Do You Prefer To Cycle In Groups Or Alone?

I like the idea of arranging to meet somebody rather than having to keep pace with them for the ride. other people always end up being either to fast or to slow for my liking. I hate leading or following when driving as well for similar reasons. I don't want to follow another car to find a place and I want them to use a map or navigation if they don't know where to go.
I prefer cycling in a group since that motivates me, but still I do go cycling alone, sometimes. I usually go cycling with my friends or family members. It is true that when I go cycling with my friends I can cycle for longer distances before getting tired.
I used to go out and find every A-paced group I could find. Now, I'm older and doing good to stay in the back of the pack. In the past, folks were all good pace line riders, but now over the years, I have encountered some dangerous riders, who have no clue how to ride properly in a pace line. For me, it's safer riding alone. I can stop when I want and go as fast or as slow as I want.
I used to enjoy group rides but riding skills and etiquette have deteriorated and the risk is rarely worth it unless I really know the riders. For instance. On a recent ride with 22 riders, there were two crashes.
As a car-free cyclist it's pretty much a solo venture for me. Once in a while I'll meet someone when out riding trails(rarely)and hang for a few miles or stop for a lunch or something.

I've done the roadie/pace line bit, but found the general mentality regarding cycling a little too narrow for my taste. Learned A TON, though so I AM appreciative for having had that kind of intensive training.

I own 4 bikes. A tourer, fixed gear, long and short distance utility. The LDU has 700 wheels. It's an upgraded bikesdirect Motobacane. The SDU is a early 90s hard tail/fork mtb. Perfect round town bike. Use it w/a trailer for groceries or laundry. They both have racks/panniers, too. Haveing options is a real blessing. For recreation the fixed is the best. Great workout on moderate terrain. I ride year around, so I'm pretty hardcore. Plenty of winter/foul weather gear. Most of my time is spent doing errands, shopping, visiting friends, etc. They have trouble comprehending bicycle as transportation as opposed to toy. Theybdon'tvget it. Never will. Fine bybme.
I prefer cycling alone, a group sounds like a nightmare because I am an introvert. I also would not like to wait for someone to catch up or the one who keeps the group back.
Cycling alone allows you to gather your thoughts and relax.
I really do not enjoy riding with a big group, or even more than one other person all that much to be honest. I am not sure why exactly, but it seems slower and like we are always getting caught up and there are just too many needs and things are confusing....just not for me. I like I good balance between riding alone and riding with a good friend or my wife. To each his own though.
Primarily solo, it's like therapy time. Solo allows me the ability to choose my course on the fly, I don't have to worry about slowing down the pack, I don't want the stress of another complaining about my line, etc...., with that said, I do enjoy group charity rides occasionally, maybe I just haven't found the right group yet!
The last three club rides had my ears getting polluted with someone singing the praises of Obamacare, gun confiscation, and other socialistic agenda. When I do go on a club ride, I treat them as recovery rides. For long rides I prefer a group but for short or training rides, it has to be solo for me because I usually am time limited and pacing is too difficult with a group.
Really depends on the area and my mood at the time. If I'm not really feeling like interacting with other people and I'm in a safe enough area, then I'll usually just bike alone. On other days I may feel like biking with other people in a less known area, so will go in a group on those days.
I prefer to go alone. I'm not one to favor unnecessary distractions and if I'm in a group, I will be too relaxed and have too much 'fun' if you want so call it that. So I'm a lone rider.
I like to cycle in groups. But I mostly ride alone. Nowadays with differents shcedules to comply is not easy to coincide with my pals but during weekends. And most of them don't ride anymore :(.
I ride alone at least 90% of the time I'm out cycling. And I only ride with cyclists that I already know and never with strangers. I definitely don't enjoy riding in large groups as you're always going to get those cyclists that are incapable of proper etiquette and following road rules.
Both. Sometimes I'm in the mood to go for a long ride alone. But most of the times I just like to go with my friends, the more the better. Because there's ever something we can laugh at and have fun, plus we can make some races and see who's more in shape.
I prefer to ride in a group because it is a social experience and it makes cycling fun. Sometimes I want to be alone and that's when I ride by myself. However, I love having fun working out so a group is better
I prefer to ride alone unless I am aware of my group's capabilities. I just cannot be bothered with either killing my pace or killing myself to keep up with others. When I am alone, I can go at whatever speed I choose to without being a bother to others.
I honestly prefer to ride alone, I don't like having to adjust my pace for the rest of the group, or constantly checking on the other bikers, like if I was in a middle of a busy road. I guess you guys will tell I'm exaggerating, and likely you would be right. It's probably a habit from childhood, when I always cycled alone.
Loner here. My job has me surrounded by people all day. Cycling is a zen thing for me and allows me time with myself. I like to head out with no definite route in mind and as they say, when I reach the fork in the road, take it.
Actually it may sound weird but I prefer riding alone, just like I prefer running alone. I like to have my thoughts to myself while exercising and also having my own kind of pace.
Of course going on a bicycle trip with friends and having fun is nice, but I like riding alone better.