needs you to post junk? We're smart enough to
>>>> find entertainment on our own. Here is a place for information we can
>>>> use and share to enhance our cycling experience. Reading the ramblings
>>>> of a psychiatric throwaway does'nt [doesn't] cut it.
>>> ALL newsgroups without any exceptions whatsoever are by and for idiots.
>>> Therefore, it does not matter what gets posted on any of them since only
>>> idiots like Curtiss are present. If you want intelligence, then go to a
>>> moderated forum where an editor will get rid of the idiots and their
>>> idiotic messages.

>> Hello Dolan, the great idiot

> Thus proving my point!

To who...?
>>> I repeat, there is no one on these newsgroups (unmoderated) except
>>> assholes and jerks! What else do you need to know?

>> Hello Dolan, the great asshole and jerk.

> Thus proving my point!

You didn't have to work so hard to prove you are an idiot, asshole and jerk.
We've known that for quite some time.
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >> >
> >> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> >> It was never my intention to dominate a newsgroup and I am sure it was
> >> >> not
> >> >> Mike Vandeman's intention either, but yet I do dominate ARBR and
> >> >> Vandeman
> >> >> does dominate RBS. We both stay on our own threads and do not step on
> >> >> other
> >> >> threads, but it seems that it doesn't matter. Others simply go away
> >> >> and
> >> >> before you know it all there is on these groups is Dolan and Vandeman.
> >> >> I
> >> >> think both of us in our separate ways serve as a catalyst for a few
> >> >> others
> >> >> who take us on. Our messages become increasingly contentious and
> >> >> finally
> >> >> we
> >> >> are preventing others from coming onto the group. That is certainly
> >> >> not
> >> >> my
> >> >> intention and I know it is not Vandeman's intention either. But what
> >> >> to
> >> >> do
> >> >> about it?
> >> >
> >> > Tis a simple problem with a simpl solution ... L E A V E !!!!!
> >>
> >> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to do.
> >> Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull group. It
> >> would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS expecting some
> >> entertainment.

> >
> > Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
> > little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
> > Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
> > prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
> > newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
> > garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of his
> > opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
> > newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is nothing.
> > What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous, misguided,
> > quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head swollen ... HEAD
> > Dolan.
> >
> > Jim McNamara

> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself. It is
> really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan the Great,
> oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my credentials with others
> by the time I was out of my teens, but apparently some guys just never get
> out of their teens.
> Regards,

Ed ... yes, I'm addressing you personally, whether you like it or not
.... your response can be considered as nothng less that an admission
that your reading comprehesnion skills are second rate, and you were
once a librarian??? How sadl!!! - Jim McNamara

> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> [...]
> > Nice try Conan, I have the e-mail you initially sent me. You started
> > the e-mail exchange. I just got you so ****** that you just had to do
> > it, didnt you. You can deny it, but I got the proof. And here it is:
> >
> > See where is states:
> >
> > "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >
> > That means I wrote my message in the news server.
> > All the rest of the header is a e-mail header.
> >
> > To sum it up. You stated the e-mail exchange, now you are tring to deny
> > it, Vandy, would of course, type the word liar in all caps, but that is
> > simply too childish for me.

> Nope, I got your message in my email box and I did not see in on the
> newsgroup. I NEVER send anyone an email message that is connected to the
> newsgroups unless I get an email from them first. My standard policy is to
> discourage all such communication as I like to keep Usenet separate from my
> real life. Elementary, my dear Watson!
> [...]

C O R R E C T I O N ..... Usenet is your life and everyone hear knows
that. - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> > news:[email protected]:
> >
> >>
> >> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >>>
> >>> Edward Dolan wrote:
> >>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >>>> news:[email protected]...
> >>>> >
> >>>> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >>>> >> It was never my intention to dominate a newsgroup and I am sure
> >>>> >> it was not
> >>>> >> Mike Vandeman's intention either, but yet I do dominate ARBR and
> >>>> >> Vandeman
> >>>> >> does dominate RBS. We both stay on our own threads and do not
> >>>> >> step on other
> >>>> >> threads, but it seems that it doesn't matter. Others simply go
> >>>> >> away and
> >>>> >> before you know it all there is on these groups is Dolan and
> >>>> >> Vandeman. I
> >>>> >> think both of us in our separate ways serve as a catalyst for a
> >>>> >> few others
> >>>> >> who take us on. Our messages become increasingly contentious and
> >>>> >> finally
> >>>> >> we
> >>>> >> are preventing others from coming onto the group. That is
> >>>> >> certainly not
> >>>> >> my
> >>>> >> intention and I know it is not Vandeman's intention either. But
> >>>> >> what to
> >>>> >> do
> >>>> >> about it?
> >>>> >
> >>>> > Tis a simple problem with a simple solution ... L E A V E !!!!!
> >>>>
> >>>> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to
> >>>> do. Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull
> >>>> group. It would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS
> >>>> expecting some entertainment.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
> >>> little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
> >>> Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
> >>> prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
> >>> newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
> >>> garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of
> >>> his opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
> >>> newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is
> >>> nothing. What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous,
> >>> misguided, quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head
> >>> swollen ... HEAD Dolan.
> >>>
> >>> Jim McNamara
> >>
> >> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself.
> >> It is really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan
> >> the Great, oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my
> >> credentials with others by the time I was out of my teens, but
> >> apparently some guys just never get out of their teens.

> >
> > There is nothing more to say here, Jim said it all with blazing accuracy

> Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way. But it is
> good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey (Jim).

What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
(read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric to
advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken notion
that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle whereas in
reality the only person who values what the man says is the man saying
it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous gibberish.

Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
sick is that???

Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
JimmyMac wrote:
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> > > news:[email protected]:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >> news:[email protected]...
> > >>>
> > >>> Edward Dolan wrote:
> > >>>> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >>>> news:[email protected]...
> > >>>> >
> > >>>> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> > >>>> >> It was never my intention to dominate a newsgroup and I am sure
> > >>>> >> it was not
> > >>>> >> Mike Vandeman's intention either, but yet I do dominate ARBR and
> > >>>> >> Vandeman
> > >>>> >> does dominate RBS. We both stay on our own threads and do not
> > >>>> >> step on other
> > >>>> >> threads, but it seems that it doesn't matter. Others simply go
> > >>>> >> away and
> > >>>> >> before you know it all there is on these groups is Dolan and
> > >>>> >> Vandeman. I
> > >>>> >> think both of us in our separate ways serve as a catalyst for a
> > >>>> >> few others
> > >>>> >> who take us on. Our messages become increasingly contentious and
> > >>>> >> finally
> > >>>> >> we
> > >>>> >> are preventing others from coming onto the group. That is
> > >>>> >> certainly not
> > >>>> >> my
> > >>>> >> intention and I know it is not Vandeman's intention either. But
> > >>>> >> what to
> > >>>> >> do
> > >>>> >> about it?
> > >>>> >
> > >>>> > Tis a simple problem with a simple solution ... L E A V E !!!!!
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to
> > >>>> do. Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull
> > >>>> group. It would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS
> > >>>> expecting some entertainment.
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
> > >>> little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
> > >>> Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
> > >>> prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
> > >>> newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
> > >>> garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of
> > >>> his opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
> > >>> newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is
> > >>> nothing. What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous,
> > >>> misguided, quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head
> > >>> swollen ... HEAD Dolan.
> > >>>
> > >>> Jim McNamara
> > >>
> > >> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself.
> > >> It is really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan
> > >> the Great, oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my
> > >> credentials with others by the time I was out of my teens, but
> > >> apparently some guys just never get out of their teens.
> > >
> > > There is nothing more to say here, Jim said it all with blazing accuracy

> >
> > Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way. But it is
> > good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey (Jim).

> What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
> Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
> (read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
> purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric to
> advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken notion
> that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle whereas in
> reality the only person who values what the man says is the man saying
> it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous gibberish.
> Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
> GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
> know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
> quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
> of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
> sick is that???

Oops ... forgot to include S Curtiss. Didn't mean to slight anyone
;^) - Jim

> Jim McNamara
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > aka
> > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...

>> > To sum it up. You stated the e-mail exchange, now you are tring to
>> > deny
>> > it, Vandy, would of course, type the word liar in all caps, but that
>> > is
>> > simply too childish for me.

>> Nope, I got your message in my email box and I did not see it on the
>> newsgroup. I NEVER send anyone an email message that is connected to the
>> newsgroups unless I get an email from them first. My standard policy is
>> to
>> discourage all such communication as I like to keep Usenet separate from
>> my
>> real life. Elementary, my dear Watson!
>> [...]

> C O R R E C T I O N ..... Usenet is your life and everyone hear [here]
> knows
> that. - Jim McNamara

Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes and jerks - positively no
exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the biggest idiot, asshole and
jerk of them all. I set the standard for one and all. I believe I can state
with absolute assurance that I am the Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole
and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has ever known in its' long and dishonored
history. For Christ's sakes, I prove it every time I post. Can't any of you
poor bastards read?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>>>> ALL newsgroups without any exceptions whatsoever are by and for idiots.
>>>> Therefore, it does not matter what gets posted on any of them since
>>>> only idiots like Curtiss are present. If you want intelligence, then go
>>>> to a moderated forum where an editor will get rid of the idiots and
>>>> their idiotic messages.
>>> Hello Dolan, the great idiot

>> Thus proving my point!

> To who...?
>>>> I repeat, there is no one on these newsgroups (unmoderated) except
>>>> assholes and jerks! What else do you need to know?
>>> Hello Dolan, the great asshole and jerk.

>> Thus proving my point!

> You didn't have to work so hard to prove you are an idiot, asshole and
> jerk. We've known that for quite some time.

The only thing worse than being an idiot, an asshole and a jerk is being
Curtiss. He is nothing but a pathetic stalker of Vandeman. Worse yet, he
does nothing but regurgitate boiler plate nonsense about how mountain biking
does not impact hikers. He does both of these things because he is evil
through and through. He would like to be a Great Saint like Saint Edward the
Great, but that option is forever foreclosed to him because he is a man of
the groin preoccupied with ****, **** and sex and not a man of the holy
spirit like Saint Edward the Great.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

PS. Curtiss has never yet learned how to edit a post. Editing does require
some minimum thought and effort, but Curtiss is incurably lazy. All he
really knows how to do is to stalk Vandeman. He is the most pitiful piece of
human scum I have ever come across on Usenet. He should flush himself down a
toilet and give the honorable members of these newsgroups a rest from his
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> >>> Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
>> >>> little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
>> >>> Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
>> >>> prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
>> >>> newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
>> >>> garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of
>> >>> his opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
>> >>> newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is
>> >>> nothing. What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous,
>> >>> misguided, quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head
>> >>> swollen ... HEAD Dolan.
>> >>>
>> >>> Jim McNamara

Edward Dolan wrote:

>> >> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself.
>> >> It is really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan
>> >> the Great, oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my
>> >> credentials with others by the time I was out of my teens, but
>> >> apparently some guys just never get out of their teens.

>> Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way. But it
>> is
>> good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey (Jim).

> What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
> Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
> (read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
> purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric to
> advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken notion
> that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle whereas in
> reality the only person who values what the man says is the man saying
> it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous gibberish.
> Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
> GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
> know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
> quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
> of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
> sick is that???

It appears the Jim may soon approach my own high standards of literary
accomplishment. But he will have to drop some of the superfluous verbiage
which goes nowhere and is highly redundant. What is really required is more

Jim, in case you do not know it, Bill Baka is what I think of as a turnip.
In short, he is a peasant. GaryG is a very funny fellow indeed. He is just
another fornicator who would like to justify his fornications. But that sort
of thing does not fly with Saint Edward the Great. CC is also into nothing
but sexual innuendo and is therefore scarcely human.

Chris Foster is a former Marine and has Ph.D. in electrical engineering from
the University of Illinois. He is a very sad case as he can't decide whether
to revert to being a Marine grunt or to strive to behave like a scholar and
a gentleman. You will note that he does not know whether he is coming or
going. But it seems I have that effect on almost everyone on these
confounded newsgroups, ever the province of idiots, assholes and jerks.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> > Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way. But
>> > it is
>> > good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey (Jim).

>> What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
>> Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
>> (read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
>> purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric to
>> advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken notion
>> that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle whereas in
>> reality the only person who values what the man says is the man saying
>> it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous gibberish.
>> Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
>> GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
>> know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
>> quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
>> of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
>> sick is that???

> Oops ... forgot to include S Curtiss. Didn't mean to slight anyone
> ;^) - Jim
>> Jim McNamara

Curtiss is a one note Johnny and should always be slighted. His only
function in life is to stalk Vandeman.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> >> Well, that is ONE possible solution, but then what would I have to do.
>> >> Besides, I add interest to what would otherwise be a very dull group.
>> >> It
>> >> would not be fair to those who come to ARBR and RBS expecting some
>> >> entertainment.
>> >
>> > Thanks for validating what I said of you in the past ... Ed Dolan has
>> > little more than ARBR from which to derive meaning in his life. The
>> > Usenet newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has assumed an exaggerated
>> > prominence in his hierarchical order of relevance. The Usenet
>> > newsgroup (particularly ARBR) has emerged as the source from which he
>> > garners his sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Regardless of his
>> > opinion of the readership, without the lifeblood of the Usenet
>> > newsgroup audience to sustain him, Ed Dolan has nothing and is nothing.
>> > What a pathetic shallow existence. Pity the cantankerous, misguided,
>> > quintessential fool. It must really suck to be head swollen ... HEAD
>> > Dolan.
>> >
>> > Jim McNamara

>> Here is Jim yet once more expressing all those doubts about himself. It
>> is
>> really too bad he cannot go forth into the world like Ed Dolan the Great,
>> oblivious to all but himself. I stopped checking my credentials with
>> others
>> by the time I was out of my teens, but apparently some guys just never
>> get
>> out of their teens.

> Ed ... yes, I'm addressing you personally, whether you like it or not
> ... your response can be considered as nothng less that an admission
> that your reading comprehesnion skills are second rate, and you were
> once a librarian??? How sadl!!! - Jim McNamara

You may be addressing me, but I am addressing a universe of unknown readers.
You merely serve as a vehicle for what I want so say. Keep those messages
coming to me personally and I will keep my messages going to a universe of


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
>> Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way.
>> But it is good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey
>> (Jim).

> What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
> Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
> (read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
> purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric
> to advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken
> notion that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle
> whereas in reality the only person who values what the man says is the
> man saying it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous
> gibberish.
> Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
> GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
> know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
> quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
> of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
> sick is that???
> Jim McNamara

Well said !!

Posted via a free Usenet account from
JimmyMac wrote:
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> It was never my intention to dominate a newsgroup and I am sure it was not
>> Mike Vandeman's intention either, but yet I do dominate ARBR and Vandeman
>> does dominate RBS.

As many of us have kill-filed both of them, I don't see how they
dominate the groups. They are non-existent, except when others
follow-up. If people would stop following up, they'd get tired of lying
and go away.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:Aydog.25977$FR1.17618@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...

> [...]
>>>>> ALL newsgroups without any exceptions whatsoever are by and for
>>>>> idiots. Therefore, it does not matter what gets posted on any of them
>>>>> since only idiots like Curtiss are present. If you want intelligence,
>>>>> then go to a moderated forum where an editor will get rid of the
>>>>> idiots and their idiotic messages.
>>>> Hello Dolan, the great idiot
>>> Thus proving my point!

>> To who...?
>>>>> I repeat, there is no one on these newsgroups (unmoderated) except
>>>>> assholes and jerks! What else do you need to know?
>>>> Hello Dolan, the great asshole and jerk.
>>> Thus proving my point!

>> You didn't have to work so hard to prove you are an idiot, asshole and
>> jerk. We've known that for quite some time.

> The only thing worse than being an idiot, an asshole and a jerk is being
> Curtiss. He is nothing but a pathetic stalker of Vandeman. Worse yet, he
> does nothing but regurgitate boiler plate nonsense about how mountain
> biking does not impact hikers. He does both of these things because he is
> evil through and through. He would like to be a Great Saint like Saint
> Edward the Great, but that option is forever foreclosed to him because he
> is a man of the groin preoccupied with ****, **** and sex and not a man of
> the holy spirit like Saint Edward the Great.

"ed the insignificant and edward the nonexistant"... states I am
"regurgitating" for the at least the 12th time or so... LOL
Besides, I have never said cycling (or other activities) do not "impact"
hikers... Any activity coexisting with another will have some reaction.
Vandy tries to paint it completely negative, which evidence shows it is not.
I have said the impacts on the environment, wildlife and trails is
comparable to hiking and Vandeman's statements concerning any ill effects
are not substantiated. That is the basis for any and all comments to
Vandeman. To counter the negative impact his comments could have on progress
in sharing and preserving natural areas. Apparently, you can not grasp that
simple concept. What kind of "librarian" were you...? In charge of the
picture books?
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> PS. Curtiss has never yet learned how to edit a post. Editing does require
> some minimum thought and effort, but Curtiss is incurably lazy. All he
> really knows how to do is to stalk Vandeman. He is the most pitiful piece
> of human scum I have ever come across on Usenet. He should flush himself
> down a toilet and give the honorable members of these newsgroups a rest
> from his ****.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:Aydog.25977$FR1.17618@dukeread05...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...

>> [...]
>>>>>> ALL newsgroups without any exceptions whatsoever are by and for
>>>>>> idiots. Therefore, it does not matter what gets posted on any of them
>>>>>> since only idiots like Curtiss are present. If you want intelligence,
>>>>>> then go to a moderated forum where an editor will get rid of the
>>>>>> idiots and their idiotic messages.
>>>>> Hello Dolan, the great idiot
>>>> Thus proving my point!
>>> To who...?
>>>>>> I repeat, there is no one on these newsgroups (unmoderated) except
>>>>>> assholes and jerks! What else do you need to know?
>>>>> Hello Dolan, the great asshole and jerk.
>>>> Thus proving my point!
>>> You didn't have to work so hard to prove you are an idiot, asshole and
>>> jerk. We've known that for quite some time.

>> The only thing worse than being an idiot, an asshole and a jerk is being
>> Curtiss. He is nothing but a pathetic stalker of Vandeman. Worse yet, he
>> does nothing but regurgitate boilerplate nonsense about how mountain
>> biking does not impact hikers. He does both of these things because he
>> is evil through and through. He would like to be a Great Saint like Saint
>> Edward the Great, but that option is forever foreclosed to him because he
>> is a man of the groin preoccupied with ****, **** and sex and not a man
>> of the holy spirit like Saint Edward the Great.

> "ed the insignificant and edward the nonexistant"... states I am
> "regurgitating" for the at least the 12th time or so... LOL
> Besides, I have never said cycling (or other activities) do not "impact"
> hikers... Any activity coexisting with another will have some reaction.
> Vandy tries to paint it completely negative, which evidence shows it is
> not. I have said the impacts on the environment, wildlife and trails is
> comparable to hiking and Vandeman's statements concerning any ill effects
> are not substantiated. That is the basis for any and all comments to
> Vandeman. To counter the negative impact his comments could have on
> progress in sharing and preserving natural areas. Apparently, you can not
> grasp that simple concept. What kind of "librarian" were you...? In charge
> of the picture books?

Curtiss, it is now time for you to shut up concerning Vandeman. There is
nothing you can say about his posts and him that you have not already said a
thousand times before. Give some others an opportunity to respond to his

You and I have both had our say and it is now up to others to decide which
side they want to come down on. You are like the man who came to dinner and
would not leave. Please get a freaking life of your own. To be a stalker is
the most pitiful and pathetic creature you can be. Look at Jim McNamara for
instance. And Chris Foster is becoming nothing but a stalker too.

The Great Ed Dolan does not ever stalk anyone. I have my own agenda and
cannot even imagine anyone else in the universe to be even remotely as
interesting as myself.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

Edward Dolan wrote:

>>> Jim is into nothing but gobbledygook. He has always been that way.
>>> But it is good to see one turkey (Chris) recognize another turkey
>>> (Jim).

>> What a lame comeback ... brain-dead. Is that the best you can do???
>> Ed Dolan is intoxicated by his own cerebral flatulence. His screeds
>> (read Gospels according to St. Edward) are legendary. A pretentious
>> purveyor of disinformation, Ed employs cyclical, incoherent rhetoric
>> to advocate his own personal agenda. He subscribes to the mistaken
>> notion that the readership savors his prosaic prefunctory prattle
>> whereas in reality the only person who values what the man says is the
>> man saying it. Ed is a pedant who is enraptured by his own vacuous
>> gibberish.
>> Not bad gobbledygook coming from a turkey, huh Ed??? Chris Foster,
>> GaryG, Bill Baka and cc are just a few of the many who have come to
>> know you for what and who you are. Your reputaton as ARBR's
>> quintessential TROLL will forever be your legacy. You can take leave
>> of us now. Can't do it can you? After all, Usenet is your life. How
>> sick is that???
>> Jim McNamara

> Well said !!

All the world hates a piling on kind of message. I cannot believe you were
ever a Marine. Your present character says you have never been anything but
a scoundrel. Are all Marines bullies like you?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"SMS" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> JimmyMac wrote:
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>> It was never my intention to dominate a newsgroup and I am sure it was
>>> not
>>> Mike Vandeman's intention either, but yet I do dominate ARBR and
>>> Vandeman
>>> does dominate RBS.

> As many of us have kill-filed both of them, I don't see how they dominate
> the groups. They are non-existent, except when others follow-up. If people
> would stop following up, they'd get tired of lying and go away.

That will never happen SMS because Vandeman and I both say interesting
things that require a response. Not everyone who comes to Usenet is brain
dead like you are.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
>> "ed the insignificant and edward the nonexistant"... states I am
>> "regurgitating" for the at least the 12th time or so... LOL
>> Besides, I have never said cycling (or other activities) do not "impact"
>> hikers... Any activity coexisting with another will have some reaction.
>> Vandy tries to paint it completely negative, which evidence shows it is
>> not. I have said the impacts on the environment, wildlife and trails is
>> comparable to hiking and Vandeman's statements concerning any ill effects
>> are not substantiated. That is the basis for any and all comments to
>> Vandeman. To counter the negative impact his comments could have on
>> progress in sharing and preserving natural areas. Apparently, you can not
>> grasp that simple concept. What kind of "librarian" were you...? In
>> charge of the picture books?

> Curtiss, it is now time for you to shut up concerning Vandeman. There is
> nothing you can say about his posts and him that you have not already said
> a thousand times before. Give some others an opportunity to respond to his
> posts.

Anybody can respond to any post. My posts do not stop a single person from
reading or responding to any other post.
Take a valium and relax. Your poor little heart must be about to burst.

> You and I have both had our say and it is now up to others to decide which
> side they want to come down on. You are like the man who came to dinner
> and would not leave. Please get a freaking life of your own. To be a
> stalker is the most pitiful and pathetic creature you can be. Look at Jim
> McNamara for instance. And Chris Foster is becoming nothing but a stalker
> too.

Oh please... All this attention for me. You are going to make me think I am
Greater than I really am.

> The Great Ed Dolan does not ever stalk anyone. I have my own agenda and
> cannot even imagine anyone else in the universe to be even remotely as
> interesting as myself.

"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:eek:[email protected]...
>>> "ed the insignificant and edward the nonexistant"... states I am
>>> "regurgitating" for the at least the 12th time or so... LOL
>>> Besides, I have never said cycling (or other activities) do not "impact"
>>> hikers... Any activity coexisting with another will have some reaction.
>>> Vandy tries to paint it completely negative, which evidence shows it is
>>> not. I have said the impacts on the environment, wildlife and trails is
>>> comparable to hiking and Vandeman's statements concerning any ill
>>> effects are not substantiated. That is the basis for any and all
>>> comments to Vandeman. To counter the negative impact his comments could
>>> have on progress in sharing and preserving natural areas. Apparently,
>>> you can not grasp that simple concept. What kind of "librarian" were
>>> you...? In charge of the picture books?

>> Curtiss, it is now time for you to shut up concerning Vandeman. There is
>> nothing you can say about his posts and him that you have not already
>> said a thousand times before. Give some others an opportunity to respond
>> to his posts.

> Anybody can respond to any post. My posts do not stop a single person from
> reading or responding to any other post.
> Take a valium and relax. Your poor little heart must be about to burst.

Yes, I used to say that in response to others who would complain about my
posts to ARBR, but take a look at RBS. How do you account for the fact it is
all about you and Vandeman. ARBR was never like RBS that way. Something is
dreadfully wrong when a newsgorup is all about just one or two persons. You
desperately need to stop responding to Vandeman. You are both one note
Johnnys and you have ruined RBS. I was never a one note Johnny.

>> You and I have both had our say and it is now up to others to decide
>> which side they want to come down on. You are like the man who came to
>> dinner and would not leave. Please get a freaking life of your own. To be
>> a stalker is the most pitiful and pathetic creature you can be. Look at
>> Jim McNamara for instance. And Chris Foster is becoming nothing but a
>> stalker too.

> Oh please... All this attention for me. You are going to make me think I
> am Greater than I really am.

I am the only one on Usenet who will tell you what you are - a stalker and a
leech! No one else has the intelligence to do this. I should really be
charging you something for my services.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...

> [...]
> >> > To sum it up. You stated the e-mail exchange, now you are tring to
> >> > deny
> >> > it, Vandy, would of course, type the word liar in all caps, but that
> >> > is
> >> > simply too childish for me.
> >>
> >> Nope, I got your message in my email box and I did not see it on the
> >> newsgroup. I NEVER send anyone an email message that is connected to the
> >> newsgroups unless I get an email from them first. My standard policy is
> >> to
> >> discourage all such communication as I like to keep Usenet separate from
> >> my
> >> real life. Elementary, my dear Watson!
> >> [...]

> >
> > C O R R E C T I O N ..... Usenet is your life and everyone hear [here]
> > knows
> > that. - Jim McNamara

> Usenet is strictly for idiots, assholes and jerks - positively no
> exceptions! When I am on Usenet I try to be the biggest idiot, asshole and
> jerk of them all. I set the standard for one and all. I believe I can state
> with absolute assurance that I am the Greatest Idiot, the Greatest Asshole
> and the Greatest Jerk that Usenet has ever known in its' long and dishonored
> history. For Christ's sakes, I prove it every time I post. Can't any of you
> poor bastards read?

I dare say that all who read what you have had to say here will mosat
assuredly agree that you have painted a remarkably true to life
self-portrait. - Jim McNamara

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota