NYC XYZ wrote:
> Right. So if he tells me that something is normal, how would I know,
> really?
It doesn't really make any odds. He's telling you what he's
offering, if it's with or against, better or worse than industry
practice doesn't alter that.
> Right. But I don't want to ask for something so contrary to "common
> experience" such as to border on insult.
You're not in the trade, why should you be expected to know?
> Wrong. I'm not trying to read his mind. I'm asking about what the
> cycling community at large thinks of x, y, and z.
Which tells you what the cycling community at large thinks, not
what your dealer thinks. You're dealing with him, not the cycling
community at large.
> Right. So I'm asking around, comparing notes on how businesses are
> run, whether it strikes different dealers differently or not.
And not actually getting any further forwards with how you deal
with the transaction in hand, because it's purely in the hands of
you and your dealer.
> Wrong. Asking for a 90% discount is not the sign of a serious
> customer.
So what's the magic level that /is/ serious? It will very much
depend on the dealer and the customer and their relationship, and
nobody else can tell you what that is.
> Ah, thanks -- just goes to show that the only stupid question is the
> one which doesn't get asked.
You could just read the specs, of course...
> THE MOST IMMEDIATELY COMFORTABLE???? Holy chromoly, I thought the
> SMGTe was the most immediately comfortable! And you have an SMGT, and
> you can still say that about the Spirit??? Wow!!!!!!!!!
Not "Wow!!!!!!!!" at all. I want a bike that does long tours with
handling unaffected by heavy luggage, the SMGT does that better
than the Spirit, so I have an SMGT. The SMGT is too laid back to
be immediately comfortable for most riders on their first recumbent
trip, even with the seat cranked up as high as it'll go. The
Spirit can be set up like a car seat, which is the sort of angle
people are familiar with and happy controlling vehicles at. It's a
soft seat which comforms immediately to the rider and on a short
trip that's more important than more rigid support spread over a
larger area. "More immediately comfortable" means what it says,
"immediate" doesn't tell you how you'll feel after 4 hours riding
into headwinds over a poor road.
> Um, dude, you ever heard of price comparison?
> Same logic.
Right, you're free to take your business anywhere you want, so talk
to other HP Velotechnik dealers and see what they'll give you in
comparison. What Usenet's opinion on the matter is remains
irrelevant, though they may be able to point you to other HPVel
dealers, or suggest alternatives to the SMGT handled by dealers
they particularly recommend.
> Which statement is obviously belied by your continued responses
Not really, I'm trying to get you to talk to the people that
actually matter, which is a useful piece of advice IMHO, where my
telling you whether I think it's right or not that you get a pair
of forks back is irrelevant. You'll note I haven't said whether
you should get a pair of forks back.
Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
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